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  • Paul Mindolovitch as proposed Administrator of the Estate of Monica Mindolovitch and Individually and as parent and natural guardian of ROBERT MINDOLOVITCH, a minor and SIMONE MINDOLOVITCH, a minor v. Mount Sinai Beth Israel Medical Center Of The Mount Sinai Health System, Continuum Health Partners, Inc., Ilan Shapira Md, Michael Felsen Md, Karleung Siu Md, Mai K Kaga Md, James F Winchester Md, Erin P Patton Md, Nikki D Tang Md, Nikolas B Harbord Md, Richard Armerling Md, Avantus Renal Therapy New York Llc, Christina K Nadar Md, Ankit R Shah Md, Patrice Sonara Md, Patricia Dharapek Md Medical Malpractice document preview
  • Paul Mindolovitch as proposed Administrator of the Estate of Monica Mindolovitch and Individually and as parent and natural guardian of ROBERT MINDOLOVITCH, a minor and SIMONE MINDOLOVITCH, a minor v. Mount Sinai Beth Israel Medical Center Of The Mount Sinai Health System, Continuum Health Partners, Inc., Ilan Shapira Md, Michael Felsen Md, Karleung Siu Md, Mai K Kaga Md, James F Winchester Md, Erin P Patton Md, Nikki D Tang Md, Nikolas B Harbord Md, Richard Armerling Md, Avantus Renal Therapy New York Llc, Christina K Nadar Md, Ankit R Shah Md, Patrice Sonara Md, Patricia Dharapek Md Medical Malpractice document preview
  • Paul Mindolovitch as proposed Administrator of the Estate of Monica Mindolovitch and Individually and as parent and natural guardian of ROBERT MINDOLOVITCH, a minor and SIMONE MINDOLOVITCH, a minor v. Mount Sinai Beth Israel Medical Center Of The Mount Sinai Health System, Continuum Health Partners, Inc., Ilan Shapira Md, Michael Felsen Md, Karleung Siu Md, Mai K Kaga Md, James F Winchester Md, Erin P Patton Md, Nikki D Tang Md, Nikolas B Harbord Md, Richard Armerling Md, Avantus Renal Therapy New York Llc, Christina K Nadar Md, Ankit R Shah Md, Patrice Sonara Md, Patricia Dharapek Md Medical Malpractice document preview
  • Paul Mindolovitch as proposed Administrator of the Estate of Monica Mindolovitch and Individually and as parent and natural guardian of ROBERT MINDOLOVITCH, a minor and SIMONE MINDOLOVITCH, a minor v. Mount Sinai Beth Israel Medical Center Of The Mount Sinai Health System, Continuum Health Partners, Inc., Ilan Shapira Md, Michael Felsen Md, Karleung Siu Md, Mai K Kaga Md, James F Winchester Md, Erin P Patton Md, Nikki D Tang Md, Nikolas B Harbord Md, Richard Armerling Md, Avantus Renal Therapy New York Llc, Christina K Nadar Md, Ankit R Shah Md, Patrice Sonara Md, Patricia Dharapek Md Medical Malpractice document preview


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