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  • Leib Weiss v. Stuart M. Weiss, Promed Corinthian, Llc Tort document preview
  • Leib Weiss v. Stuart M. Weiss, Promed Corinthian, Llc Tort document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/23/2018 05:50 PM INDEX NO. 159120/2012 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 159 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/23/2018 FileNo. 20652 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK NE%' COUNTY OF NEW YORK —-—————————————-- ——— ---- —--- —- —--X LIEB WEISS, Plaintiff, -against- STIPULATION ADJOURNING MOTION STUART M. WEISS AND PROMED CORINTHIAN, Index No.: 159120/2012E .LLC, Defendants. —— __..________..--.._______________.___..--------X STUART M. WEISS, Third-Party Plaintiff, -against- PROMED CORINTHIAN, LLC, Third-Party Defendant, ___-..------..----.._ ___ _ __ _ _ _....._ _ _._..._.......·-X—X IT IS HEREBY $TIPULATED AND AGREED, by and between the undersigned, attorneys for the parties hereto, that the respective defendant(s) motions, each seeking an order granting summary judgment on the issue of liability and dismissing the complaint of plaintiffLIEB WEISS on behalf of defendant/third-party defendant, PROMED CORINTHIAN, LLC, dated 8, 2018 with a Notice of Motion date of June 6, 2018 and on behalf of defendant/third- May party plaintiff, STUART M, WEISS dated May 17, 2018 with Notice of Motion date of June 14, 2018 returnable in Supreme Court, New York County, be, and hereby are both adjourned to July 13, 2018. Any opposition papers are due on or before July 6, 2018, Any Reply papers are due on or before July 11, 2018. IT IS FURTHER STIPULATED AND AGREED, by and between the undersigned, attorneys for the parties hereto, that copy of this stipulation maybe filed with the Court and has the same effect as the original. Dated: New York, New York May 23, 2018 I 1 of 2 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/23/2018 05:50 PM INDEX NO. 159120/2012 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 159 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/23/2018 SUBIN SOCIATES, LL BRAFF, H S, SUKONECK & By: Lee Michael Huttner, Esq. MALOOF Attorneys for Plaintiff; By: Michael .Michael 89 Goldenberg LIEB WEISS PROMED CORINTHIAN, LLC 150 Broadway, 23rd Floor Attorneys for Defendant/Third Party Defendant; New York, New York 10038 570 w. Mt. Pleasant Avenue, suite 200 (212) 285-3800 Livingston, New Jersey 07039 'ile:20652 Tel.: (212) 599-2085 ) LAW OFFIVES or B TTI, ROTHERBERG & BURNS By: 0);tchdI 4. Esq. Paj(, STUART M. WEISS Attorneys for Defendant/Third-Party Plaintiff; 1133 Westchester Avenue, suiteN228 White Plains, New York 10604 Tel.: (63 1) 370-1085 I ! I 2 of 2