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  • Raphael Muniz v. City Of New York,  Department Of Education, New York City Police Department, Amboy Bus Company Inc., Jamie Tinizhanay Tort document preview
  • Raphael Muniz v. City Of New York,  Department Of Education, New York City Police Department, Amboy Bus Company Inc., Jamie Tinizhanay Tort document preview


INDEX NO. 157239/2012 /10/2014) ax page 2 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/10/2014 06/06/2023 THU 13517 FAX 22124026801 Qooz/002 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YOR ida eat techs ahh at seat RAPIIABL MUNIZ, Plaintiff. SHEULATION. OF RISCONTINVANCE, - against - Index Ne: 157239/2012 CITY OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF File No: 2012.054576. EDUCATION, NEW YORK CITY POLIGE DEPARTMENT, AMBOY BUS. COMPANY, ING.-and, JAMIL TINIZHANAY, ‘ efondants. cna AA ate td rn lira bide ib eS debe wifi tr eas X IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED AND AGREED, by. anil belween the undersigned, the altomeys oS record for all partics to the aboye enlitled. action, that whereas no party hereto is an infant or incompetent person for whom 6 committec hus been appointed and no person not a parly has-an interest in the subject matter of tho action, the action ami any and wl] cross-claims by and against defendant NRW YORK CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT are hereby discontinued with. prejudice and wilhout costs to all parties as against the othcr. The remaining action shall rembin iv full force and effect. This Stipulation may be filed without further notice with the Clerk of the Couit, IT IS FURTHER STIPULATED AND AGREED by. and between the undersigned allurncys, that this stipulation may be signed in counterparts and a facsimile signature is deemed an original for all purposes. Dated: New York, New York 24,2013 MICHAEL A. 5 forney tor Plaintiff Corporation Counsel of the City of New York 360 Underhill Avenue Attomeys for Defendant Yorktown Heights, NY 10958 NEW YORK CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT 100 Church Street New York, New York 10007 By: Puntea Yardian Fox: (212) 442-6843