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  • Leib Weiss v. Stuart M. Weiss, Promed Corinthian, Llc Tort document preview
  • Leib Weiss v. Stuart M. Weiss, Promed Corinthian, Llc Tort document preview


(FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 02/08/2016 12:50 PM INDEX NO. 159120/2012 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 74 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/08/2016 SUPREME COURT OF THY STA a TE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF a —~ . STATEMENT OF AUTHORIZATION FOR otal Attom ey/Attorney in Charge for A ttorney 5, In Birm/ Agency) I &. aan the matiaging attocney offatto 4 Beq. {Attomey Registration No. in chatge ofe-filing for the law | ty Firm”) Bo, jexeby acknowlledge that J. _( flrm/agenorcyd ariniont (“the (‘the filing agent”) has registered as an authorized fli Electronic Filing System. CNYSCEF") User Agent Usercf No Yor See Courts DM Wey x . that the atto in the rn Firm eywhos are . Further, { represent. oe filing agent to file doouments on their authorized usera of te NYS 8system hereby author ize _—___] ‘b are counsel of record through NYSCE Praspiehal af their fa direc nd tion in an:'Y €-Filed matter i whi -the ovdedin Seton 2025. ()(1) of ch they theTrial the Unifo, rm Rules for This authorization ‘extends to any matter inwhich these e-filing or may consent and to any matterin which ato raeyst have previously consented to consent in tht NYSCEF systfom. Th ia filing they authorize the filing agent to authorization extend reoord s ty an ttomn 1& dow agzeni for Hilng inany buch matter. Thi authorization, post once on the NYSCEFwebsite toe oh matter in deemed to accontpany any document in thatmatter whi ch the se a torneys are counsel of tecord, shal ed filed by the Sling agenton beh l be alfof these attomays, @ document intended for filin Rules, the attorney will notify the filing agen g includes secure inf formation as set forth in the E-Filing t aud direct the filling agent to mac in the NYSCEF system, These attorneys futher k that docunient Secura documents that auth oriz e the fili ng agen t to view such Seone ere ledorthathay generat onde tmatter, mbmititto Hheflingagea t io fling inany such This authorization shall cont untilinthe Firm ue on a presoribed form delivered to the E-Fil Homey revokes the authorization in ora! ing Resource welting pale . Dated: & tu Cf. 4 « SaAsIC i Print Namo : FS ce Bsa losis Sakoneck. Firm/Depattment . SChac©cjo ike s Sse |OOS Comiry Ei Mi a il Bess SIC (nek Mend Die, RIN Mise Street Address . Complete & Fax to 212.732.4327