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  • Waleed Simreen, Woodlawn Station Live Poultry Market Inc. v. Richard Ball Commissioner of the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets, The New York State Department Of Agriculture And MarketsSpecial Proceedings - CPLR Article 78 document preview
  • Waleed Simreen, Woodlawn Station Live Poultry Market Inc. v. Richard Ball Commissioner of the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets, The New York State Department Of Agriculture And MarketsSpecial Proceedings - CPLR Article 78 document preview
  • Waleed Simreen, Woodlawn Station Live Poultry Market Inc. v. Richard Ball Commissioner of the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets, The New York State Department Of Agriculture And MarketsSpecial Proceedings - CPLR Article 78 document preview
  • Waleed Simreen, Woodlawn Station Live Poultry Market Inc. v. Richard Ball Commissioner of the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets, The New York State Department Of Agriculture And MarketsSpecial Proceedings - CPLR Article 78 document preview
  • Waleed Simreen, Woodlawn Station Live Poultry Market Inc. v. Richard Ball Commissioner of the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets, The New York State Department Of Agriculture And MarketsSpecial Proceedings - CPLR Article 78 document preview
  • Waleed Simreen, Woodlawn Station Live Poultry Market Inc. v. Richard Ball Commissioner of the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets, The New York State Department Of Agriculture And MarketsSpecial Proceedings - CPLR Article 78 document preview
  • Waleed Simreen, Woodlawn Station Live Poultry Market Inc. v. Richard Ball Commissioner of the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets, The New York State Department Of Agriculture And MarketsSpecial Proceedings - CPLR Article 78 document preview
  • Waleed Simreen, Woodlawn Station Live Poultry Market Inc. v. Richard Ball Commissioner of the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets, The New York State Department Of Agriculture And MarketsSpecial Proceedings - CPLR Article 78 document preview


FILED: ALBANY COUNTY CLERK 04/24/2024 12:47 PM INDEX NO. 903990-24 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 19 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/24/2024 FORM OF STORE LEASE PapaCorp.,a New York /fWgeement 0 2e446, madeasof this day of Augustin theyear 2021,betweenSempre NewYork 10467andpartyof thefirst part, corporation,with officeslocatedatclo SemprePapaCorp.,3600JeromeAvenue,Bronx, hereinafterreferredto as.Owneror LandlordandWoodlawnStationLive PoultryMarketInc., a New York corporationwith a Tax identificationNumberof 2-o 345 I J- 2. , partyof thesecondpart,hereinafterreferredto asTenant, (fneddedid Ownerherebylensesto TenantandTenantherebyhiresfromOwnera retailstorewith anaddress of 3660Jerome preniises" or "premises" or "Premises",asthat Avenue,Bronx,NewYork 10467(FIRSTFLOORONLY),collectively,the"demised on the Commencement termIs hereinafterdefined,to.commence Date,specificallySEPTEMBER1,2021,andto endAUGUST31, at 2031,theTENTH(10*) LeaseYear,bothdatesinclusive,or imtil suchtermshallsoonerceaseandexpireashereinafterprovided, agreesto pay anannualrentalrateassetforthmorespecificallyin RiderArticle /l40, attachedheretoandaparthereof,whichTenant in lawful moneyof theUnitedStateswhichshallbelegaltenderin paymentof all debtsanddues,pubileandprivate,at thetimeof Owneror such payment,In equalmonthlyinstallmemsin advanceon thefirst day of eachmonthduringsaidterm,at theofficeof otherplaceasOwnermay designate, without any setoff or deductionwhatsoever,exceptthatTenantshall pay the first rnonthly ontheexecutionhereof(unlessthis Lensebea renewal). installment(s) their heirs,distributees,executorsadministrators, The partieshereto,fbt themselves, legalrepresentatives, and successors herebycovenantasfollows: assigns, Rent I. Tenantshallpaytherentasaboveandashereinalterprovided. Occupancy Tenantshalluseand occupythe demisedpremises,subjectto Article 46 hereof,for a LlYE POULTRY AND 2. MEAT MARkET andfor no otherpurpose.Tenantshallat all timesconductits businessIn a high gradeand reputablemanner,shallnot violateArticle 37 hereof,andshall keepshowwindowsandsignsin a neatandclean condition. Alterationst 3. Tenantshall makeno changesin or to the Repairst4. Ownershallmaintainandrepairthepubileportions demisedpremisesof any naturewithoutOwner'sprior written of the building, both exteriorand interior (unlesspreviously consent.Subjectto thepriorwrittenconsentof Ownerandto the damaged byTenant,in whichcaseTenantshallrepairandfurther provisionsof this article,Tenant,atTenant'sexpense, may make maintain),exceptthat if owner allowsTenantto erecton the alterations,ittstallations,additionsor improvementswhich are outsideof thebuildingasignor signsor a hoist,110or sidewalk non-structuraland which do not affect utilily servicesor elevatorfor the exclusiveuseof Tenant,Tenantshall maintain plumbingandelectricallinesin or to theinteriorof thedemised suchexteriorinstallationsin goodappearance andshallcausethe premisesby using contractorsor mechanicsfirst approvedby sameto beoperatedin a goodandworl5manlike inanner,shall Owner.Tenantshall,beforemakingany alterations,additions, makeall repaltsthereto necessary to keep samein goodorder installationsor improvements its at expense, obtainall permits, andconditionat Tenant's own costandexpense a ndshallcause approvalsandcertificatesrequiredby anygovemmental or quasi- thesameto becoveredby theinsurance providedfor hereafterin governmental bodiesand(uponcompletion)certificatesof final Artlele 8. Tenantshall, throughoutthe termof this Lease,take approvalthereofandshalldeliverpromptlyduplicatesof all such goodcareof thedemisedpremises(including,withoutlimitation, permits,approvalsandcertificatesto Owner,andTenantagrees thestorefront) and the fixturesandappurtenances therein,and to carry,andwill causeTenant'scontractors andsub-contractors thesidewalksadjaceItthereto,andat its solecostandexpense, to carry, such worker's compensation,commercialgeneral makeall non-structuralrepairstheretoas andwhenneededto liability, personalandpmpertydamageinsuranceasOwnermay preservethemin goodworkingorderandcondition,reasonable require,If any mechanic'slion is filed againstthe demised wearand tear, fire or other casualtyexcepted.If the demised premises or thebuildingof whichthesameformsa partfor work premisesbe or becomeinfestedwith vermln, Tenantshall, at claimedto havebeendonefor or materialsfurnishedto Tenant, Tenant'sexpense,causethesameto beexterminated from time whetheror not donepursuantto this article,the sameshallbe to time to the satisfactionof Owner. Exceptas specifically dischargedby Tenant within thirty (30) days thereafterat providedIn Article9 or elsewhere in this Lease,thereshallbeno Tenant'sexpenseby paymentor filing a bondas.permittedby allowanceto Tenantfor the diminutionof rentalvalueandno law. All fixturesandall paneling,partitions,railingsand like liability on the part of Owner by reasonof inconvenience, InstallationsInstalledIn the premisesat any time, either by annoyance or iIjury to businessarisingfrom Owner,Tenantor Tenantor by Owneron Tenant'sbehalf,shall,uponinstallation, others making or falling to make any repairs,alterations, becomethe propertyof Ownerandshall remainupon and be additionsor improvements in or to any portionof the building surrendered with thedemisedpremisesunlessOwner,by notice including the erectionor operation.of any cranerderrick or to Tenantnolaterthantwenty(20)dayspriorto thedatefixedas sidewalkshed,or in or to thedemisedpremisesor the fixtures, theterminallòIof this Lease,electsto relinquishOwner'srights appurtenances orsqulpmentthereof.It is speofftcally agreedthat theretoandto havethemremovedby Tenant,in whicheventthe Tenantshallnotbeentitledto any setoff or reductionof rentby sameshallberemovedfromthepremisesby Tenantpriorto the reasonof any failureof Ownerto complywith thecovenants of expirationof the Leaseat Tenant'sexpense.Nothing in this thisor anyotherarticleof thisLease.TenantagreesthatTenant's be articleshall construedto give Ownertitle to or to prevent soleremedyat law in suchinstancewill be by way of anaction Tenant'sremovalof trade fixtures,removableoffice furniture for damages for breachof contract.Theprovisionsof thisArticle and equipment,but uponremovalof samefrom the demised 4 with respectto themakingof repairsshallnot applyin thecase premisesor upon removal.of other installationsas may be of fireor othercasualtywhicharedealtwith in Article9 hereof. requiredby Owner,Tenantshallimmediatelyandat its expense repairandrestorethepremisesto theconditionexistingprior to Window Cleaning:5.Tenantwill not cleannor require,permit, .sufferor allow any window In the demlsedpremisesto be any such Installationand repair any damageto the demised cleanedfromtheoutside premisesor the building due to such removal.All property in violationof Section202of theNew permittedor requiredto beremovedby Tenantat theendof the York StateLaborLawor anyotherapplicablelawor of theIttiles term remainingin thedemisedpremisesafterTenant'sremoval of theBoardof Standards andAppealsor of any otherBoardor shallbedeemedabandoned andmay,at theelectionof Owner, bodyhavingor asserting jurisdiction. eitherberetainedasOwner'spropertyor mayberemovedfrom Requirementsof Law, Fire Insurance: 6. Prior to the thepremisesby OwneratTenant'sexpense. commencement of theleaseterm,if Tenantis thenin possession and at all times thereafter,Tenant,at Tenant'ssole cost and expense,shallpromptlycomplywith all presentandfuturelaws, INITIALS FILED: ALBANY COUNTY CLERK 04/24/2024 12:47 PM INDEX NO. 903990-24 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 19 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/24/2024 ordersand regulationsof all state,federal,municipaland local Tenant, Tenant's agents,contractors,employees,Invitees,or governments,departments,commissionsand boardsand any licensees.Tenant'sliability underthis Leaseextendsto theacts directionof any public officer pursuantto .law and all orders, and omissionsof any subtenant,and any agent, contractor, rules and regulations of the New York Board of Fire employee,invitee, or licenseeof any caseany Underwritersor the InsuranceServicesOffice, or any similar actionor proceedingIs broughtagäinstOwnerby reasonof any body which shall imposeany violations,order or duty upon such claim, Tenant,uponwritten notice from Owner,will, at Owneror Tenantwith respectto thedemisedpremisesandwith Tenant'sexpense,resistor defendsuchactionor proceedingby respectto theportionof thesidewalkadjacentto the premises,if counselapprovedby Ownerin writing, suchapprovalnot to be thepremisesareonthestreetlevel,whetheror not arisingoutof unreasonably withheld, Tenant's use or mannerof use thereof, or with respectthe Destruction,Fire, and other Casunity: 9. (a) If the demised building if arlsmgout of Tenants useor.mannerof useof the premisesor any part thereofshall be damagedby fire or other premisesor the building(includingthe use permittedunderthe casuahy,Tenantshall give imnfediatenoticethereofto Owner Lease),Exceptas pmvidedin Article 29 hereof nothhigherein andthis Leaseshall contmuem full foredandeffectexceptas shall requireTenantto make structuralrepairsor alterations hereinafterset forth. (b) If the demisedpremisesare partially unlessTenanthasby its mannerof useof thedemisedpremises damagedor renderedpaitially undsableby fire or othercasualty, or method óf operation therein violated any such laws, the damagestheretoshall be repairedby andat the expenseof ordinances,orders, rules, regulationsor requirementswith respectthereto.Tenantshallnot do or permitany actor thing to Owner,andthere.ntandotheritemsof additionalrent,until such repairshallbesubstantiallycompleted,shallheapportionedfrom bedonein or to thedemisedpremiseswhich is contraryto law, the day following the casualtyaccordingto the part of the or whichwill invalidateor bein conflictwith publioIlability, fire demisedpremiseswhich is usable.(c) If the demisedpremises or otherpoliciesof insuranceat any time carriedby or for the am totally damagedor renderedwholly unusableby fire or other benefitof Owner,or whichshallor might sttbjectOwnerto any casualty,then the rent and other items of additionalrent as Ilability or responsibilityto anyperson,or fbr propertydamage, herelnafterexpresslyprovidedshallbe proportionately paid up to Tenantshall payall costs,expenses. fines,penaltiesor damages, thetimeof thecasualtyandthenceforthshallceaseumil thedate whichmaybeimposeduponOwnerby reasonof Tenant'sfailure whenthedemisedpretnisesshallhavebeenrepairedandrestored to complywith theprovisionsof thisarticle,If thefire insurance rateshall,at the beginningof the leaseor at any time thereañer, by Owner(or soonerreoccupiedin part by Tenantthenrentshall be apportionedas providedin subsection(b) above),subjectto behigherthanIt otherwisewouldbe,thenTenantshallreimburse Owner's right to elect not to restorethe sameas hereinafter Owner,as additionalrent hereunder,for that portionof all fire proylded. (d) If the demisedpremisesare renderedwholly iIsurancepremiunisthereafterpaid by Ownerwhich shall have unusableor (whetheror notthedemisedpremisesaredamagedin beenchargedbecauseof suchfailure by Tenantto comply with wholeor in part) if the buildingshallbesodamagedthatOwner the termsof this article. In any actionor proceedingwherein shalldecideto demolishit or to rebuild it, then,m any of such OwnerandTenantare parties,a scheduleor "make-up"of rate events,Ownermayelectto terminatethisLeaseby writtennotice fbr the building or the demisedpremisesshall be conclusive to Tenantgivenwithin ninety(90) daysaRersuchtire or.casualty evidenceof the factsthereinstatedandof theseveralitemsand or sixty (60) daysafter adjustmentof the Insuranceclaim for chargesin thetire insuranceratethenapplicableto saiddemised suchfire or casualty,whicheverIs sooner,specifyinga datefor premises. the expirationof the lease,which dateshall not be morethan SubordinatIont 7. This LeaseIs subjectandsubordinate t o all sixty(60) daysafterthe giving of suchnotice,anduponthedate grotindor imderlyingleasesandto all mortgages whichmay now specilledin such noticetheterm of this Leaseshall expireas or hereafteraffectsuchleasesor the real propertyof whichthe fully andcompletelyasif suchdatewerethedatesetforthabove demisedpremisesarea part,andto all renewals,modifications, for theterminationof this LeaseandTenantshallforthwith quit, consolidations,replacements,and extensionsof any such surrenderand vacatethe demisedpremiseswithout prejudice underlying leasesand mortgages,This article shall be .self- however,to Owner'srightsand remediesagainstTenantunder operativeand no further instrumentof subordinationshall be the leaseprovisionsin effectprior to suchtermination,and any required by any ground or underlying lessor or by any rentowing shallbepaid up to suchdateandanypaymentsofrent mortgagee,affectingany leaseor thereal propertyof whichthe madeby Tenantwhichwereonaccountof anyperiodsubsequent demised premises are a part. in confirmation of such to suchdateshall be returnedto Tenant.UnlessOwner shall subordination,Tenantshall from time to time executepromptly servea terminationnoticeas providedfor herein,Ownershall anycertificatethatOwnermayrequest. makethe repairsandrestorationsundertheconditionsof (b) and (c) hereof,with all reasonable expeditionsubjectto delaysdueto TenInt's Llability Insurance Property Loss, .Damnge, adjustment of insuranceclaims,labortroublesandcausesbeyond Indemnityt 8. Owneror its agentsshall not be liable for any Owner'srestorationby damageto propertyof Tenantor of othersentrustedto employees removingfrom thepremisesaspromptly asreasona Pos e, all of Tenant'ssalvageable mventoryand of the building, nor for loss of, or damageto, any propertyof movable Tenantby theft or otherwise,nor for any injury or damageto equipment,thrniture, and other property, Tenants liability for rentshall resumefive (5) daysafter written notice personsor propertyresulting from any causeof whatsoever fromOwnerthatthedemised premisesaresubstantiallyreadyfor nature,unlesscausedby or dueto the negligenceof Owner,its Tenant'soccupancy. (c) Nothing containedhereinaboveshall agents,servantsor employees.Owneror Its agentswill not be relieveTenantfront liability that may existasa resultof damage liablefor anysuchdamagecausedby othertenantsor personsIn, from fire or othercasualty. Notwithstandinganythingcontained upon, or about said building, or caused by operatens in to the constructNnof anyprivate,public,or quasi-ptibilework.Tenaht Owner's contraryin subdivisions(a) through(c) hereof,including obligation to restoreunder subparagraph (b) above, agrees, at Tenants sole cost and expense, to maintain each favor' commercialgeneralliability Insurancein standardform m favor party shall look first to any insurancein its beforo claimagainst t heother for party recoveryfor lossor of OwnerandTenantagainstclaimsfor bodily irnuryor deathor makingany damageresultingfrom fire or other casualty,and to the extent property damageoccurring m or upon the demisedpremises' thatsuchinsuranceis in forceand collectible,andto the extent effective from the date Tenantentersinto possessionof the permitted demisedpremisesand during the term of this Lease.Such by law, OwnerandTenanteachherebyreleasesand insuranceshall be m an amountandwith carriersacceptable to and(c) above,againstthe other,or any oneclaimingthroughor Owner. Suchpolicy or pohciesshallbedeliveredto Owner.On undereachof them by way of subrogationor otherwise.The Tenant'sdefaultm obtainingor deliveringany such policy or releaseandwaiverhereinreferredto shallbedeemedto incl.ude poholesor failureto paythechargestherefor, Ownermaysecure loss or damageto the demisedpremisesand/or to any or pay the chargesfor any such policy or policiesandcharge any personal property, equipment, trade fixtures, goods and Tenantas additionalrent therefore.Tenantshall indemmfyand merchandise locatedtherein.The foregoingreleaseand waiver saveharmlessOwneragainstandfromall liabilities,obligations, shallbein force releasors'insurancepoliciescontain costsandexpenses f or whichOwner only if both damages, penalties,claims, a clause providing that such a releaseor waiver shall not shall not be reimbursed by Imiurance,Including reasonable that Ownerwill invalidatethe insurance.Tenantacknowledges attorney'sfees,paid, sufferedor incurredas a result of any not carry insuranceon Tenant'sfurnitureand/orfbrnishingsor breach by Tenant, Tenant's agent, contractors,employees, fixtures or equipment,improvements,or appurtenances invitees,or licensees,of any covenantor conditionof this Lease any removable Tenant, and agreesthat Owner will not be or by the carelessness, negligenceor Improperconductof obligatedtoby repairany damagetheretoor teplacethe slime.(f) INITIALS FILED: ALBANY COUNTY CLERK 04/24/2024 12:47 PM INDEX NO. 903990-24 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 19 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/24/2024 Tenantherebywaivesthe provisionsof Section227of the Real property,suchentry shallnot renderOwneror its agentsliable PropertyLaw andagreesthatthe provisionsof this articleshall therefor, nor in any event shall the obligationsof Tenant governandcontrolin lieuthereof. hereunder beaffected.if duringthelastmonthof th6termTenant haveremovedall or substantiallyall of Tenant'sprope.rty Eminent Domain: 10.If thewholeor any partof thedemised shall premisesshall be acquiredor condemnedby EminentDomain ' .may imatediatelyenter, alter, renovateor redecorate thedemisedpremiseswithoutlimitationor abatement for any publicor quasi-publicuseor purpose,thenand in that of rent,or to Tenantfor anycompensation. and event,thetermof this Leaseshallceaseand terminatefrom the such act incurringliability shall have no effect on this Lease or Tenant's dateof title vestingin suchproceeding,andTenantshallhaveno opgadons hereunder.Ownershall havethe right at any time, claim for the valueof any unexpiredtermof saidlease.Tenant wdout thesameconsututmgan eWetionandwithout incurring shall have the right to make an independentclaim to the for thevalueof Tenant's expenses liability to Tenanttherefore,to changethe arrangementand/or condemningauthority moving location of Public entrancespassageways, oors,doo.rways, and personalproperty,tradefixtures and equipment,provided Tenantis entitledpursuantto the termsof the leaseto remove corridors,elevators, stairs,toilets, or other public partsof the and to changethe name,numberor designationby such property,tradefixturesand equipmentat the end of the building, whichthebitildmgmaybeknown. term, andprovidedfurthersuchclaim doesnot reduceOwner's award. Vault, Ynnit Spaee,Area: 14.No vaults,vault spaceor area, wheeeror not enclosedor covered,not within the propertyline Assignment,Mortgage, Ete,i 1l. Tenant,for itself, its heirs, of the buildmg,is.leased distributees,executors,administrators,legal representatlves, indicatedon hereunder,anythingcontainedin or successorsand assignsexpresslycovenantsthat it shall not any sketch, blue print or place, or anything contamed elsewhere m this Lease to the assign,mortgageor encumberthis agreementnor underletor notwestandng. Owner makes no representationascontrary to the sufferor permitthedemisedpremisesor any partthereofto be locationof the propertyIbieof thebuildmg,All vaultsandvault usedby otherswithout the prior written consentof Ownerin spaceand all such areasnot withm the property line of the cachInstance.Transferof themajorityof thestockof acorporate tenantor the majority interestin any partnershipor otherlegal to buMng, wMcWenantmaybepermittedto useand/oroccupy,is beusedand/or occupiedundera revocablelicense,andif any entity which is tenantshall be deemedan assignment.If this suchlicenseberevoked,or If theamountofsuch spaceor areabe Leasebe assigned, or if thedemisedpremisesor any partthereof Anunishedor requirehy anfederal,stateor muniolpalauthority be underletor occupiedby anybodyotherthanTenant,Owner or public utility, Ownershallnot besubjectto anyitability, nor may, after default by Tenant,collect rent from the assignee shall tenantbe entitled to under-tenant or occupantaslenant,or a releaseof Tenantfrom abatement any compensation or diminutionor of nor shall such revocation,diminution or the ibrther pedormanceby Tenantof covenantson the partof requisitionbe rent, deemedconstructiveor actualeviction.Any tax, Tenanthereincontained.Theconsentby Ownerto anassignment feeor chargeof municipalauthoritiesfor suchvaultareashallbe or underlettingshall not in any way be construedto relieve Tenantfromobtainingtheexpressconsentin writing of Ownerto any furtherassignment or imderletting. Occupancy: 15.Tenantwill not at any time useor occupythe demisedpremisesInviolationof Articles2 or 37 hereof,or of the li.lectric Current: 12. Ratesand conditionsin respect a certificateof occupancyissuedfor the building of which the submeteringor rentinclusion,asthecasemaybe,to beaddedin demisedpremisesarea part.Tenanthasinspected the demised IllDER attachedhereto.Tenantcovenantsandagreesthat at all premisesandacceptsthem"as-ls". in any event,Ownermakes timesits useof electriccurrentshallnot exceedthe capacityof no representation as to the conditionof the demisedpremises existingfeederstothe buildingor therisersor wlring installation' and Tenantagreesto acceptthe samesubjectto violations and Tenant may not use any clectrical equipmentwhich, in whetheror notof record. Owner's opinion, reasonablyexercised,will overload such installationsor interferewith theusethereofby othertenantsof Bankrupteyt 16. (a) Anythingelsewherein this Leaseto the thebuilding.Thechangeat any timeof thecharacterof electric contrary notwithstanding,this Lease may be cancelled by serviceshall in no way makeOwner liable or responsibleto Landlordby the sendingof a written noticeto Tenantwithin a Tenant,for any loss,damagesor expenseswhich Tenantmay reasonable time after the happeningof any one or moreof the sustain. followingevents:(1) thecommencement of a caseIn bankruptcy or undedie kws of any statenamingTenant(or a guarantorof Accessto Promisen 13.Owneror Owner'sagentsshall have oNenant'sobligationsimderthis Lease)asthedebtor;or (2) the right (but shall not be obligated) to .enterthe demised any me mn g W Tenant r guarantorof any of Tenant's premisesIn any emergencyat any time andat otherreasonable oWgadonsunderdds Lease)of an assignmentor any other times to examine the same and to make such repairs, anangememfor h benemoNe ors underany statestatute. replacements andimpmvements as Ownermay deemnecessary NeitherTenantnor anypersonclaimingthroughor underTenant, andreasonably desirableto any portionof the buildingor which or by reasonof any statuteor orderof coud,shallthereafterbe Ownermay electto perform,in thedemisedpremises,following entitledto possession of thepremisesdemisedbutshallforthwith Tenant'sfailure to makerepairsor perfortn any work which quk W sunener medemisedpremises.if this Leaseshall be Tenant is obligatedto perform under this Lease,or for the assignedin accordancewith its terms, the provisionsof this purposeof complyingwith laws,regulationsandotherdirections Article 16 shall be appilcableonly to the party then owning of governmentalauthorities.Tenantshall permitowner . to use Tenant'sinterestin thisLease. andmaintainandreplacepipesandconduitsm andthroughthe demisedpremisesand to erectnew pipes,ducts,and conduits (b) it fs stipulatedandagreedthatIn theeventor theterminadon therein,providedthey areconcealedwithin the walls, floorsor of this Leasepursuantto (a) hereof, Owner shall forthwith, ceiling,whereverpracticable.Ownermay,diaringtheprogressof notwithstandingany other provisionsof this Lease to the any work in the demisedpremises,takeall necessary materials contrary,beentitledto recoverfromTenant,asandfor liquidated andequipmentinto saidpremiseswithoutthesameconstituting damages,an amountequalto the differencebetween.therent an eviction,norshallTenantbeentitledto any abatement of rent reservedhereunderfor theunexpiredportionof thetermdemised while suchwork is in progress,norto any damages by reasonof andthe fair andreasonable rentalvalueof thedemisedpremises loss or interruptionof businessor otherwise.Throughoutthe for the the computationof suchdamagesthe term hereof,Ownershall havethe right to enterthe demised difference between any installmentof rent becoming due premisesat reasonablehours for the purposeof showing the hereunderafter the date of termination and the fair and sameto prospectivepurchasers or Inortgageesof the building, reasonable rentalvalueof thedemisedpremisesfor theperiodfor and during the last six monthsof the term for the purposeof which suchinstallmentwas payableshall be discotmtedto the showingthe sameto prospectivetenants,andmay, during sald dateof terminationattherateof fourpercent(4YÆperannum.If six monthsperiod,placeuponthe.demisedpremisesthe usual thedemisedpremises, or anypartthereof,bere-letby Ownerfor notice"to Let" and"For Sale",whichnoticesTenantshallpermit the unexpiredterm of said lease,or any part thereof, before to remainthereinwithoutmolestation.If Tenantis not presentt o presentation o f proof of suchliquidateddamagesto any court, openandpermitan entry into the demisedpremises,Owneror commissionor tribunal,theamountof rentreserveduponsuch Owner'sagentsmay enterthesamewhenever,asa resultof an re-lettingshall be deemedto be the fair and reasonablerental emergency,suchentry be necessary, by masterkey or forclbly, valuefor thepartor thewholeof thedemisedpremisesso re-let and p ovidedreasonable careis exercisedto safeguard Tenant's during thetermof the re-letting.Nothinghereincontainedshall INITIAl.S FILED: ALBANY COUNTY CLERK 04/24/2024 12:47 PM INDEX NO. 903990-24 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 19 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/24/2024 limit or prejudicethe tight of Owier to provefor andobtainas damages shallbepaidin monthlyinstallmentsby Tenanton the Ilquidateddamages,by reasonof such termination,an amount rent day specifiedin this Lease..Owner,in putting the demised equalto themaximumallowedby any statuteor rule of law in premisesin goodorderor preparingthesamefor re-rental,Inay, effectatthetime when,andgoverningtheproceedings in which, at Owner'soption,makesuchalterations,repairs,replacements, suchdamagesareto be proved,whetheror not suchamountbe and/or .decorationsin the demisedpremisesas Owner, in greater,equal to, or less thalt the amountof the difference Owner'ssole judgment,considersadvisableand necessaryfor referredto above. thepurposeofre-letting thedemisedpremises,andthemakingof suchalterations,repairs,replacements, and/ordecorationsshall Default: 17. (1) if Tenantdefaultsin fulfilling any of the not operateor be construedto releaseTenantfrom liability. covenants of thisLeaseotherthanthecovenantsfor thepayment Ownershall m no eventbe liable, in any way whatsoever,for of rent or additionalrent; or if the demisedpremisesbecome faHureto m-let the demisedpremises,or m the eventthat the vacantor deserted;or if any executionor attachmentshall be denilsedpremisesarere-let,for failureto collecttherentthereof , isstiedagainstTenantor anyof Tenants property,whereuponthe undersuchre-letting,andin no demisedpremisesshall be takenor occupiedby someoneother receiveanexcess,if any,ofsuch netrentcollectedoverthesums than Tenant;or if this Leasebe rejectedunderSection365 of payableby Tenantto Ownerhereunder,in theeventof a breach Title 11of theU.S.Code(BankruptcyCode);or if Tenantshall or threatenedbreachby Tenantof any of t|1ecovenantsor havefailed,afterfive (5) dayswritten notice,to redepositwith provisionshereof,Ownershallhavethe right of i lunctionand Owner any portion of the security deposit 11ereunderwhich the right to invokeany remedyallowedat law or in equityas if owner hasappliedto thepaymentof any rentandadditionalrent dueandpayablehereunder, or if Tenantshall be in defaultwith hereinprovidedfor. Mention in this Leaseof any particular respectto any other leasebetweenOwner and tenant; or If shallnot precludeOwnerfrom any otherremedyin law Tenantshallfail to movemtoor takepossession of thedemised remedy or in equity.Tenantherebyexpresslywaivesanyandall rightsof premiseswithin thirty (30) daysafter the commencetnent of the .redemption grantedby or underany presentor futurelaws. termof this Lease,of whichfactOwnershallbe thesolejudge; then,in any oneor moreof suchevents,uponOwnerservinga Fees and Expenses: 19. If Tenant shall default in the writtenfifteen(15)day noticeuponTenantspecifyingthenature observance or performance of any termor covenanton Tenant's of saiddefault,andupontheexpirationof saidfiReen(15) day partto beobservedor performedunder,or by virtue of, any of period,andif Tenantshallhavefailedto complywith or remedy thetermsor provisionsin anyarticleof this Lease,ahernoticeif such default or if the saiddefaultor omissioncomplainedof required,anduponexpirationof any applicablegraceperiodif shall beof a naturethatthesamecannotbe completelycuredor any (exceptin an emergency),then, unlessotherwiseprovided remediedwithin saidfilleen (15) dayperiod,andif Tenantshall elsewherein this Lease,Ownermay immediately,or at any time not havediligentlycommenced curing suchdefaultwithin such thereaAerandwithout notice,performthe obligationof Tenant fifteen (15) day period,andshallnot the.reafter with reasonable thereunderand if Owner, in connection therewith or in dlilgenceand in good faith proceedto remedyor cure such connectionwith any default by Tenantin the covenantto pay default, thenOwnermay servea written five (5) daysnoticeof renthereunder, makesanyexpenditures or incursanyobligations cancellationof this LeaseuponTenant,andupontheexpiration for the paymentof money, including but not Ilmited to ofsaid five (5) days,thisLeaseandthe termthereunder shallend reasonableattomey's. fees, in instituting, prosecuting or andexpireas fully and completelyas if the expirationof such defendingany actionsor proceeding,and prevailsin any such five (5) day periodwerethe day hereindefinitely fixed for the actionor proceeding,suchsumsso paidor obligationsincurred endandexpirationof this LeaseandthetermthereofandTenant with interestandcostsshall be deemedto be additionalrent shallthenquit andsurrenderthedemisedpremisesto Owner,but hereunderandshallbepaid by Tenantto Ownerwithin ten (10) Tenantshallremain1lableashereinaRer pmvided. daysof renditionof any bill or statementto Tenantthereforeand if Tenant'sleasetermshallhaveexpiredatthetime of makingof (2) If thenoticeprovided for in (1) hereofshallhavebeen given, suchexpenditures or of suchobligations,suchsums andthe termshall expireas aforesaid:or if Tenantshall make shallberecoverable incurring defhultin thepaymentof therentreservedherein,or any itemof by Ownerasdamages. additionalrent hereinmentioned,or any part of either, or in No Representationsby Ownert 20. }leither Owner nor makingany otherpaymenthereinrequired;then, andin any of Owner'sagerithavemadeany representations or promiseswith such events,Owner may without notice, re-enterthe demised respectto the physicalconditionof the building,the landupon premiseseitherby forceor otherwise,anddispossess Tenantby which it is erectedor the demisedpremises,the rents,leases, summaryproceedings or otherwise,andthe legalrepresentative expenses of operation,or any othermatteror thingaffectingor of Tenantor otheroccupantof thedemisedpremises, andremove relatedto the demisedpremises,exceptas hereinexpresslyset their effectsandholdthe demisedpremisesasif this Leasehad forth,andno rights,easements or licensesareacquiredby Tenant notbeenmade,andTenantherebywaivestheserviceofnoticeof by implicationor otherwise,exceptas expresslyset forth in the intentionto re-enteror to institutelegalproceedings tothatend, provisionsof this Lease,Tenanthasinspectedthe building and the demisedpremisesand is thoroughlyacquaintedwith their Remediesof Owner nnd Walver of Redemptiont 18.In case of any such default,re-entry,expirationand/ordispossessby thatthe conMon, andagreesto takethesame"as-ls",andacknowledges or otherwise(a) the rent, and additional takmgof possession of thedemisedpremisesby Tenant summaryproceedings shall be conclusiveevidencethat the said premises.and the rent, shallbecomeduethereuponandbe pald up to the time of of which the sameform a part were m good and suchre-entry,dispossess and/orexpiration,(b) Ownermay re-let building conMon se at dmesuchpossession wasso taken, the demisedpremisesor any partor partsthereof,eitherin the saMactony M Werstandugsandagreements nameof Owneror otherwise,fbr