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  • Leon Mejia aka Amber Mejia v. Greater New York Councils, Boy Scouts Of America, Aka Queens Borough Council, Bronx Borough Council, Staten Island Borough Council, Manhattan Borough Council, Brooklyn Borough CouncilTorts - Child Victims Act document preview
  • Leon Mejia aka Amber Mejia v. Greater New York Councils, Boy Scouts Of America, Aka Queens Borough Council, Bronx Borough Council, Staten Island Borough Council, Manhattan Borough Council, Brooklyn Borough CouncilTorts - Child Victims Act document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 11/03/2021 09:24 AM INDEX NO. 950971/2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 9 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/03/2021 5UPREME COURT FOR THE STATE CF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF NEW YORK Plaintiff / Petitioner: AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE LEON MEJIA, AKA AMBER MEJ1A index No: Defendant / Respondent· 950971/2021 GREATER NEW YORK COUNCiLS, BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA, AKA Q UEENS BOROUGH COUNCIL, BRONX BOROUGH COUNCIL STATEN ISLAND BOROUGH COUNCIL, MANHATTAN BOROUGH COUNCIL, BROOKLYN BOROUGH COUNCIL ..................___ The undersigned being duly swom, deposes and says; depenent is not a party herein, is over 18 years of age and located at 590 Madison Ave 21st floor, New York, NY10022 . That on Wed, Oct 06 2021 AT 12:50 PM AT 475 RIVERSIDE DRIVE ROOM 600, NEW YORK, NY 10115 depeñêñt served the within SUMMONS: COMPLAINT; NOTICE OF ELECTRONIC FILING on3ÏÏEATER NEW YORK COUNCi[5 Individual: by de||vering a true copy of each to said defendant, personally; depcñênt knew the person so served to be the person described as said defendant therein. Corporation: By serving the above on a domestic corporation, by delivering a true copy thereof to who is the , a person authorized to accept service. "Doe" Business: By serving the above on GREATER NEW YORK COUNCILS by deliver|ñg a true copy thereof to Ms. Emily (refused last name), , a person authorized to accept service. O Suitable Person: By dé|ivering a true copy thereof to a person of suitable age and discretion, at the actual place of business, dwelling house, or usual place of abode in the state, and mailing, as indicated below. Conspicuous Service: by affixing a true copy of each to the door thereof, depanent was unable with due diligence to find defendant, or a person of suitable age or discretion thereat, having called thereon; at Malling: Deponent also enclosed a copy of same, in a postpaid sealed wrapper prGperly addressed to said defendant at defendant's last known address, , and depositing said wrapper in a post office, official depository under the exclusive care and custody of the United States Post Office, department, with New York State. Mailed on . Military Service: I asked the person spoken to whether defendant was in active military service of the United States or of NY, in any capacity whatever and received a negative reply. The source of my information and the ground of my belief are the conversations and observations above narrated. Upon information and belief I have that the defendant is not in the military service of NY, or of the United States as that term is defined in either the State or in the Federal statutes. Additional Comments: "Doe" 1) Successful Attempt: Oct 6, 2021, 12:50 pm EDT at 475 RIVERSIDE DRIVE ROOM 600, NEW YORK, NY 10115 received by Ms. Emily (refused last name). Served upon party authorized to accept. Description: Age: 36-50 Skin Color Caucasian Gender: Female Weight: 131-160 5'4" Height: Hair Black Relationship: Other Ms.Emily room 600, stated she is authorized to accept. Swom o before Manuel Pagan Notary Public 2052124 BRIAN B. RICKS Public, State of New York Notary 01R(6383781 Reg. No. York County Qualified in New Nov. 26, 2022 Oomm½Mon Expires UNDISPUTED LEGAL, INC., 590 MADISON AVENUE, 1 of 1 21ST FLOOR, NEW YORK, NEW YORK, 10022