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  • Aida Cabrere vs Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer et al document preview
  • Aida Cabrere vs Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer et al document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 10/22/2021 12:54 PM INDEX NO. 951267/2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 14 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/22/2021 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK -------------------------------------------------------------------X AIDA CABRERE, Index No.: 951267/2021 Plaintiff, STIPULATION -against- ROMAN CATHOLIC ARCHDIOCESE NEW YORK; ST. CECILIA AND HOLY AGONY CHURCH f/k/a CHURCH OF ST. CECILIA; ST. CECILIA AND HOLY AGONY PARISH f/k/a PARISH OF ST. CECILIA; SISTERS OF MERCY OF THE AMERICAS; INSTITUTE OF THE BROTHERS OF THE CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS, THE LASALLIAN REGION OF NORTH AMERICA; INSTITUTE OF THE BROTHERS OF THE CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS, DISTRICT OF EASTERN NORTH AMERICA; CONGREGATION OF THE MOST HOLY REDEEMER; and DOES 1 - 5 whose identities are unknown to Plaintiff Defendants. _______________________ ______________________--------------X IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED, CONSENTED TO, AND AGREED, that the time for defendants ST. CECILIA AND HOLY AGONY CHURCH f/k/a CHURCH OF ST. CECILIA; ST. CECILIA AND HOLY AGONY PARISH f/k/a PARISH OF ST. CECILIA to appear, answer or to move with respect to the Complaint in this action, be and the same hereby is extended to and including 100' the day of December, 2021. IT IS HEREBY FURTHER STIPULATED, CONSENTED TO, AND AGREED, that electronic signatures to this Stipulation may be treated as original signatures and that this Stipulation may be executed in any number of counterparts, all of which counterparts when taken together, shall constitute one and the same instrument and same may be filed without further notice with the Clerk of the Court. Dated: New York, New York October 21, 2021 / olsasan a.meman By: David P. Matthews, Esq. Susan A. Romano, Esq. Liza Roys, Esq. French & Casey, LLP Matthews & Associates Attorneys for Defendants Attorneys for Plaintiff St. Cecilia and Holy Agony Church f/k/a 2905 Sackett Street Church of St. Cecilia, St. Cecilia and Holy Houston, Texas 77098 Agony Parish f/k/a Parish of St. Cecilia 27d' 713-522-5250 29 Broadway, Floor DMatthews( New York, New York 10006 LRoysú 212-797-3544 stomanok/; 1 of 1