LOPEZ vs CR&R Motion to Compel Arbitration by CR 7 R
Tentative Ruling: Granted and the proceeding is stayed pending arbitration.
Factual and procedural background: Plaintiff Rigoberto Lopez was employed by Defendants
CR & R, Inc. (“CR&R”) as a truck driver for 23 years until his allegedly wrongful termination on
7/13/22. Plaintiff alleges that the CR&R required him to drive an overloaded truck with power
steering that was inoperable. Plaintiff alleges that the air conditioning in the truck did not work,
causing him to suffer during extreme temperatures. Plaintiff also alleges that he was denied meal
and rest breaks and was forced to urinate in the truck. He claims that he was harassed after
complaining to his supervisor about the working the unsafe and unlawful working conditions.
Plaintiff, who is Latino, alleges that CR&R provided better trucks to white drivers. He asserts that