CARL NUHFER, Plaintiff(s), vs. CITY OF LOS ANGELES, ET AL., Defendant(s).

CASE NO: BC578109


1. Background Facts
Plaintiff, Carl Nuhfer filed this action against Defendants, City and County of Los Angeles for damages arising out of a trip and fall. Plaintiff’s complaint includes causes of action for dangerous condition of public property and negligence. The basic facts concerning the case are not in dispute. On 5/24/14, as Plaintiff was leaving the Hollywood Bowl, he tripped on a curb. The curb was located in an area where patrons exiting the Bowl from the lower and upper seating areas converged. The curb was intended to separate an area containing vegetation from the rest of the Bowl; on the date in question, however, there was only dirt in the area behind the curb.

2. Motion for Summary Judgment
At this time, the County moves for summary judgment on the complaint. The County contends, primarily, that the curb was n