Tentative ruling on Mar. 05, 2024 in Sacramento County, CA - Case no: xxxxxGDS

Case No.:   (Subscribe to View)

On March 5, 2024, Sacramento County Superior Court issued the following tentative ruling.

The Reference Case No.: (Subscribe to View) Sacramento County, California. Hearing Date 03.05.2024.

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34-2023-00336254-CU-CR-GDS: Clyde Younger vs. Target Corporation
03/06/2024 Hearing on Motion to Compel Special Interrogatories and Form
Interrogatories / 4 Remedies in Department 54

Tentative Ruling

Plaintiffs in pro per Clyde Younger and Trevon Younger’s (collectively, “Plaintiffs”) motion to
compel responses from Defendant Target Corporation (“Defendant”) to Plaintiffs’ written
discovery is DENIED as follows.

Plaintiffs declare that on June 20, 2023, they served Defendant with Plaintiffs’ “Special/Form
Interrogatories, Set One.” (Younger Declaration, para. 2.) Plaintiffs’ joint declaration indicates
that the proof of service for this discovery is attached, but no such document is attached.
However, Defendant has submitted the proof of service establishing that the discovery was in
fact served via mail on June 20, 2023. (Riehl Decl., Exh. A.)

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