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  • OAK FEED REAL ESTATE LLC VS JUS D ORANGE INC. Other Civil Complaint document preview
  • OAK FEED REAL ESTATE LLC VS JUS D ORANGE INC. Other Civil Complaint document preview


Rew REG, UR iu E] eA \ cine IN THE Y COURT IN AND FOR MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA 1 smaLt cLAis Division 0 cit oision caseno: OF -o\S3834-CA—-S& GENERAL JURISDICTION SECTION NO: Al 3s 2 a8 2 C6 |lo52 « 54, “ One Kees Rea Estate LLC . vs. Plaintiff(s) Defendant(s) MOTION, NOTICE AND JUDGMENT OF DISMISSAL FOR LACK OF PROSECUTION The Court finds it does not affirmatively appear from filing of pleading, order of court, or otherwise that this action has been prosecuted for a period of 1 10 months /{ 6 months, IT {S ADJUDGED as follows: 1. Good cause shall be shown wh Prosecution at least 5 da y the action should not be dismissed for lack of or General Jurisdiction c: ys before the hearing set in paragraph 3. In a County Civil (CC) case ‘ase (CA), the party may also show activity within 65 days from mailing this notice. 2. 3. If a showing of good cause is timely filed as the issue of good cause shall be hi provided in paragraph 2, a hearing on eld on the day of _ SuNe& , 2010 at_4/: 00. The hearing will take place at SONY Lo! before the Honorable _“\uspas Noama 4. Failure to timely file good cause paragraph 1 shall result in dismissal fo date specified in paragraph 3. Said The showing of good cause shall be in writing and filed with the Clerk of Court. Ainesey , oF activity if CC or CA case, as specified in r lack of prosecution without further order of court on the dismissal shall be without prejudice. DONE AND ORDERED at Miami-Dade County, Florida, this day of APR 07 2010 20 =" a Norma 8. Lindsay COUNTY COURT JUDGE Copies furnished to Parties / Counsel of Record In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities this proceeding should contact the ADA Coordinate 27° floor, Miami, Florida 331328 n TDD. act of 1990, persons needing a special accommodation to participate in Co civil 10rev 2103 lor located at the Lawson E. Thomas Courthouse Center, 175 N.W. 1° Ave, 10 later than seven days prior to the proceeding at (305) 349-7175 Voice; (305) 349-7174 Bk 27423 Pg 4698 CFN 20100630914 09/17/2010 08:42:27 Pg 1 of 1 Mia-Dade Cty, FL