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  • Estate of:  Cherniss, Betty JeannePetition to Determine Succession of Real Property (PR13151) document preview
  • Estate of:  Cherniss, Betty JeannePetition to Determine Succession of Real Property (PR13151) document preview
  • Estate of:  Cherniss, Betty JeannePetition to Determine Succession of Real Property (PR13151) document preview
  • Estate of:  Cherniss, Betty JeannePetition to Determine Succession of Real Property (PR13151) document preview
  • Estate of:  Cherniss, Betty JeannePetition to Determine Succession of Real Property (PR13151) document preview
  • Estate of:  Cherniss, Betty JeannePetition to Determine Succession of Real Property (PR13151) document preview
  • Estate of:  Cherniss, Betty JeannePetition to Determine Succession of Real Property (PR13151) document preview
  • Estate of:  Cherniss, Betty JeannePetition to Determine Succession of Real Property (PR13151) document preview


DE-315 7/2/2021 [ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (amo, adores, and Stato Gar number) Afier recording, rewn te. DESTREE VANCE SBN314587 Desiree Vance & Associates PO Box 1081 Oroville, CA 95965 tetno: (530) 965-5672 Faxno.: ewanappress: dvance@vance. law ATTORNEY FOR (name): PETITIONER SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, county of BUTTS | STREET ADDRESS: 1775 CONCORD AVE MAILING ADDRESS: CITY AND ZIP CODE: CHICO, CA 95928 BRANCH NAME: FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY MATTER OF (name); ESTATE OF BETTY JEANNE CHERNISS CASE NUMBER: AKA: BETTY JEAN CHERNISS DECEDENT 21PR00298 ORDER DETERMINING SUCCESSION TO REAL PROPERTY FOR COURT USE ONLY | () And Personal Property (Estates of $166,250 or Less) 4 Date of hearing: Time: FF Superior Court o1 Vainorma Dept./Room: Judicial Officer (name): | County of Butte | THE COURT FINDS L JUL 27 2021 L noi 2. All notices required by law have been given. 3. Decedent died on (date): 11/01/2009 E E a. IX] a resident of the California county named above. D D b. CL) a nonresident of California and owned property in the county named By . Deputy above. c. C2) intestate. {X] testate. At least 40 days have elapsed since the date of decedent's death. a w No proceeding for the administration of decedent's estate is being conducted or has been conducted in California. b. C.J Decedent's personal representative has filed a consent to use the procedure provided in Probate Code section 13150 et seq. The gross value of decedent's real and personal property in California, excluding property described in Probate Code section 13050, did not exceed $166,250 as of the date of decedent's death. Each petitioner is a successor of decedent (as defined in Probate Code section 13006) and a successor to decedent's interest in the real (CV and personal property described in item 9a because each petitioner is: a. KX} (will) a beneficiary who succeeded to the property under decedent's will. b. [L} (no will) a person who succeeded to the property under Probate Code sections 6401 and 6402. THE COURT FURTHER FINDS AND ORDERS 8. No administration of decedent's estate is necessary in California. 9. a. The real (2) and personal property [Xd described in Attachment 9a [[] described as follows is property of decedent passing to each petitioner (give legal description of real property). b. Each petitioner's name and specific property interest [X) is stated in Attachment 9b. (C21 is as follows (specify): 4 1)ulcsus eS 10. {2 Other orders are stated in Attachment 10. Moo 11, Number of pages attached: Date: 7/27/2021 TAM. IOSBARGE CIAL OFFICER ‘SIGNATURE FOLLOWS LASTNQITACHMENT Page tof1 F ed for Mandstory Use ORDER DETERMINING SUCCESSION TO REAL PROPERTY dudicial Council of Cabtomia Probate Code, § 43154 DE-315 (Rev. January 1, 2620] nttal (Estates of $166,250 or Less) ‘naw gov Electronically Filed CBE =|Forms: PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ATTACHMENT 9a es no 4 tan cuaomntee roo = DocuSign Envelope IL 0373C. -D3CB- fFPAER 7 TIES. persA SEARS a aug fog QUITE COUNTY Aen ) Z ye Ee si Sear ee a ok pies Re ie a SSS ay = fre ers oe see See a fies pee eee eat 2 ee ee Sie an me eee SEES cage i fs la Hi pee nee UEAURETED BY ORV BE DITIE COMPANY Td LNG TES Hyty LORPANT oan nrcode eeet o 3 -| orp 4 RY 175 a fas ” br, nnd Mes, Stanley B. Choritt si eet t aut rare \ nx. + toys he Ls he athnop, Salt fornte Baga iy fae ee i AE ve vo ew He en's Use Ey inuconay unctnnsiengs tone fe tm 1 De ae 6Sof be Sa Be BE AS ancyE sEs np, te Sa 8 vanlys F pvenaity eng or aks V eeu Vay hy vide Hese-ond ese “rape e sal, ai yt ned amo: V Cay of Se J Joint Tenaney Gra mt Deed | vans s a 10 Punto pros cnuraue — Hy FOU A VALUABLE CONSIULRATION, ssceipt hiuh ts heseby eokoowtedied, a eyFe BUGENR A. 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DocuSign Envelope ID: 0373C477-D3CB-4422-t 6GAFAEFOG?71FS 2005-0037872 Recorded 1 REC FEE 18, RECORDING REQUESTED BY Official, Records ! AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO “Se 5 ! County Eiri Heorel sae Rotty J. Cherntsy AHS Windermere O1L:27M 38-Jun-C65 { Fave {of 2 emaer Oroville CA 98965 CINEREA AR stiles Xe 01050601-061 ep ee _ SPX iH THN ER HPN, OTP 7 AFFIVAVIT - DEATH OF JOINT TENANT ih - ee. of legul age. being first cinly sworn, deposes and says: Thats sySe ee oo the decedent mentioned in the uttucked certified copy of Av of Deuth, is the same person Stanley R. Chernibyy ———— — ee named usene of the parties in certain de daicd M 7 excetted by EI cue §. Ringel sunt Dorothy AL Ringel ae ee ete wee 10 Stanley R, Cherniss acd Betty J. Cherniss, husband and wite us joim tenants, recorded as Instrument No. AASM aan on ——- in Bonk 2078 Page ar of Official Recordsof Butte —-—_—_ Coun Colifarnia. covering the following described property situated in the curpurated AC County of Hutte State of California: SEE DEED HEREINABOVE REPERRED TO. ‘That the valve ofall real und personal praperiy owned by id decedent ut cate of deuth, including the full valtic of the propeny described, did aut then exceed the sunt of i. wt 3, 2008 hiBetty J. Dated, a — nD O¢. OW at Ay? *? op apf Sar wining Sei; A Fenernu State of California County of Butte we ot eat rao mt Kaiten Suhgcrihied and swom to (or alfinmed) before me an this 2 day of © aitsmeoror ans A a pat a 2 DOS ey 20.0 YX. NAGE ae oy Beli ewes Mn 125 personally swe farnie-o1 proved fo nie on the basis of sutisfactory evidence to be ety ap J. BR: the person() who appeared belove mw. OH HOVARY PUBUC- 3Lee BUTTE COUNTY ies EMP. 6D. 10, 2099 j* (seal) Signature oe nian J. Brown, Notary Public INTE AL DocuSign Envelope ID: 0373C477-D3C8-4A22-6 ee ~-GAFAEF0671F5 eans ae cSBS A oe SAM a SIRI is CE as ae Cee Soe GS ra Eh3) yeehn? Se TSN Sa Eanes tniedeae Re RAMA P Ran ET a RAR ARINC NIA TN eR i = afs ane Noor Al 5 “COUNTY OF BUTTE A eS 14 COUNTY CENTER DRIVE, SUITE 8 “Se URE pi OROVILLE, CALIFORNIA 95965 00 ' Pee 82 Santer Ee et ea STEN ey an am Bikeeun 1-206: “lave ome a boy Siam x sorte FE —__ alt brie 1095. Wipiters i aT Tera —_—! Sucka se riceins| ati nm ite. 95 HS Lano, te, 526% ae i wrowe be a pee Fred tai 1 : bel aR Us wae Ho Wa. Wtedeiae és Beavtite, S948 SS RNT EBT Sa tr. ¢ er Mecoriel Chapel goes Late, aes | Tos eae lee ET Zot asuy fA nes Hoajptea JeHoapten) ale CL (dss C1. tit be. onan ie at Je. 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