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  • Sutton Square, Inc. v. The Tax Commission Of The City Of New YorkTax Certiorari document preview
  • Sutton Square, Inc. v. The Tax Commission Of The City Of New YorkTax Certiorari document preview
  • Sutton Square, Inc. v. The Tax Commission Of The City Of New YorkTax Certiorari document preview
  • Sutton Square, Inc. v. The Tax Commission Of The City Of New YorkTax Certiorari document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 02/15/2013 INDEX NO. 256983/2010 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 4 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/15/2013 ·FINAL ORDER At an lAS Part 55, of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, held in and for the County of New York, at the Courthouse located at 60 Centre Street, New York, New York, on the \""'t-day of I f...1 f~ ~ r PRESENT: HON. CYNTHIA·· S. KERN; JUSTICE ORDER --------~-------------~-------~-----------X INDEX NO. YEAR TAX YEAR IN THE MATTER OF 51087 1990 1990/91 55752 1991 1991/92 SUTTON SQUARE INC. 80496 1992 1992/93 Petitioner, 209545 1993 1993/94 208241. 1994 1994/95 208333 1995 1995/96 207277 1996 1996/97 209975 1997 1997/98 208893 1998 1998/99 209335 1999 1999/00 259954 2006 2006/07 THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE AND THE TAX 259840 2007 2007/08 COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 26143.3 2008 2008/09 Respondents 256582 2009 2009/10 ----------------~-------------------------x256983 2010 2010/11 These proceedings having been instituted by the above named petitioner to review the assessments upon real property located in the Borough of Manhattan ~esignated as Block: 1372 Lot: 25 for the years represented by the c~ptioned index numbers, and the parties having stipulated to settle their differences pursuant to the Stipulation of Settlement attache~ hereto (Stipul~tion). Now,upon the petitions, the Stipulation, and all prior proceedings herein, it is ORDERED, that the assessments set forth in the Stipulation be reduced and fixed at the amounts stated in the "Corrected Actual Assessed Valuation" column ther~on; ~nd it further is ORDERED, that the officer having custody of the assessment roll upon which the above mentioned assessments, resulting transitional assessments and any taxes levied thereon have been entered shall forthwith amend the said entries in conformity with the "Corrected Actual Assessed Valuation" indicated in the Stipulation; and it further is ORDERED that unless sooner paid, there shall be audited and· allowed or paid to the petitioner and included in the next tax levy, made after the entry of this order, any amounts paid by petitioner against the erroneous assessments and transition assessments exceeding what taxes would have been if assessed as determined in the Stipulation, wi thou't interest thereon, but with the amount Cont'd. Page 2. Sutton Square Inc. 9f any interest paid on such excess by reason of delinquent payment; and it further·is ORDERED that the original hereof shall be filed in the first captioned index number and copies of this Order with the Stipulation shall be filed in all other listed index numb€rs. ENTER, J.S.C. CYNTHIA S. KERN J.S.C. SUPREME COURT JOF THlj.' STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK . STIPULA TION OF SETTLEMENT ----------------------------~------------------------"7.:.----------------------------X III The Matter Of INDEXNO RECE\\fEi"JAXXfiAR 51087/90. .-:v 'Dr. HF\'fiif9019j\ SUTTON SQUARE INC. 5575219}::"\ \' d.' - 1991/92 80496/92\&,\1.::1"1 tJ9'92/.93\ 2 Petitioner(s) 209545/93 J "\ -#pr:- 1993/94, 208241/94 , .:' I994i95 208333/95 '. ;.,\~\i995/!)6;!; 207277196 \1 r,\" 1996/97 209975/97 1997/98 208893/98 1998/99 -against- 209335/99 1999/00 259954/06 2006/07 259840/07 2007/08 261433/08 2008/09 256582/09 2009/10 256983/10 2010/11 THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE AND THE TAX LOCA TION: EAST 57TH STREET COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK BLOCI(: 1372 LOT: 25 Respondents -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------X BOR 0 UGH: MA NHA TTAN IT IS HEREBY STIPULA TED AND A GREED by the undersigned that final judgment be entered herein reducing the assessed valuation to the amount stated in the column "Corrected Assessed Valuation ": without interest on any refund ofexcess taxes paid. IT IS FURTHER STIPULATED that, after the entry ofajudgment in accordance with this stipulation ofsettlement, i/petitioner or any individual or entity acting on petitioner's oehalf is convicted of, or enters a plea ofguilty to, a crime related to the assessed value ofthe property in the within proceeding, the judgment shall be deemed vacated and the petitioner shall forthwith return all funds remitted hereunder to respondents. Final Assessed Valuation TAX' LAND TOTAL VALUE CORRECTED AMOUNT OF YEARS CLAIMED ACTUAL ASSESSED REDUCTION VALUATION 1990/91 675,000 675,000 300,000 200,000 475,000 1991/92 675,000 675,000 300,000 200,000 ,475,000 1992/93 675,000 675,000 300,000 ,200,000 475,000 1993/94 675,000 675,000 337,500 200,000 475,000 1994/95 675,000 675,000 337,500 200,000 475,000 1995/96 675,000 675,000 337,500 200,000 ' 475,000 1996/97 675,000 675,000 337,500 200,000 475,000 1997/98 675,000 675,000 337,500 200,000 475,000 1998/99 675,000 675,000 337,500 200,000 475,000 1999/00 720,000 720,000 000,000 200,000 520,000 2006/07 976,500 976,500 488,000 200,000 776,500 2007/08 976,500 976,500 488,000 200,000 776,500 2008/09 1,156,500 1,156,500 000,000 200,000 956,500 2009/10 1,327,016 1,327,016 664,000 200,000 1,127,016 2010/11 1,597,635 1,597,635 792,000 , ,324,900 .... 1,272,735 ' The undersigned certifies.that the Re'qttestfor Judicial Intervention has beenjiiedwi7Pi the court, and appropriate fee paidfor each ofthe petifions--index numbers appearing above--disposed ofby this order, Dated: New York, June 11, 2012 ' I Cont'd. 'Page 2. ~ Sutton Square Inc. Block: 1372 Lot: 25 Borough: Manhattan / (/,6/91 ~cJ6I~ 91/00 Ofc.!o, e:t.r-