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  • American Transit Insurance Company v. Steven Castor, A & F Medical, P.C., Active Care Medical Supply Corporation, Bromer Medical P.C., Elite Rehab Physical Therapy P.C., Fyz Acupuncture, P.C., Haoyun Medical Care P.C., Integrative Pain Medicine P.C., Kappa Medical, P.C., Total Health Chiropractic P.C., Wes Psychological Services P.C.Contract (Non-Commercial) document preview
  • American Transit Insurance Company v. Steven Castor, A & F Medical, P.C., Active Care Medical Supply Corporation, Bromer Medical P.C., Elite Rehab Physical Therapy P.C., Fyz Acupuncture, P.C., Haoyun Medical Care P.C., Integrative Pain Medicine P.C., Kappa Medical, P.C., Total Health Chiropractic P.C., Wes Psychological Services P.C.Contract (Non-Commercial) document preview
  • American Transit Insurance Company v. Steven Castor, A & F Medical, P.C., Active Care Medical Supply Corporation, Bromer Medical P.C., Elite Rehab Physical Therapy P.C., Fyz Acupuncture, P.C., Haoyun Medical Care P.C., Integrative Pain Medicine P.C., Kappa Medical, P.C., Total Health Chiropractic P.C., Wes Psychological Services P.C.Contract (Non-Commercial) document preview
  • American Transit Insurance Company v. Steven Castor, A & F Medical, P.C., Active Care Medical Supply Corporation, Bromer Medical P.C., Elite Rehab Physical Therapy P.C., Fyz Acupuncture, P.C., Haoyun Medical Care P.C., Integrative Pain Medicine P.C., Kappa Medical, P.C., Total Health Chiropractic P.C., Wes Psychological Services P.C.Contract (Non-Commercial) document preview
  • American Transit Insurance Company v. Steven Castor, A & F Medical, P.C., Active Care Medical Supply Corporation, Bromer Medical P.C., Elite Rehab Physical Therapy P.C., Fyz Acupuncture, P.C., Haoyun Medical Care P.C., Integrative Pain Medicine P.C., Kappa Medical, P.C., Total Health Chiropractic P.C., Wes Psychological Services P.C.Contract (Non-Commercial) document preview
  • American Transit Insurance Company v. Steven Castor, A & F Medical, P.C., Active Care Medical Supply Corporation, Bromer Medical P.C., Elite Rehab Physical Therapy P.C., Fyz Acupuncture, P.C., Haoyun Medical Care P.C., Integrative Pain Medicine P.C., Kappa Medical, P.C., Total Health Chiropractic P.C., Wes Psychological Services P.C.Contract (Non-Commercial) document preview
  • American Transit Insurance Company v. Steven Castor, A & F Medical, P.C., Active Care Medical Supply Corporation, Bromer Medical P.C., Elite Rehab Physical Therapy P.C., Fyz Acupuncture, P.C., Haoyun Medical Care P.C., Integrative Pain Medicine P.C., Kappa Medical, P.C., Total Health Chiropractic P.C., Wes Psychological Services P.C.Contract (Non-Commercial) document preview
  • American Transit Insurance Company v. Steven Castor, A & F Medical, P.C., Active Care Medical Supply Corporation, Bromer Medical P.C., Elite Rehab Physical Therapy P.C., Fyz Acupuncture, P.C., Haoyun Medical Care P.C., Integrative Pain Medicine P.C., Kappa Medical, P.C., Total Health Chiropractic P.C., Wes Psychological Services P.C.Contract (Non-Commercial) document preview


INDEX NO. 158348/2012 NYSCEREQUEST FOR JUDICIAL INTERVENTION e-OT Ucs-840 (7/2012) AS Entry Date = | Supreme COURT, COUNTY OF. New York Judge Assigned Index No: 158348/12 Date Index issued 11/28/2012 TON: iJ] Date: - ets AMERICAN TRANSIT INSURANCE COMPANY Plaintiff(s)/Petitioner(s) ~against- STEVEN CASTOR, A & F MEDICAL, P.C., ACTIVE CARE MEDICAL SUPPLY CORPORATION, BROMER MEDICAL P.C., ELITE REHAB PHYSICAL {THERAPY P.C., FYZ ACUPUNCTURE, P.C., HAOYUN MEDICAL CARE P.C,, INTEGRATIVE PAIN MEDICINE P.C., KAPPA MEDICAL, P.C,, TOTAL JHEALTH CHIROPRACTIC P.C.,, WES PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES P.C,, Defendant(s)/Respondient( OGEEDING INE: ec IMONIAL COMMERCIAL © Contested © Business Entity (including corporations, partnerships, LLCs, cic) NOTE: For all Matrimonial actions where the parties have children under © contract the age of 18, complete and attach the MATRIMONIAL RJl Addendum. © Insurance (where insurer is a party, except arbitration) For Uncontested Matrimonial actions, use RWI form UD-13. © ucc (including sales, negotiable instruments) = TORTS” © other Commercial © Asbestos (specify) © Breast Implant NOTE: For Commercial Division assignment requests [22 NYCRR § © Environmental: 202.70{d)], complete and attach the COMMERCIAL DIV RJl Addendum. (epee REAL'PROPERTY: - How maniy-properties daes the application include? © medical, Dental, or Podiatric Malpractice © Condemnation © Motor Vehicle oO Morigage Foreclosure {spacity): © Residentat © Commercial © Products Liability: Property Address (specity} Stroet Address City Stale Zip © other Negligence: NOTE: For Morigage Foreclosure actions involving a one- to four-family, {specity} owner-occupied, residential property, or an owner-occupied © other Professional Malpractice: condominium, complete and altach the FORECLOSURE RJl Addendum. (speci) O Tax Centiorari - Section: Block: Lot: © other Tort © Tax Foreciosure (specify) Jo Other Real Property: OTHER MATTERS (specify) © Cerificate of Incorporation/Dissolution [see NOTE underCommercial] SPEGIAL PROCEEDINGS: © Emergency Medical Treatment © CPLR Article 75 (Arbitration) [see NOTE onder ‘Commercial Habeas Corpus © CPLR Article 78 (Body or Officer) © Local Court Appeal © Election Law © Mechanic's Lien © MHL Article 9.60 (Kendra's Law) © Name Change © MHL Article 10 (Sex Offender Confinement-Iniial) © Pistol Permit Revocation Hearing © MHL Article 10 (Sex Offender Confinement-Review) © Sale or Finance of Religious/Not-for-Profit Property © MHL Article 81 (Guardianship) © othertnsurance © other Mental Hygiene: (spacily) (spacify} © Other Special Proceeding (specify) AGTION: EEDIN' Answer: YES RY question EAN additional mation whel ated. YES: Has a summons and complaint or summons winotice been filed? Oo 90 If yes, date filed: Has a summons and complaint or summons w/notice been served? o 90 If yes, date server \s this acllon/proceeding being filed post-judgment? Oo 0 I yes, judgment date: RI DI jebk: Eb additions information. where indic “C) infant's Compromise © Note of Issue and/or Certificate of Readiness © Notice of Medical, Dental, or Podiatric Malpractice Date Issue Joined: © Notice of Motion Rellef Sought;/udament- Default Retum Date: 05/28/2013 © Notice of Petition Relief Sought: Retum Date: © order to Show Cause Relief Sought: Retum Date: © other Ex Parte Application Rellef Sought: ee © Poor Person Application oO Request for Preliminary Conference © Residential Mortgage Foreclosure Settlement Conference © Writ of Habeas Corpus © Other (specify = any lon relate {ior Family GA requ adaltia; completa: all W:Addendut ion leave ei ase 7 Ind ‘No. Court Judge (if'assigned) : Relations! stant Case TE ditiai lired; complete.and-altachthe: idendum. Parties: Attorneys and/or Unrepresented Litigant: Issue ist parlies in captio rder: Provide attorney name, firm name, business address, phone number and e-mail done ~ Insurance icate Gs address of all allomeys that have appeared in the case. For unrepresented eters) laintit |litigants, provide address, phone number and e-mall address. (YIN): AMERICAN:TRANSIT INSURANCE COMPAR Tuttolomondo Giovanna Last Namo First Wana Oyves Law Office of James F, Sullivan First Name o Primary Role: '2 Duane Street, 7th Floor Firm Name New York New York ‘007 Plaintiff Strect Address City State Ip Secandary Rate {if any} KDNo pe 212) 374-0008 Fox esmall ICASTOR Last Name Last Name First Namo STEVEN yes First Name Firm Name Primary Role: Defendant Street Address City State ap Secondary Role (it any}; K=)No Phone Fox eomall [A & F MEDICAL, P.C,, jst Nama. Last Nama First Name Dyes First Nama Firm Name Primary Role: Defendant ‘Street Address City Stala zip Secondary Role (If any) K@)No Phono Fox e-mall ACTIVE CAREMEDICAL SUPPLY CORPORS Last Name First Name Ores First Namo Firm Namo Primary Role: Defendant Stroot Address City. Stato 2p Secondary Role (If any}: Ke)No Phono Fox i AFFIRM UNDER THE PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT, TO MY KNOWLEDGE, OTI (\ emg AS HOTED ABOVE, THERE ARE AND HAVE BEEN NO RELATED ACTIONS OR PROCEEDINGS, NOR HAS A REQUEST FOR JUD! INTERVENTION PREVIOUSLY BEEN FILED IN \ THIS ACTION OR PROCEEDING. Dated; 04/2/2013 \ \e SIGNATURE 4381703 anna Tuttolomondo ATTORNEY REGISTRATION NUMBER ¥ ‘PRINT OR TYPE NAME Form PrintForm Request for Judicial Intervention Addendum UCS-840A (7/2012) Supreme COURT, COUNTY OF. New York Index No: 158348/12 For use when additional space is needed to provide party or related case information. jairtie pan altoy 1d imbet :o-t ‘Attorneys:and/or: Unreprasented Litigants: Un-}List parties: ptlon order. and Issue Rep indi pal Provide attorney fname, firm name, businéss address, phone number and e-mail es} (08 defendant, Jadcress ofall ailomeys thal have appeared Inthe case, For unrepresented Joined insurance Carriers): .: Srd-p: ty provide address, Phone number, and.e-mail address, YIN): BROMER MEDICAL P.C,, ast Name Last Name First Name \Oves First Name Firm Name Primary Role: Pefendant Stract Addrass city State zp ‘Secondary Role (if any): Kno Phone Fax eamall ELITE REHAB PHYSICAL THERAPY P.C., Last Name First Name Kves First Namo Fiem Name Primary Rote: Defendant ‘Street Address city State Sccandary Role {if any): Ke)No Phone Fax, e-mail FYZ ACUPUNCTURE, P.C,, Last Name Lost tame First Name Kyes First Name Firm Name Primary Rota: Defendant Strat Address. city State ap Secondary Rale (If any}: Keno Phone Fax eamalt HACYUN MEDICAL CARE P.C. Last Nama Last Nama First Name YES First Name Firms Name Primary Role: Defendant Stroot Addrass chy State 2p ‘Secondary Role (if any): no Phone Fax esnall INTEGRATIVE PAIN MEDICINE P.C., Lost Name First Name KES First Name Firm Name Primary Rote: Defendant Stroot Addross: chy State 2p Sucondary Role {if any): Kno Phono Fax paral KAPPA MEDICAL, P.C, Name Last Nama First Namo KDYES First Name Firm Name Primary Rote: Pefendant Street Address. City State Zp Secondary Role (if any): Ke)NO Phone Fax e-mall jrelatedia ion Z1iclude-any-ralat imine ind/ar-Family Court case ‘Case Title lind xiCase No. dudge (if. aeclgied) Relationship ‘to: Instant Case: _ Print For Request for Judicial Intervention Addendum UCS-340A (7/2012) Supreme COURT, COUNTY OF. New York Index No: 158348/12 For use additional ice Is needed to provide party or related case information. ttoi ber: ace. Attorneys:and/or Unrepresented Litigant Un- parties in caption ordér‘and. Provide attorney name, firm name, tusiness address, phone umber and e-mail Issue" Rep |indicate-paity role(s) (eg defenda appeared in the case... For unrepresented address: ofall attorneys that hay Joined Insurance Carrir(s} :: lard:party: igans, provide addrass, phone number and e-mall address. (vin TOTAL HEALTH citRormacnc PC, Last Name First Name (ves First Name Firm Name Primary Rote: Defendant Straet Address city Stato zip Secondary Role (if any}: K)No Phone Fox e-mail Last Namo: Last Name First Name {yes Oo First Name Primary Role: Finn Name Street Address cy Stato Zp Sccandary Role (If any): Kno Phane Fax, eamalt Last Name Last Nama First Name (ves Firat Namo Firm Name Primary Rolo: Street Address city Stata zip Secondary Rala (If any} Kno Phone Fax e-matl Last Nama Last Namo First Name ves First Name Firm Name Primary Riole: Stroot Address, city State ip Secondary Role (If any): Ono Phone Fax axmall Last Name Last Name First Namo ves First Namo Firm Name Primary Role: Stront Addrass city State Zp Secondary Role (IF ony): no Phone Fax e-mail Last Name Last Nemo First Name (Dyes Firet Name Firm Namo Primary Rote: tract Address; city Stata Zip Secondary Role (if any}: (Ono Phone Fax exmall te ‘actions; jonlal:act lors iny related criminal-and/o Fam Ourt cas Ca itl Index/Case:No. | Judge assigned) Relationship toInstant Case.