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  • Louis Mytych v. Megan FlaniganTorts - Other (Wage and Hour Violation) document preview
  • Louis Mytych v. Megan FlaniganTorts - Other (Wage and Hour Violation) document preview
  • Louis Mytych v. Megan FlaniganTorts - Other (Wage and Hour Violation) document preview
  • Louis Mytych v. Megan FlaniganTorts - Other (Wage and Hour Violation) document preview


UD) NEW YO OUNTY 09 INDEX NO. 154498/2016 NYSCEF BOC. NO. 9 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/22/2016 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK NEW YORK COUNTY . aie. ws + 7 PRESENT: —— SES GS PART_2- _ Justice Index Number : 154498/2016 INDEX NO. MYTYCH, LOUIS MOTION DATE vs FLANIGAN, MEGAN MOTION SEQ. NO. 0 0 I Sequence Number : 001 DISMISS The following papers, numbered 1 to , were read on this motion to/for Notice of Motion/Order to Show Cause — Affidavits — Exhibits [Nois).. Answering Affidavits — Exhibits No(s). Replying Affidavits J Nojs). Upon the foregoing papers, it is ordered that this motion is VES 2) [; eal wwrbayt fs pe Stipulotion of fhe rHes dated 'sl2sIb (NYSCER Jo. 7), buch 1s serauoncoe sly sorowtued heen! A. Doc Acéorvob te &y (pus GRO REDS fat ho Coens IE (greed oChenes oO” (Blane. rPY ¢ ppt eunchyreot) 42a Are lismssed, lw Popa woo a9 wz cs 20 wo <2 Zu come SII 5/6 2° = Ee RECEIVED NYSCEF a7/ 016 NYSCEF DOC. NO SUPREME COURT OF THE SPATE OF NEW YORK COUN Y OF NEW YORK xX LOUIS MYTYCH Index No. 1S4498/2016 Plaintitt IAS Part 2 - against- NYSCHI MEGAN PILANIGAN, STIPU! TION OF PARTIAL DISCONTINUANCE AND Defendant [PROPOSED] ORDER we ee ee ee eee ee eee eee Xx Plaintiff LOUIS MYPYCH filed this lawsuit against Defendant MEGAN WHEREAS, FLANIGAN, on May 26, 2016. WHEREAS, on June 29, 2016. Defendant fled a motion to dismiss Count Ll (spread-ef hours), Count HI (failure to pay wages), and Count V Ginjust enrichment) of Plaintiff's Veritied Complaint pursuant to CPLR 321 1(a)(7). WHEREAS, Defendant's: e Juiy 20, 2016 motion is returnablon WHEREFORE, tT IS WHEREBY STIPULATED AND AGREED that Plaintifl consents to the dismissal, with prejudice, of Counts 1 Hand ¥ of the Verified Complain: WHEREFORE, tT IS FURTHER STIPULATED AND AGREED that Defendant shall answer the Veriticd Complaint on or before August 12, 2016 Dated ©fi Dated oy By: Leone By: Je CASTILLOSTEPUENS LL SEYVARTH SHAW LLP GlendovalJ. Stephens, Esq. John T. DiNapoli 305 Broadway, Suite 1200 620 Righth Avenue New York, NY 1000) New York, New York 10018 T Felephor Ql 218-3 388 (212) 835-1400 gistephers@attorncy!.com Jinapoli yfarth Antorney for Plaintiff Altorin ow Defendant SO 0ROEREO glis le | KATHRYN FREED of 2 Jus’ OF SUPREME COURT 2 of 2