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  • Ke Kailani Partners, Llc, a Hawaii limited liability company v. Michael J. FuchsOther Special Proceeding document preview
  • Ke Kailani Partners, Llc, a Hawaii limited liability company v. Michael J. FuchsOther Special Proceeding document preview
  • Ke Kailani Partners, Llc, a Hawaii limited liability company v. Michael J. FuchsOther Special Proceeding document preview
  • Ke Kailani Partners, Llc, a Hawaii limited liability company v. Michael J. FuchsOther Special Proceeding document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 03/07/2014 INDEX NO. 151302/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 19 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/07/2014 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK x KE KAILANI PARTNERS, LLC, Index No. 151302/2014 Petitioner, AFFIRMATION OF CHRISTOPHER J. MAJOR v. Motion Sequence MICHAEL 1. FUCHS, No. 001 Respondent. x CHRISTOPHER J. MAJOR, an attorney at law duly admitted to practice before the courts of this state, hereby affirms the following subject to the penalties of perjury: 1. I am a partner in the law firm of Meister Seelig & Fein LLP ("MSF"), counsel for Respondent Michael Fuchs ("Fuchs") and, as such, I am familiar with the facts and circumstances of this matter as hereinafter set forth. 2. I respectfully submit this affirmation in opposition to Ke Kailani Partners, LLC ("KKP") motion pursuant to CPLR 3119 and CPLR 3124 to compel Fuchs to comply with a subpoena served by petitioner Ke Kailani Partners, LLC ("KKP") on or about January 26, 2014 (the "Subpoena"). 3. By way of background, on April 23, 2012, KKP obtained the Hawaii Judgment. 4. On or about October 16, 2012, KKP purported to register the Hawaii Judgment in New York County pursuant to Article 54 of the New York CPLR. 5. In response to KKP's Article 54 petition to register the Hawaii Judgment in New York, Fuchs, who was (and still is) vigorously challenging the validity and constitutionality of the Hawaii Judgment in the appellate courts of Hawaii, filed motions in this Court seeking an order (a) staying enforcement in New York of the Hawaii Judgment pending the outcome of 5720-001 Doc# 286 1 post-judgment motions and an appeal of the Hawaii Judgment in Hawaii (Motion Sequence No. 1); (b) striking the Hawaii Judgment in New York because of defects in the notice and filing of the Hawaii Judgment here in New York (Motion Sequence No.2); and (c) dismissing KKP's Article 54 petition on the ground that the Hawaii Judgment is not entitled to full faith and credit in New York because it was procured in violation of the Fuchs Parties' due process rights. 6. After extensive briefing and oral argument on all three motions, on May 13,2013 the Court issued the Stay Order, which prohibited any actions by KKP to enforce the Hawaii Judgment in New York pending the outcome of appeals challenging the Hawaii Judgment. In addition, the Court held in abeyance Motion Sequence Nos. 2 and 3 pending the outcome of the Hawaii proceedings. Thus, Fuchs' motions attacking the registration of the Hawaii Judgment in New York and objecting to it receiving full faith and credit were not ruled upon because the Court stayed enforcement in New York. 7. The Court conditioned the Stay Order on Fuchs posting a bond in an amount equal to ten percent of the Hawaii Judgment. When interest was included, Fuchs was required to and did post with the New York Supreme Court an undertaking in the amount of $2,402,037.11. True and correct copies of the Proofs of Posting of the Undertaking are attached hereto as Exhibit 1. That undertaking was designed by statute and did buy Fuchs peace in New York until the conclusion of the appeal in Hawaii. KKP has no basis for disturbing that peace. 8. Notably, at the time this Court entered the Stay Order, counsel for KKP specifically asked for and was denied an exception to the stay for asset discovery: Mr. Hranitsky: Your Honor, may I just make one point of clarification? Does the stay apply to discovery? The Court: I can't hear you. Mr. Hranitsky: Does the stay apply to discovery? 5720-001 Doc# 286 2 The Court: Yeah. There is no discovery needed at this stage. Do you want to do discovery here? Mr. Hranitsky: Asset discovery. The Court: I don't think it's necessary until you have a judgment - Mr. Meister: Right. The Court: -- that has full faith and credit and that has been finally determined by the Hawaii Courts. At this stage, you do have a judgment, I haven't vacated - I haven't rejected the full faith and credit doctrine. I think that it's premature at this stage to do any of that stuff. I rather you go ahead and have your energies in Hawaii See May l3, 2013 Transcript, at p. 48, a true and correct copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit 2. Notably, KKP declined to attach this transcript to its moving papers. 9. Thereafter, KKP moved for reconsideration of the Stay Order, which this Court denied on July 15,2013. A true and correct copy ofKKP's memorandum of law in support of its May 24, 2013 motion for reconsideration is attached hereto as Exhibit 3. A true and correct copy of the Court's Order denying KKP's motion for reconsideration is attached hereto as Exhibit 4. 10. The appeals challenging the Hawaii Judgment in the Hawaii appellate courts remain pending, as demonstrated by the docket sheets for each of the appeals that have been provided by Fuchs' Hawaii counsel and are attached hereto as Exhibit 5. As is clear from KKP's moving papers, it does not deny the pendency of the appeals. 11. Accordingly, KKP is barred from taking any steps in New York to enforce the Hawaii Judgment, including asset discovery. 12. Nevertheless, KKP is now violating the Stay Order by serving the Subpoena, which unquestionably seeks the exact asset discovery this Court explicitly held KKP could not 5720-001 Doc# 286 3 undertake. The document demands accompanying the Subpoena seek documents concerning Fuchs' assets. Indeed, they are quintessential post-judgment asset discovery document demands. KKP's thinly veiled use of CPLR 3119 to create the fiction that the Subpoena is somehow discovery in Hawaii is patently without merit. It seeks documents and a deposition in New York, all of which concerns Fuchs' assets. The Subpoena is therefore undeniably New York asset discovery in violation of the Stay Order. 13. CPLR 2304 provides this Court with the authority to "quash, fix conditions or modify a subpoena." In addition, CPLR 3103(a) empowers the Court to "make a protective order denying, limiting, conditioning or regulating the use of any disclosure device." Therefore, on behalf of Fuchs we filed a motion to quash, which is currently pending before the Court and scheduled for argument simultaneously with the argument on the instant motion to compel on March 24, 2014. 14. In order to preserve the efficacy of the Stay Order, this Court should issue an order denying KKP's motion to compel and quashing the SUbpoena. 15. As set forth in the accompanying memorandum of law, the Subpoena violates an order of this Court which barred KKP from enforcing in New York (the "Stay Order") a $21 million deficiency judgment entered in Hawaii against Fuchs in his role as the guarantor of a real estate development loan following the foreclosure of the real estate in Hawaii that collateralized the loan (the "Hawaii Judgment"). At the time the Court issued the Stay Order, the Court explicitly found that the stay included a bar of asset discovery in New York. KKP's attempt to cast the Subpoena as Hawaii discovery in an effort to circumvent the stay is without any legal or factual basis. There is no doubt that the Subpoena seeks asset discovery in New York, and it is therefore prohibited no matter how KKP characterizes the Subpoena. Moreover, Fuchs posted a 5720-001 Doc# 286 4 $2,402,037.11 bond in consideration for the Stay Order, and he IS entitled to the ongomg protections it affords him within the State of New York. ~~' Dated: New York, New York March 7,2014 Christopher J. jb; 5720-001 Doc# 286 5 EXHIBIT 1 I NEW YORK COIJNTY Cowmay Clerk and Clei'k of the Supreme Court COlI'll'f ANl) nU:JST FtJM) RECEIPT 5119 A,tdM (YJ)c,n4el -:. rvLhS,. f-t~nO ret_ to u. ...",,,,,bclr} (AI,..,. Names of ptT.oru for whose benefit deposjted _______,___,__ ~.....- - - Principal Interest TOTAL •• County Clerk a1]erk of d~_S1fiKeme Court, N. Y. Co. By-L1A~~~ _/ A{U1~'2 .Cashier The: fun:~t~;lh~I;;.7~lt~.~.{'2'%'!!hiSm?!i6ni~;~1F f7~J~· -;~ .. ~"'., .• . ••..• I• . ':.•.•.;i ••.;; .•j{.•. . '; ...••.•••.• ; . . . . . . . . . . . . .' .... ..' ·C,V/~ ~~fp Q;fVYC/VU ~~. t;{t~/ . . ·1 VSA~fJ ~t1T ·(ffJ~A/h.. .... · . . 0~.~~Ce/t '1; tA '/' FI LE oj JUL 24 2013 .. ,". ,NEWYORK uc·· COUNTYClERK'SOFFlQ! ./ . 'j SHLOMO HAGLER;J$.C. J'S£j ... . .; , > ' > . . jZl'NON-EINi\4PISBOsmON [J GRANTEDINe~RT 0 OTHER OSUBMfT;ORDER- [JOONOT POST [J FIDUCIARY APPOINTMENT. 0 RE.fERSNCE EXHIBIT 5 My Case View - Hawai'i Intermediate Court of Appeals Page.! of 12 Judiciary Internet You are logged In as WEBU6789. Home logout "" My Case View ~ JUDICIARY INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Active and Inactive Cases 0 (II My Cases All Firm Cases Filter Criteria: Filter CrilediJ Case 10 Filing Date (Start) Case Type Filing Date (End) Case Status Please select a case, Case 10 Court Location Type Status Descripllon InitiaHon Date Intermediate Court of CAAP·12-0000865 IntenTediate Court of Appeals AP CLOSEDS Bank of New York Melion v_ Timosan 18-0CT·2012 Appeals Intermediate Court of CAAp·12·0000796 Inlennediate Court of Appeals AP ACTIVE 1 B·SEp·2012 Bank of New Yor1< Mellon VS, Lizarraga Appeals Inifnmediale Couri of f<.e KaHan! Partners Ke Kai!ani V5, CAAP-12·0000758 IntenTediate Court of Appeals AP ACTIVE 31~AUG-2012 Appeals Developmenl Intermediate Court of Wells Fargo Bank, NA vs. Hatota Tehiva, et CAAp·12·0000610 IntenTediate Court of Appeals AP ACTIVE 29·JUN·2012 Appeals al Intermediate Court of CAAP·12-0000509 IntenTediate Court of Appeals AP ACTIVE First Honzon va Galiza 23·MAY·2012 Appeals Intermediate Court of CAAP-12·0000507 IntenTediate Court of Appeals AP ACTIVE Reyes vs. HSBC Bank USA 22-MAY·2012 Appeals Intermediate Court of CAAp·12·0000474 IntenTediate Court of Appeals AP ACTIVE Niau, at al. vs. Quicl< Loan Funding, at al. 09·MAY·2012 Appeals Intermediate Court of CAAp·12·0000377 Intermediate Court of Appeals AP ACTIVE Wells Fargo Bank vs Hatata Tehiv8, et ai, l1-APR·2012 Appeals Intermediate Court of James Pappas vs, Chad Duran and CAAP-12-0000117 Intermediate Court of Appeals AP ACTIVE 27 -FEB·2012 Appeals Jonnaven Monalim Intermediate Court of Ke Kailani Partners vs Ke Kailani CAAP·12·0000070 Intermediate Court of Appeals AP ACTIVE 03·FEB·2012 Appeals Development 49 cases found, displaying 10 case(s), from 31 to 40, Page 4 /5 1 2 3 4 5 Ca.e Summary for CAAp·12-0000768 Ke Kailani Partners, LLC, a Hawaii limited liability company, Plaintiff-Appellee vs. Ke Kailani Development LLC, a Hawaii limited liabilUy company. Michael J, Fuchs, Individually, Defendants-Appellants and Director of Finance. Real Property Division, County of Hawaii, Ke Kailani Community Association, the Association of Villa Owners of Ke Kailani, Mauna Lani Resort Association, Defendants·Appellees and John Does 1-50, Jane Does 1-50, Doe Partnerships 1·50, Doe Corporations 1·50, Doe Limited Liability Companias 1·50, Doe Entities 1-50 and Doe Governmenta! Units 1-50, Defendants Partl.s for CAAP·12·0000758 # PartytD Role Name Start Date End Date A •• oelated Party Juv A3181 Atlorney Gary V Dubin 31-AUG-2012 3,4 o 2 A8471 Marney Frederick John Arensmeyer 31-AUG-2012 3,4 o 3 @1793517 AppellantKe KaHani Development Lie 31-AUG-2012 o 4 @1793520 AppellantMichael J Fuchs 31-AUG·2012 o 5 @1793524 Appellee Ke Kailani Partners, Lie 31-AUG·2012 o 6 A1209 Attorney Terence J. O'Toole 31·AUG-2012 16,17,18,5 o A5083 Attorney Sharon V. Lovejoy 31·AUG·2012 16, 17,1B, 5 o 8 A9054 Attorney Richard John Wallsgrove 31·AUG·2012 12·SEP-2012 o 9 A3744 Attorney Christian p, Porter 31-AUG-2012 11,12,13 o 2/5/2014 My Case View - Hawai'i Intermediate Court of Appeals Page 2 of 12 PartylO Role Name Start Date End Oato Associated Party Juv 10 IA5698 IAttomey IRamona Laree Mcguire I31-AUG-2012 111 ,12,13 0 11 @1793526 Appellee Ke Kailani Community Association 31-AUG-2012 0 12 @1793527 Appellee Mauna Lani Resort Association 31-AUG-2012 0 13 @1793528 Appellee The Association Of Villa Owners Of Ke Kailani 31-AUG-2012 0 14 A3496 Attomey George W. Van Buren 31-AUG-2012 0 15 A1299 Attomey Nicholas C Dreher 31-AUG-2012 22-MAR-2013 0 16 @179353B Appellee Bank Of Hawaii 31-AUG-2012 0 17 @1793539 Appellee Central Pacific Bank 31-AUG-2012 0 18 @1793540 Appellee Finance Factors, Ltd 31-AUG-2012 0 19 A1724 Attomey Shelby A. Floyd 31-AUG-2012 21,22,23 0 20 A7B57 Attomey David D. Higgins 31-AUG-2012 21,22,23 0 21 @1793543 Appellee Mary Miles Morrison 31-AUG-2012 0 .22 @1793544 Appellee Robert Balinovich 31-AUG-2012 0 23 @1793545 Appellee Barry And Carol Shames 31-AUG-2012 0 24 ABB05 Attorney Andrew James Lautenbach 12-SEP-2012 16,17,18,5 0 25 A2997 Attorney Colin O.Miwa 05-0CT-2012 22-MAR-2013 0 .I~. Dock.t. for CAAP-12-0000758 Ok!, Dkt, In Description Filing Oato Filing Time Filing Party Sealed # Code Camera Notice of Appeal Ke Kailani Development Lie (@1793517), NA 31-AUG-2012 15:45:31 N N Filed OTC due to tech problems in JEFS Fuchs, Michael (@179352,,, 2 NEF NEF 31-AUG-2012 15:45:31 N N Civil Appeal Docketing Statement Ke Kailani Development Llc (@1793517), 3 CA 31-AUG-2012 22:45:23 N N EFile Document upload of type Civil Appeal Dockeling Statement Fuchs, Michael (@179352", 4 NEF NEF 31-AUG-2012 22:45:23 N N Payment 5 PY 04-SEP-2012 08:09:09 N Payment by CHK in the amount of $300.00 Appellate Mediation not Includ 6 AMNI 04-SEP-2012 10:20:25 N N Excluded_ NEF NEF 04-SEP-2012 10:20:25 N N Withdrawal & Substitution of Nollce of Withdrawal of Wallsgrove and appearance of 8 WSC rOocket code NTCE was updated to docket code Lautenbach 12-SEP-2012 09:21:35 Ke Kailani Partners, Ltc (@1793524) N N WSC on 09/1312012 by userid JOSHNCTJKH to correcl eFiling Correction" I NEF 9 NEF 12-SEP-2012 09:21 :35 N N copy forwarded to 1CC. Appeals Clerk, via interoffice mail. NOe I' Docket code NTCE was updated to docket code WSC on 10 NOC 13-SEP-2012 17:21:36 N N 09/13/2012 by userid JOSHNCTJKH to correct eFiling Correclion '/(Doc#6) Receipt~Document Transmitted 11 RC 13·SEP-2012 17:22:11 N N fe Notice of wId & appear of counsel-filed 9/12/12 12 NEF NEF 13-SEP-2012 17:22:11 N N Order 10 Consolidate Appeal OR re Consolidation. 9/4/12 mIn to consolidate granted to extent Ihat CAAP-12-70 conSOlidated under 758, and denied as to 13 OCON D5-0CT-2012 11:37:43 N N CAAP-12-153 & 759 (dismissed on 10/1/12). Copy of Ihis OR shall be filed in CAAP-12-70 & 758, thereafier all docs shall be filed only in 75B, Briefing shall proceed per HRAP 28. NEF 14 NEF NOTE-COpy of OR sent to Appeals Clerl<, First Circuit via 05-0CT-2012 11:37:43 N N interOffice mail, Receipt-Document Transmitted 15 RC OB-OCT -2012 17:11:12 N N re Order filed 10/5/12 16 NEF NEF 08-0CT-2012 17:11:12 N N 2/5/2014 My Case View - Hawai'i Intermediate Court of Appeals Page 3 of 12 Ok!. Okt. In Description Filing Date FIling Time FIling Party Sealed # 17 Code IRA I Record on Appeal ROA (PART 1 OF 16) I25·0CT-2012115:49:05 N Camera 18 NEF NEF 25·0CT-2012 15:49:05 N N Record on Appeal 19 RA 25·0CT -201215:50:22 N N ROA (PART 2 OF 16) 20 NEF NEF 25·0CT-2012 15:50:22 N N Record on Appeal 21 RA 25·0CT ·201215:51:52 ROA (PART 3 OF 16) 22 NEF NEF 25·0CT-2012 15:51:52 N Record on Appeal 23 RA 25·0CT-2012 15:52:31 N N ROA (PART 4 OF 16) 24 NEF NEF 25·0CT -201215:52:31 N N Record on Appeal 25 RA 25·0CT-2012 15:53:26 N ROA (PART 5 OF 16) 26 NEF NEF 25·0CT-2012 15:53:26 N N Record on Appeal 27 RA 25·0CT-2012 15:54:09 N N ROA (PART 6 OF 16) 28 NEF NEF 25·0CT-2012 15:54:09 N N Record on Appeal 29 RA 25·0CT·2012 15:54:52 N N ROA (PART 7 OF 16) 30 NEF NEF 25·0CT-2012 15:54:52 N N Record on Appeal 31 RA 25-0CT-2012 15:55:43 N N ROA (PART 8 OF 16) 32 NEF NEF 25-0CT-2012 15:55:43 Ii N Record on Appeal 33 RA 25·0CT-2012 15:56:29 N N ROA (PART 9 OF 16) 34 NEF NEF 25-0CT-2012 15:56:29 N N Record on Appeal 35 RA 25-0CT-2012 15:57:34 N ROA (PART 10 OF 16) 36 NEF NEF 25-0CT-2012 15:57:34 N N Record on Appeal 37 RA 25-0CT -201215:58:38 N N ROA (PART 11 OF 16) 38 NEF NEF 25·0CT-2012 15:58:38 N N Record on Appeal 39 RA 25·0CT ·201215:59:27 N N ROA (PART 12 OF 16) 40 NEF NEF 25·0CT·2012 15:59:27 N N Record on Appeal 41 RA 25·0CT·2012 16:00:27 N N ROA (PART 13 OF 16) 42 NEF NEF 25·0CT·2012 16:00:27 N N Record on Appeal 43 RA ROA (PART 14 OF 16) 25·0CT·2012 16:01:31 N 44 NEF NEF 25·0CT-2012 16:01:31 N N Record on Appeal 45 RA 25·0CT-2012 16:02:39 N ROA (PART 15 OF 16) 46 NEF NEF 25·0CT·2012 16:02:39 N N Record on Appeal 47 RA 25·0CT·2012 16:03:44 N N ROA (PART 16 OF 16) 48 NEF NEF 25·0CT-2012 16:03:44 N Notice of Entrng Case on Clndr 49 NC 25·0CT·2012 17:13:42 N N ODP Document generated on 25·0CT·2012 50 NEF NEF 25·0CT ·201217:13:42 N N 51 AMRA Amended Record on Appeal 26·0CT·2012 08:22:10 N N 52 NEF NEF 26·0CT-2012 08:22:10 N N Jurisdictional Statement Ke Kailani Development Llc (@1793517), 53 JS 09·NOV·2012 19:38:56 N N EFile Document upload of type Jurisdictional Statement Fuchs. Michael (@179352 ... 54 NEF NEF 09·NOV·2012 19:38:56 N N Clerk's ExtenSion Ke Kailani Development Lie (@1793517), 55 ex phone-Bessie (Gary Dubin) .. 30d Ext to Fi,e 08 from 121412012 03-DEC·2012 08:27:18 Fuchs, Michael (@179352 ... N N to 11312013. https:lljimspss 1. courts.state.hi. us/JIMSExternal/manage-cases. iface 2/5/2014 My Case View - Hawai'i Intermediate Court of Appeals Page 4 of 12 Ok\. Ok!. In Description FIling Date Filing Time FIling Party Sealed # Code Camera 55 INEF INEF 103-DEC-2012108:27:18 N N Notice of Extension Ke Kailani Developmenl L1c (@1793517), 57 NEXT 09-DEC-2012 19:08:56 N N EFile Document upload of type Notice of Extension Fuchs, M',chael (@179352 .. 58 NEF NEF 09-DEC-2012 19:08:56 N N Motion for Extension of Time Ke Kailani Development L1c (@1793517), 59 MXT 03-JAN-2013 23:05:56 N N EFlie Document upload of type Motion for Extension of Time Fuchs, Michael (@179352 ... 60 NEF NEF 03-JAN-2013 23:05:56 N N Order_ 61 ORD 07 -JAN-201309:40:03 N N Apprvd and so Ordered, Ext to file 08 to 01/31/12. 62 NEF NEF 07-JAN·2013 09:40:03 N N Motion for Reconsideration Plainliff Ke Kailani Partners LLC's MoUon for ReconSideration of 63 MR 15·JAN·2013 12:07:35 N Ke Kailani Partners, L1c (@1793524) N ORder Granting Four-Week Extension of Time for Filing Opening Brief 64 NEF NEF 15-JAN·2013 12:07:35 N N Order Ordered, MLn/Recon is grotd in part and denied in part Relief fr default and leave to file late 08 deemed grntd, 08 due by 01/31/13. NFE will be gmtd, Further Ordered, w~n 15d of dte of 65 ORD 23-JAN·2013 12:47:04 N N ord, Gary Victor Dubin show good cause why failed to file OB/timely req ext Failure to show good cause/comply wIard may result in sanctions. Further Ordered, Mtn denied in all other respects, 66 NEF NEF 23-JAN·2013 12:47:04 N N Motion for Reconsideration Ke Kailani Developmenl L1c (@1793517), 67 MR 29-JAN·2013 10:56:07 N N EFlle Document upload of type Motion for Reconsideration Fuchs, Michael (@179352... 68 NEF NEF 29·JAN-2013 10:56:07 N N Opening Brief This document is STRICKEN pursuant to Order filed on 3/27/13, docket no. 127, due to non-compliance of HRAP 28 AmOB shall • Ke Kailani Development L1c (@1793517), 69 08 31-JAN-2013 22:56:39 N N be filed by 4/8/13 (4/6Sat). Fuchs, Michael (@179352 ... . . . . . . . .6 . . . . . . . . ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H' •• " • • -..~ • .., . . . . . . ~ • • ~..... i • • • • •• ,. ........ .. EFile Document upload of type Opening Brief 70 NEF NEF 31-JAN-2013 22:56:39 N N Exhibit Ke Kailani Development L1c (@1793517), 71 EXH 31·JAN·2013 22:58:40 N N EFile Document upload of type Ex:t1ibit Fuchs, Michael (@179352._ 72 NEF NEF 31-JAN·2013 22:58:40 N N Exhibit Ke Kailani Development L1c (@1793517), 73 EXH 31-JAN-2013 23:00:35 N N EFile Document upload of type Exhibit Fuchs, Michael (@179352 ... 74 NEF NEF 31-JAN-2013 N N Exllibit Ke Kailani Development L1c(@1793517), 75 EXH 31-JAN-2013 2302:48 N N EFlle Document upload of type Exhibit Fuchs, Michael (@179352... 76 NEF NEF 31-JAN-2013 23:02:48 N N Declaration Ke Kailani Development Lie (@1793517), 77 DEC 31-JAN-2013 23:04:41 N N EFile Document upload of type Declaration Fuchs, Michael (@179352 . ., 78 NEF NEF 31·JAN-2013 23.04:41 N N Exhibit Ke Kailani Development L1c (@1793517), 79 EXH 31·JAN·2013 23:06:29 N N EFile Document upload of type Exhibit Fuchs, Michael (@179352 . 80 NEF NEF 31·JAN·2013 23:06:29 N N Exhibit Ke Kailani Development L1c (@1793517), 01 EXH 31·JAN-2013 23:08:32 N N EFile Document upload of type Exhibit Fuchs, Michael (@179352 ... 82 NEF NEF 31-JAN-2013 23:08:32 N N Exhibit Ke Kallani Developmenl Llc (@1793517), 03 EXH