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  • Helen Siller INDIVIDUALLY AND DERIVATIVELY AS A SHAREHOLDER OF AND ON BEHALF OF THE THIRD BREVOORT CORP v. The Third Brevoort Corporation, Diane C Nardone, Cliff Russo, Elizabeth Louie, Andrew Baum, George Aloi, Christine Beck, Bonnie Hiller, Mortimor C Lazarus, Jane Warren, John C Woell, Barbara EisenbergReal Property - Other document preview
  • Helen Siller INDIVIDUALLY AND DERIVATIVELY AS A SHAREHOLDER OF AND ON BEHALF OF THE THIRD BREVOORT CORP v. The Third Brevoort Corporation, Diane C Nardone, Cliff Russo, Elizabeth Louie, Andrew Baum, George Aloi, Christine Beck, Bonnie Hiller, Mortimor C Lazarus, Jane Warren, John C Woell, Barbara EisenbergReal Property - Other document preview
  • Helen Siller INDIVIDUALLY AND DERIVATIVELY AS A SHAREHOLDER OF AND ON BEHALF OF THE THIRD BREVOORT CORP v. The Third Brevoort Corporation, Diane C Nardone, Cliff Russo, Elizabeth Louie, Andrew Baum, George Aloi, Christine Beck, Bonnie Hiller, Mortimor C Lazarus, Jane Warren, John C Woell, Barbara EisenbergReal Property - Other document preview
  • Helen Siller INDIVIDUALLY AND DERIVATIVELY AS A SHAREHOLDER OF AND ON BEHALF OF THE THIRD BREVOORT CORP v. The Third Brevoort Corporation, Diane C Nardone, Cliff Russo, Elizabeth Louie, Andrew Baum, George Aloi, Christine Beck, Bonnie Hiller, Mortimor C Lazarus, Jane Warren, John C Woell, Barbara EisenbergReal Property - Other document preview


INDEX NO. 151313/2014 (FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 0370572014) NYSCEF DOC. NO. 13 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/05/2014 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK HELEN SILLER, Index No, 151313/2014 Plaintiff, STIPULATION - against - AND ORDER THE THIRD BREVOORT CORPORATION, Defendant. = IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED AND AGREED, by and between the undersigned attorneys, as follows: 1. The time for defendant The Third Brevoort Corporation (“Defendant”) to answer, move or otherwise respond with respect to the Complaint in the above-captioned action is hereby extended through and including March 10, 2014; responsive papers shall be served via email and mail on or before March 10, 2014; 2. Defendant’s opposition to plaintiff Helen Siller’s (“Siller”) application for a preliminary injunction and related relief, brought by Order to Show Cause dated F ebruary 18, 2014 (the “Motion”), if any, shall be served via email and mail on or before March 10, 2014; 3. Plaintiff's reply papers on the Motion, if any, shall be served via email and mail on or before March 14, 2014; 4. The retum date, time and location set forth in the Order to Show Cause shall remain March 17, 2014, 2:15 p.m., Part 17, Room 335, 60 Centre Street, New York, NY; and 5. This stipulation and order may be executed in counterparts and delivered via email or facsimile and each shall be deemed the same as an original. Dated: New York, New York March 4, 2014 STEPHEN I. SILLER ABRAMS GARFINKEL (L MARGOLIS BERGSON, LLP AS Stephen I. Siller Barry G. Margoli 885 Third Avenue, 16” Floor Eric B. Post New York, NY 10022 1430 Broadway, 17th Floor (212) 981-2330 New York, New York 10018 Attorney for Plaintiff (212) 201-1170 Helen Siller Attorneys for Defendant The Third Brevoort Corporation SO ORDERED: JS SHLOMO HAGLER ISG