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  • Hector Contreras v. The City Of New York, The Department Of Education Of The City Of New York, Beienvenido R Pena, Reliant Transportattion, Inc. Torts - Other (Personal Injury) document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 07/10/2019 09:59 AM INDEX NO. 156731/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 2 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/10/2019 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF Î\/CW M(f (C STATEMENT OF AUTHORIZATION FOR ELECTRONIC FILING (Single Attorney Authorizing Filing Agent Entity) , Esq., ( Attorney Registration No. ) am an authorizeddiser of the New York State Courts Electronic Filing System "NYSCEF") User ID d(#}')í / 6( v ).I hereby authorize any employee of who possesses a NYSCEF filingagent ID to file documents on my behalf and at my direction, as afiling agent, in any e-filed matter in which I am counsel of record through the NYSCEF system, as provided in Section 202.5-b of the This authorization extends to any consensuahnatter in which I have previously consented to e-filing, to any mandatory matter in which I have recorded my representation, and to any matter in which I may authorize the filingagent toietiord my töñseñt or representation in the NYSCEF system. This authorization extends to any and alldocuments Igenerate and submit to the filing agent for filing in any such matter. This authorization, posted once on the NYSCEF website asto each matter in which Iam counsel of record, shall be deemed to accompany any document filed in that matter by the filing agent. This authorizatiüñ also extends to matters of payrsent, which the filingagent may make either by debiting an sceoüñt the filing agent maintains with the County Clerk of any authorized or an account I maintain with the Clerk of authorized e- e-filing county by debiting County any filing county. This authorization regarding this filing agent shall continue until I revoke itin writing on a prescribed form delivered to the E-Filing Resource Center. Dated: Signatu City, State and Zip Code ). V Print Name Phone Th V \A 1ditoo a /co Firm/Depart . t E-Mail Address 1treet Address (6/6/13) 1 of 1