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  • Joseph G. Sarah v. Scott Mckinney, Iesi Ny Corporation, The City Of New York / Department Of Sanitation Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Joseph G. Sarah v. Scott Mckinney, Iesi Ny Corporation, The City Of New York / Department Of Sanitation Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview


| INDEX NO. 51573872019 AX NYSCEF DOC. NO. 11 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 12/02/2019 L Ru 2015 NOY 25 Q3 AM Ate 10: 38 it aL At IAS Part 26 the Supreme Court of the State of New York held in and for the County of Kings, Borough of Brooklyn, City and State of New York on the Jdayof November 2014 —_— | ZO\Q — O4 FEE | present:_ L2VIN€ | JSC ooseeh 6 Sarah indext_ S'S 738 ]2014 Vs. ORDER CHANGING Scot+ mciCinney, TES\ Wy VENUE Corporahon and The City of NSM] DOs Upon reading the notice of motion and all papers in support and opposition ey thereto, the motion for a change of venue is granted and it is further ORDERED that the Clerk of ( this County) (the County of , upon service of a copy of this order and upon payment of the requisit le fee if any, is directed to transmit all papers on file in the action v bearing Index, 2014 to the Clerk of the County of (ss 735/14) Collin Mast G AONISKATHERIME A. LEVINE JUSTICE SUPREME COURT Order Form 1 lofil