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  • Rudman, Harvey, Individually And On Behalf Of Starrett City Preservation Llc, Derivatively, Kuplesky, Harold, Individually And On Behalf Of Starrett City Preservation Llc, Derivatively v. Carol Gram Deane, Disque D. Deane, Salt Kettle Llc, St. Gervais Llc, Starrett City Preservation Llc, Dd Spring Creek Llc, Sk Spring Creek Llc, Spring Creek Plaza Llc, Dd Shopping Center Llc, Sk Shopping Center Llc Commercial Division document preview
  • Rudman, Harvey, Individually And On Behalf Of Starrett City Preservation Llc, Derivatively, Kuplesky, Harold, Individually And On Behalf Of Starrett City Preservation Llc, Derivatively v. Carol Gram Deane, Disque D. Deane, Salt Kettle Llc, St. Gervais Llc, Starrett City Preservation Llc, Dd Spring Creek Llc, Sk Spring Creek Llc, Spring Creek Plaza Llc, Dd Shopping Center Llc, Sk Shopping Center Llc Commercial Division document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 09/16/2016 05:56 PM INDEX NO. 650159/2010 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 377 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/16/2016 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK --------------------------------------------------------------------X HARVEY RUDMAN and HAROLD KUPLESKY, : on Behalf of Each of Them Individually and : on Behalf of Starrett City Preservation LLC, : Derivatively, : : Plaintiffs, : Index No. 650159/2010 : -against- : ORAL ARGUMENT REQUESTED : CAROL GRAM DEANE, THE ESTATE OF : Motion Seq. No. 10 DISQUE D. DEANE by CAROL G. DEANE, : as TEMPORARY EXECUTRIX, SALT : KETTLE LLC, ST. GERVAIS LLC, and : STARRETT CITY PRESERVATION LLC, : DD SPRING CREEK LLC, SK SPRING : CREEK LLC, SPRING CREEK PLAZA : LLC, DD SHOPPING CENTER LLC and : SK SHOPPING CENTER LLC, : : Defendants. : --------------------------------------------------------------------X PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that, upon Defendant Spring Creek Plaza LLC’s Memorandum of Law in Support of its Motion To Confirm that All Claims Against It Have Been Resolved, Defendant will move this Court, located at 60 Centre Street, New York, New York, in Room 130, the Motion Submission Part, on the 7th day of November, 2016, at 9:30 a.m., or as soon thereafter as counsel may be heard, for an Order dismissing Spring Creek from the case. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that, pursuant to the oral direction of the Court during a telephonic conference on August 9, 2016, opposing affidavits and other papers, if any, must be served on or before October 28, 2016 and all reply affidavits and other papers, if any, must be served on or before November 4, 2016. 1 of 2 Dated: New York, New York Respectfully submitted, September 16, 2016 FOLEY & LARDNER LLP By: /s/ Peter N. Wang Peter N. Wang ( Jonathan H. Friedman ( 90 Park Avenue New York, New York 10016 Tel.: (212) 682-7474 Fax: (212) 687-2329 Attorneys for Defendant Spring Creek Plaza, LLC 2 2 of 2