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  • Rudman, Harvey, Individually And On Behalf Of Starrett City Preservation Llc, Derivatively, Kuplesky, Harold, Individually And On Behalf Of Starrett City Preservation Llc, Derivatively v. Carol Gram Deane, Disque D. Deane, Salt Kettle Llc, St. Gervais Llc, Starrett City Preservation Llc, Dd Spring Creek Llc, Sk Spring Creek Llc, Spring Creek Plaza Llc, Dd Shopping Center Llc, Sk Shopping Center Llc Commercial Division document preview
  • Rudman, Harvey, Individually And On Behalf Of Starrett City Preservation Llc, Derivatively, Kuplesky, Harold, Individually And On Behalf Of Starrett City Preservation Llc, Derivatively v. Carol Gram Deane, Disque D. Deane, Salt Kettle Llc, St. Gervais Llc, Starrett City Preservation Llc, Dd Spring Creek Llc, Sk Spring Creek Llc, Spring Creek Plaza Llc, Dd Shopping Center Llc, Sk Shopping Center Llc Commercial Division document preview
  • Rudman, Harvey, Individually And On Behalf Of Starrett City Preservation Llc, Derivatively, Kuplesky, Harold, Individually And On Behalf Of Starrett City Preservation Llc, Derivatively v. Carol Gram Deane, Disque D. Deane, Salt Kettle Llc, St. Gervais Llc, Starrett City Preservation Llc, Dd Spring Creek Llc, Sk Spring Creek Llc, Spring Creek Plaza Llc, Dd Shopping Center Llc, Sk Shopping Center Llc Commercial Division document preview
  • Rudman, Harvey, Individually And On Behalf Of Starrett City Preservation Llc, Derivatively, Kuplesky, Harold, Individually And On Behalf Of Starrett City Preservation Llc, Derivatively v. Carol Gram Deane, Disque D. Deane, Salt Kettle Llc, St. Gervais Llc, Starrett City Preservation Llc, Dd Spring Creek Llc, Sk Spring Creek Llc, Spring Creek Plaza Llc, Dd Shopping Center Llc, Sk Shopping Center Llc Commercial Division document preview
  • Rudman, Harvey, Individually And On Behalf Of Starrett City Preservation Llc, Derivatively, Kuplesky, Harold, Individually And On Behalf Of Starrett City Preservation Llc, Derivatively v. Carol Gram Deane, Disque D. Deane, Salt Kettle Llc, St. Gervais Llc, Starrett City Preservation Llc, Dd Spring Creek Llc, Sk Spring Creek Llc, Spring Creek Plaza Llc, Dd Shopping Center Llc, Sk Shopping Center Llc Commercial Division document preview
  • Rudman, Harvey, Individually And On Behalf Of Starrett City Preservation Llc, Derivatively, Kuplesky, Harold, Individually And On Behalf Of Starrett City Preservation Llc, Derivatively v. Carol Gram Deane, Disque D. Deane, Salt Kettle Llc, St. Gervais Llc, Starrett City Preservation Llc, Dd Spring Creek Llc, Sk Spring Creek Llc, Spring Creek Plaza Llc, Dd Shopping Center Llc, Sk Shopping Center Llc Commercial Division document preview
  • Rudman, Harvey, Individually And On Behalf Of Starrett City Preservation Llc, Derivatively, Kuplesky, Harold, Individually And On Behalf Of Starrett City Preservation Llc, Derivatively v. Carol Gram Deane, Disque D. Deane, Salt Kettle Llc, St. Gervais Llc, Starrett City Preservation Llc, Dd Spring Creek Llc, Sk Spring Creek Llc, Spring Creek Plaza Llc, Dd Shopping Center Llc, Sk Shopping Center Llc Commercial Division document preview
  • Rudman, Harvey, Individually And On Behalf Of Starrett City Preservation Llc, Derivatively, Kuplesky, Harold, Individually And On Behalf Of Starrett City Preservation Llc, Derivatively v. Carol Gram Deane, Disque D. Deane, Salt Kettle Llc, St. Gervais Llc, Starrett City Preservation Llc, Dd Spring Creek Llc, Sk Spring Creek Llc, Spring Creek Plaza Llc, Dd Shopping Center Llc, Sk Shopping Center Llc Commercial Division document preview


(FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 0872772010) INDEX NO. 650159/2010 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 15 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/27/2010 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK HARVEY RUDMAN and HAROLD KUPLESKY, Index No. 650159/10 on Behalf of Each of Them Individually And On Behalf Of Starrett City Preservation LLC, Derivatively, Plaintiffs, - against - CAROL GRAM DEANE, DISQUE D. DEANE, SALT KETTLE LLC, ST. GERVAIS LLC and STARRETT CITY PRESERVATION LLC, Defendants. peace nnn nnn nnn nee eee nen X REPLY AFFIDAVIT OF HARVEY RUDMAN IN SUPPORT OF MOTION FOR LEAVE TO AMEND THE COMPLAINT. Harvey Rudman, being duly sworn deposes and says: 1 Iam a plaintiff in the above-captioned case. I submit this affidavit in support of the plaintiffs’ motion for leave to amend (the “Motion”) and in order to respond to groundless accusations against the plaintiffs and our attorneys made in papers filed by the defendants in opposition to the Motion. 2. The defendants contend in opposition to the Motion that I and plaintiff Harold Kuplesky knew of certain new facts alleged in the Second Amended Complaint prior to June 4, 2010, when the First Amended Complaint was filed. Specifically, defendants contend that prior to June 4, I knew that assignments or other transfers of the general partners’ (Disque Deane and Salt Kettle LLC’s (“SKI”)) economic interests in Starrett City Associates LP (“SCA”) were assigned to the new 506613.1 entities we seek to add as defendants in the Second Amended Complaint. These allegations are not true. 3 In 2006, the general partners of SCA assigned their economic interests in SCA to Starrett City Preservation LLC (“Preservation”). Iam a 15.01% member of Preservation. These economic interests increased significantly in value as a result of the refinancing of Starrett City and resulted in my entitlement to those benefits. 4. Notwithstanding my membership in Preservation, for more than a year the defendants have kept me completely in the dark as to what was to occur, and what did occur, in connection with the refinancing. Even now, it is not clear what has occurred, and the few exhibits filed by the defendants in opposition to the Motion only complicate, rather than clarify, the situation. 5 The first time I learned that any aspect of the general partners’ interests in SCA (whether their economic interests or their legal interests) had been assigned to any other person or entity was in April or May of 2010, when our attorneys located publicly-filed real estate documents that the defendants had filed in connection with the refinancing. These documents were signed by an entity designated as the managing general partner of SCA, rather than Deane who had been the managing general partner. I had never been told that there was any need to transfer any general partner interest. I was never told that such a transfer had been made. My consent, as a member of Preservation, was never sought for the transfer, nor was I advised that Preservation had consented to any transfer (if, in fact, it did as defendants claim). 6 In fact, notwithstanding my ownership interest in Preservation and my rights under the Preservation Limited Liability Company Agreement, I was not sent a 506613.1 single document by Preservation or any other defendant or proposed defendant in connection with the refinancing. While the limited partners of SCA were apparently kept apprised of events through occasional mailings, I was not sent the materials that were provided to the limited partners, or any other materials. I was not provided with information about the structure of the refinancing transaction, about the lender’s requirements associated with it, or about the transfer of assets of SCA -- including the general partners’ economic interest in SCA, which had been assigned to Preservation -- to newly created entities. I was not advised when the refinancing closed. I did not receive any financial accounting of the transaction. I have never received the refinancing closing documentation or many of the legal documents evidencing the assignments and transfers that were apparently made. 7 The defendants’ arguments of our alleged knowledge of pertinent events are particularly ironic given that for more than a year, through my attorneys, I have attempted to find out information about the refinancing, and to obtain confirmation that my rights were being honored and protected. In response, the defendants have hired a rotation of three different sets of attorneys, none of whom elected to keep us informed of pertinent information or documents, including with regard to these assignments. 8 The documents we received from public filings in the Spring of 2010 did not indicate what interests of the SCA general partners had been transferred to new entities. While Deane’s and SKI’s economic interests in SCA had been assigned to Preservation in 2006, their rights, powers and authority as general partners had not been assigned. Thus, at the time that we filed the First Amended Complaint, it appeared that ' After this case was filed, I received a partial payment from Preservation via the attorneys, but am still entitled to substantially more. 506613.) these (or at least Deane’s) legal interests had been assigned, but we had no knowledge that the general partners had assigned, or endeavored to assign, their economic interests in SCA to any third party. We therefore alleged in the First Amended Complaint the state of our knowledge at that time: that Deane’s “legal interest” had been assigned. See Amended Complaint, Exhibit A to the Affirmation of Jacqueline G. Veit in Support of Plaintiffs’ Motion for Leave To File a Second Amended Complaint, at { 9. 9 After we filed the First Amended Complaint, we learned facts that for the first time indicated that Deane and SKI had transferred their economic interests in SCA to newly-created entities. In June 2010, I saw for the first time certain materials that had been circulated by the defendants to the limited partners in SCA between December 2009 and mid-2010. Among them were the documents referenced in the Second Amended Complaint between paragraphs 98 and 104, including the chart attached as Exhibit 4 to the proposed Second Amended Complaint. This chart expressly says that proposed defendants DD Shopping Center LLC and SK Shopping Center LLC together hold a 19.9% “economic interest” in Spring Creek Plaza LLC. That economic interest belongs to Preservation. Of significance to us was not only the fact that Preservation is nowhere seen on this chart (as defendants contend), but the fact that the chart shows that new entities now hold all of Deane’s and SKI’s general partner interests in such assets, including the economic interests previously assigned to Preservation. 10. In the opposition papers, the defendants try to backtrack from this chart, arguing that it is incomplete in its omission of any reference to Preservation. They attach another chart -- which they refer to as the “approved” chart -- which they state was part of the refinancing closing documents (none of which I have ever seen). This 5066131 re rn mer mr enna gee tee emer terre 2 RIT IET ~ “approved” chart shows Preservation’s ownership interest in text-balloons two steps below those entities. This document does not clarify the situation, but nonetheless supports the Motion. This is only a summary chart, and the documents reflecting the legal transfers and relationships that the chart attempts to portray are still unavailable to us. It cannot be determined from the documents provided what exactly was transferred to which entity, and which person or entity now holds the “economic interest” that belongs Bo to Preservation. However, the new chart, and Defendants’ opposition papers, seem to confirm that the economic interests which previously were assigned to Preservation. have now, improperly, purportedly been transferred to these new entities. / J arvey Rudman Sworn and subscribed to before this 4% da of Au t, 2010 tary Phblic JACQUELINE G. Notary Public, State of New York No. 31-50098 ied in Bronx Co Cornmi Exprie ssis Marchon 22, 20 _/ 2 506613.) —__—