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  • Clean Air Options, Llc, Eurus Air Design, Ab v. Humanscale Corporation Commercial Division document preview
  • Clean Air Options, Llc, Eurus Air Design, Ab v. Humanscale Corporation Commercial Division document preview


SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW VORK. COUNTY OF NEW YORK CLEAN AIR OPTIONS, LI.C and EURUS AIR IAS Part 48 DESIGN, AB, Plaimifts, Honorable Jeffery K. Oing -against- Index No.: 654595/2012 HUMANSCALE CORPORATION, STIPULATION EXTENDING JUNE 26, 2014 DISCOVERY Defendant. ORDER WHEREAS a discovery schedule was entered on June 27, 2014, dated June 26, 2014, in this matter requiring all remaining fact discovery to be completed on or before August 29, 2014; and WHEREAS the parties have agreed to extend the time by which all remaining fact discovery must be completed fourteen (14) days from August 29, 2014 until September 12, 2014; and STIPULATED AND AGREED by and between COLE, SCHOTZ, MEISEL, FORMAN & LEONARD, P.A., attorneys for Humanscale Corporation, and AGOGLIA HOLLAND & AGOGLIA PC, attorneys for Clean Air Options, LLC and Eurus Air Design, AB, that all remaining fact discovery shall be completed on or before September 12, 2014 This Stipulation may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, and all counterparts so executed shall constitute one Stipulation binding on all of the parties hereto. Exccution of this Stipulation by the parties via facsimile signatures and/or delivery by electronic mail shal! be deemed the same as original signatures. 48 128/0004+10936094V ICOLE, SCHOTZ, MEISEL, FORMAN & AGOGLIA HOLLAND & AGOGLIA PC LEONARD, P.A. Attorneys for Plaintiffs, Clean Air Attorneys for Defendant, Humanscale Options, d Eurus Air Design, AB Corporation By: Arianna Frankl Lauren M. Manduke DATED: August 77,2014 DATED: August 27, 2014 48128/0004-10936094v1