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  • Peter Stern, Express Trade Capital, Inc. v. Oleg Ardachev, Air Cargo Services, Llc, Delex Inc., Delex Air Cargo Llc. (Delaware), Delex Air Cargo Llc. (Washington) Commercial (General) document preview
  • Peter Stern, Express Trade Capital, Inc. v. Oleg Ardachev, Air Cargo Services, Llc, Delex Inc., Delex Air Cargo Llc. (Delaware), Delex Air Cargo Llc. (Washington) Commercial (General) document preview


INDEX NO. 653476/2013 (FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK II716/2015 10:19 AM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 80 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/16/2015 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK NEW YORK COUNTY PRESENT. PART 2 ‘St iLOMOt SSC.Justice er Index Nijumber : Seaa7ERO1 3 ( STERN, PETER INDEX NO. vs. MOTION DATE ARDACHEV, OLEG SEQUENCE NUMBER : 003 MOTION SEQ. NO. | DISMISS v The following papers, numbered 1 to , Were read on this motion to/for Notice of Motion/Order to Show Cause — Affidavits — Exhibits [No(s) Answering Affidavits — Exhibits [Nojs). Replying Affidavits [ No(s). Upon the foregoing papers, it is ordered that this motion is ay A os Ms (os tla \E decd a, nih 6 kanes tie ™oft- up Corr plant ameaehd ae (7 ead telly Lablk fo Cm Se ent] As Ley Ce Corl walk OW fom ft pride yy PO pactng LO Dated: Li Gle 1 o J.S.C. ioe. JS. 4. CHECK ONE: ......ssssecsseee (J CASE DISPOSED [ON-FINAL DISPOSITION 2. CHECK AS APPROPRIATE: MOTION iS: (_] GRANTED NIED CIGRANTED IN PART (OTHER 3. CHECK IF APPROPRIATE: (SETTLE ORDER (] SuBMIT ORDER (JDO NOT PosT (FIDUCIARY APPOINTMENT (CUREFERENCE