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  • Robin Patterson v. Nxk Corp. d/b/a Ambu-Trans Ambulette Corp. Tort document preview
  • Robin Patterson v. Nxk Corp. d/b/a Ambu-Trans Ambulette Corp. Tort document preview
  • Robin Patterson v. Nxk Corp. d/b/a Ambu-Trans Ambulette Corp. Tort document preview
  • Robin Patterson v. Nxk Corp. d/b/a Ambu-Trans Ambulette Corp. Tort document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 04/17/2019 04:14 PM INDEX NO. 151641/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 83 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/17/2019 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK ROBIN PATTERSON NOTICE OF MOTION FOR Plaintiff, SUMMARY JUDGMENT -against- Index No.: 151641/14 NXK CORP. D/B/A AMBU TRANS AMBULETTE Return Date: 5/17/2019 Defendants. LEASE TAKE NOTICE, upon the annexed affirmation of ADAM S. PICINICH, affirmed on the 18th day of April, 2019, the exhibits emexed thereto, Brief, and all of the pleadings and proceedings heretofore had herein, the defendants will move this Court, at the Motion Submissiuñ Part, Room 130, at the courthouse located at 60 Centre Street, New York City, New York 10007, on May 17, 2019 at 9:30 a.m. in the forenoon of that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel may be heard, for an Order granting summary judgment to Defendant NXK CORP. D/B/A AMBU TRANS AMBULETTE, pursuant to CPLR 3212, together with such other and further relief as this Court shall deem just, proper, and equitable. The above-entitled action is for personal injuries. Pursuant to CPLR §2214(b), answering affidavits and cross-modons, if any are required to be served upon the undersigned within seven (7) days prior to the return date of this Motion. Dated: New York, New York April 18, 2019 BY: ~Adam S. Picinich DONOHUE LAW FIRM, P.C. Attorneys for Defendant NXK CORP. D/B/A AMBU TRANS AMBULETTE -1- 1 of 21 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 04/17/2019 04:14 PM INDEX NO. 151641/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 83 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/17/2019 5th 745 Avenue, 5th Floor New York, NY 10151 (212) 972-5252 TO: Eric Goldman, Esq. SULLIVAN PAPA1N BLOCK McGRATH & CANNAVO, P.C. Attorneys for Plaintiff 120 Broadway New York, NY 10271 (212) 732-9000 -2- 2 of 21 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 04/17/2019 04:14 PM INDEX NO. 151641/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 83 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/17/2019 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK WBIN PATTERSON Index No.: 151641/14 Plaintiff, -against- NXK CORP. D/B/A AMBU TRANS AMBULETTE Defendants. MEMORANDUM OF LAW IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANT NXK CORP. D/B/A AMBU TRANS AMBULETTE'S MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT Robert D. Donohue, Esq. Of Counsel Adam S. Picinich, Esq. On the brief 3 of 21 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 04/17/2019 04:14 PM INDEX NO. 151641/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 83 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/17/2019 PRELIMINARY STATEMENT Plaintiff Robin Patterson's claims arise from alleged personal injuries she sustained on October 17, 2013 while being transported home from Mt. Sinai Hospital. Particularly, Plaintiff alleges that while a passenger on an ambulette operated by NXK her wheelchair was not properly secured and when the driver stopped short, she fell from her wheelchair, sustaining personal injuries. However, contrary to Plaintiff's assertions, she was not being transported home by an ambulette owned and operated by defendant NXK. Consequently, summary judgment in the favor of the moving defendants must be granted. STATEMENT OF RELEVANT FACTS Defendant NXK Corp. hereby incorporates the facts set forth in the Affirmation in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment and the Affidavit of Neal Kalish filed in support of this Motion for Summary Judgment as its Statement of Relevant Facts. -1- 4 of 21 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 04/17/2019 04:14 PM INDEX NO. 151641/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 83 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/17/2019 LEGAL ARGUMENT POINT I granted" Pursuant to CPLR 3212, a motion for summary judgmat "shall be if the papers and proof are sufficient "to warrant the court as a matter of law in directing judgment in favor of party." any CPLR 3212. Summary judgment is proper to eliminate üññccessary expese to named litigants where no issue of material fact is presented to justify a trial against them. Donadio v. Crouse-Irving Memorial Hasp. Inc., 75 A.D.2d 715, 427 N.Y.S.2d 118 (4th Dept. 1980). To obtain summary judgment, the movant must establish the cause of action or defense sufficient to warrant the court directing judgment in the movant's favor as a matter of law. Papadopoulos v. Gamer's Village, Inc., 198 A.D.2d 216, 604 N.Y.S.2d 570 (2d Dept. 1993). When the movant does so, it then becomes incumbent upon the opposing party to produce evidentiary proof in admissible form sufficient to require a trial of material questions of fact. Papadopoulos, 604 N.Y.S.2d at 570; New York National Bank v. Harris, 182 A.D.2d 680, 582 N.Y.S.2d 278 (2d Dept. 1992); and Cohen v. City of New York, 128 A.D.2d 748, 513 N.Y.S.2d 459 (2d Dept. 1987). It is well settled that a party opposing a summary judgment motion must establish and lay bare its proof and present evidentiary facts sufficient to raise a genuine issue of triable fact. Morgan v. New York Telephone, 220 A.D.2d 728, 633 N.Y.S.2d 319(2d Dept. 1995); Northside Savings Bankv. Sokol, 183 A.D.2d 816,584 N.Y.S.2d 77 (2d Dept. 1992); Gus v. Town of North Hampton, 174 A.D.2d 649, 571 N.Y.S.2d 512 (2d Dept. 1991); Sikes v. Catvron Companies, 173 A.D.2d 810, 571 N.Y.S_2d 43 (2d Dept. 1991). The shadowy semblance of an issue is not enough to defeat a motion. Schwartzman v. Wertz, 153 Misc.2d 187, 580 N.Y.S.2d 612 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. 1991), affd 179 A.D.2d 540, 578 -2- 5 of 21 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 04/17/2019 04:14 PM INDEX NO. 151641/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 83 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/17/2019 N.Y.S.2d 565 (1st Dept. 1992); Mayer v. McBrunigan Construction Corp., 105 A.D.2d 774, 481 N.Y.S.2d 719 (2d Dept. 1984). The existence of some disputed facts will not defeat a summary judgment motion if,even when the facts are construed in favor of the non-moving party, the moving party would still be entitled to relief. Brooks v. Blue Cross of Northeastern New York; Inc., 190 A.D.2d 894, 593 N.Y.S.2d 119 (3d Dept. 1993). Furthermore, a motion for süñunary judgment may not be defeated by arguments and contentions based on surmise, conjecture or suspicion. Corvetti v. J&S Mills, Inc., 201 A.D.2d 448, 607 N.Y.S.2d 389 (2d Dept. 1994); Jordan Manufacturing Corp. v. Zimmerman, 169 A.D.2d 815, 565 N.Y.S.2d 184 (2d Dept. 1992) (conclusory allegations, expressions of hope, and unsubstantiated allegations insufficient to defeat judgment motion); Hass v. Town summary of Orangetown, 163 A.D.2d 726, 558 N.Y.S.2d 318 (3d Dept. 1990); Jones v. Gameray, 153 A.D.2d 550, 544 N.Y.S.2d 209 (2d Dept. 1990) (bald, conclusory allegations, even if believable, are not enough to defeat summary judgment motion); E Savino Oil & Heating Co., Inc. v. Rana Management Corp., 161 A.D.2d 635, 555 N.Y.S.2d 413 (2d Dept. 1990). Vague, conclusory affidavits, replete with hearsay are insufficient to raise a triable issue of fact. Mayo Lynch & Associates, Inc. v. Fine, 148 A.D.2d 424, 538 N.Y.S.2d 580 (2d Dept. 1989). In the instant case, it is patently clear that Plaintiff was not a passenger on a NXK vehicle during her return trip from Mt. Sinai Hospital to her home located at 50 Morningside Ave, Unit 4E, New York, New York 10026. The sworn testimony of NXK's owner, driver and dispatcher are all consistent in that Plaintiff was not on an NXK ambulette when the alleged incident occurred. Particularly, the driver, Mr. Garcia testified that although he drove Plaintiff from her home to Mt. Sinai Hospital, he did not pick her up from the hospital and drive her home. Similarly, the dispatcher, Mr. Rivera, testified that Plaintiff's return trip with NXK was -3- 6 of 21 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 04/17/2019 04:14 PM INDEX NO. 151641/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 83 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/17/2019 cancelled. Furthermore, Mr. Kalish, president and owner of NXK, testified that Plaintiff's retum was cancelled. the undisputed evidence - NXK's dispatch trip Correspondingly, documentary report, from 2013 to October 2013 and audit report - confirms trip log, trip history January 1, 17, that Plaintiff s return trip with NXK was cancelled on the day of the alleged incident. Therefore, Plaintiff could not have been a passenger on a NXK vehicle at the time of the alleged accident. Plaintiff has failed to establish and cannot establish that she was passenger on an ambulette owned and operated by Defendant NXK when the alleged incident occurred. To that end, Plaintiff has not produced a police report, ambulance report or any other documentary evidence that establishes that she was a passenger on a NXK ambulette at the time of the alleged incident. It is undisputed that at the time of the alleged incident that Plaintiff was not a passenger on a NXK owned or operated by Defendant NXK. Therefore, it is respectfully submitted that under the facts and circumstances presented, Defendant NXK is entitled to summary judgment as a matter of law, as there are no genuine issues of fact sufficient to require a trial on the issue of liability. CONCLUSION Based upon all facts and circumstances of this case, itis patently clear that Plaintiff was not a passenger on a vehicle owned or operated by Defendant NXK Corp. at the time of the alleged incident and, therefore, Defendant NXK Corp. was not the sole and proximate cause of the alleged incident. It isrespectfully submitted that Defendant NXK Corp. that summary judgment must be granted in favor of the defendant NXK Corp. d/b/a Ambu Trans Ambulette. WHEREFORE, it is respectfully requested that the within motion be granted in all respects and for such other and further relief as this court may deem just and proper. -4- 7 of 21 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 04/17/2019 04:14 PM INDEX NO. 151641/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 83 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/17/2019 Respectfully submitted, BY: ADAM S. PICINICH DONOHUE LAW FIRM, P.C. Attorneys for Defendant NXK CORP. D/B/A AMBU TRANS AMBULETTE 5°¹ 5"' 745 Avenue, Floor New York, NY 10151 (212) 972-5252 To: Eric Goldman, Esq. SULLIVAN PAPAIN BLOCK McGRATH & CANNAVO, P.C. Attorneys for Plaintiff 120 Broadway New York, NY 10271 (212) 732-9000 -5- 8 of 21 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 04/17/2019 04:14 PM INDEX NO. 151641/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 83 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/17/2019 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK ROB1N PATTERSON AFFIRMATION IN SUPPORT OF Plaintiff, SUMMARY JUDGMENT -against- Index No.: 151641/14 NXK CORP. D/B/A AMBU TRANS AMBULETTE Return Date: 5/17/2019 Defendants. ADAM S. PICINICH, an attorney duly admitted to practice law before the courts of the State of New York, hereby affirms the following to be true under penalty of perjury: 1. I am an attorney with the law firm Donohue Law Firm, P.C., attorneys for the defendant NXK CORP. D/B/A AMBU TRANS AMBULETTE (hereinafter referred to as "NXK" or "Defendant") and as such am familiar with the facts and circurnstances described in this matter based upon the file maintained by my office in the defense of this matter, as well as my own personal handling of this matter. 2. This Affirmation is submitted in Support of the Motion for Summary Judgment filed on behalf of the Defendant NXK. 3. This matter arises from an alleged October 17, 2013 incident that Plaintiff, a disabled person, contends occurred while a passêñger on Defendant's ambulette in the vicinity of 98th Madison Avenue and Street, New York, New York. (See Verified Complaint and Plaintiff's "A" Bill of Particulars, #1, attached hereto as Exhibit and Exhibit "B", respectively.) 4. At the time of the accident, Plaintiff was allegedly a passenger on the ambulette operated by NXK's employee, Hector Garcia. -1- 9 of 21 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 04/17/2019 04:14 PM INDEX NO. 151641/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 83 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/17/2019 5. Particularly, Plaintiff contends that on October 17, 2013, Defendant NXK was retained to transport her from Mt. Sinai Hospital to her home at 50 Morningside Ave, Unit 4E, New York, New York 10026. (Exhibit "A", ¶l l) (emphasis added). 6. Plaintiff contends that the driver, while in his scope of employment, failed to properly and adequately secure her wheelchair prior to transporting her from Mt. Sinai Hospital to her home. (Exhibit "A", ¶ 17). (emphasis added). 7. Plaintiff further contends that Defendant NXK was negligent in that on October 17, 2014, itsdriver was negligent in that he "applied the brakes suddenly and without warning, floor." causing plaintiff ... to fall forward out of her wheelchair and onto the (Exhibit "A", ¶ 19). 8. Plaintiff alleges that she sustained serious injuries as a result. (Exhibit "A", ¶ 24 and ¶26; Exhibit "B", #5). 9. As a result, Plaintiff filed a Complaint for personal injuries naming NXK d/b/a Ambu Trans Ambulette Corp as the sole defendant. (Exhibit "A") 10. Defendant filed a Verified Answer to Plaintiff's Complaint denying all claims. (See Verified Answer attached hereto as Exhibit "C") 11. Summary judgment must be granted in the instant matter because Plaintiff was not a passenger on an ambulette owned and operated by NXK at the time of the alleged incident. 12. Hector Garcia, testified that he was the driver of the ambulette that transported Plaintiff from her home located at 50 Morningside Ave, Unit 4E, New York, New York 10026 t_o Mt. Sinai Hospital for an appointment on the day of the alleged incident and that the ride occurred without incident. (See Exhibit "D", Examination Before Trial of Hector Garcia ("Garcia Tr."); 47:13-48:1; 48:22-25; 54:4-6) -2- 10 of 21 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 04/17/2019 04:14 PM INDEX NO. 151641/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 83 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/17/2019 13. Mr. Garcia did not transport Plaintiff from Mt. Sinai Hospital t.0her home on the day of the alleged incident and testified: Q: Do you know how she was picked on that day9 up A: No. Q: By that I mean picked up from the location where you dropped her off, Robin Patterson? A: I did not understand. Q: Do you know how she was picked up from the location where you dropped her off? A: No. (Exhibit "D", Garcia Tr., 57:7-16). 14. With respect to dropping off and picking up the same patient for both legs of their trip, Mr. Garcia testified: Q: Just because you drop of a certain passenger of customer at their destination doesn't necessarily mean that you are the driver who is assigned to pick them up, does it? A: Correct. Q: Is it frequently the case that you drop a passenger or customer off somewhere, and then someone else from your company picks that person up and returns then home? A: Yes. (Exhibit "D", Garcia Tr., 31:19-32:5). 15. Mr. Garcia further testified: Q: Is it ever the case that you are assigned to a job by a dispatcher and then the job is cancelled before you reach the passenger? A: Yes. (Exhibit "D", Garcia Tr., 41:10-13). -3- 11 of 21 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 04/17/2019 04:14 PM INDEX NO. 151641/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 83 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/17/2019 16. NXK's dispatcher on the day of the alleged accidat, Jeremiah Rivera, testified patients' that manifests from insurance carriers are received by NXK the night prior, and then broken down into routes labeled by NXK as AMB, AMBU-1, AMBU-2, AMBU-3, AMBU-4 and AMBU-5. Mr. Rivera was responsible to assign drivers for the AMBU and AMBU- 5 routes, which designate Manhattan and Manhattan-Westside, respectively. (See Exhibit "E", Examination Before Trial of Jeremiah Rivera ("Rivera Tr."); 30:24-32:10; 41:15-42:8). patients' 17. Thereafter, Mr. Rivera scheduled the A-leg of the trip. (Exhibit "E", Rivera Tr., 32:22-33:10). 18. With respect to the next record made on dispatch sheets, Mr. Rivera testified: Q: ...what is the next record that is made after the dispatch sheet? A: As the driver picks up the patient, I input the times into the computer direct. * * * Q: ... So, what form are you physically looMng at on the computer that you input the time in? A: It's the dispatch sheet. Q: Do you also input the time of the drop off into the dispatch sheet? A: Yes, I do. Q: And is that based on radio communication from the driver? A: Yes. Q: So, you input the time of pickup and the time of drop off in the dispatch sheet electronically, correct? A: Yes (Exhibit "E", Rivera Tr., 43:5-44:3). -4- 12 of 21 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 04/17/2019 04:14 PM INDEX NO. 151641/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 83 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/17/2019 Q: So, the next input that you would make, after you have entered the drop off time of the A-leg for a particular patient onto the dispatch sheet in your system is what? A: The next thing, that's it. Basically it's a completed call. Pick up time, drop off time, and then we have to complete it. Q: What do you do to complete it? A: It's like a little complete box we press; you know, check itoff. Q: And so, is logs of pick ups for B-legs and such maintained separated from the dispatch sheets? A: The way it'slogged onto the computer, it's at the bottom, which they call them call back. There's no time there, because we haven't got the call back. (Exhibit "E", Rivera Tr., 47:6-22). 19. With respect to NXK receiving and imputing patient call backs for the B-leg of a trip, Mr. Rivera testified: Q: ...what portion of the database or what form do they make the entry into? A: It's like I said, the call backs are at the bottom of the list. So, when you pull up the patient's name, it shows the B-leg, and at that time you input the B-leg time, which is the time they called. * * * Q: So, the times are entered in manually by the individual person who's taking the call,not automatically? A: It draws the time once you punch itin. It'snot like you can justput itin... Q: So, the time will reflect what time the name is punched up? A: The live time, yeah. * * * A: Like I said, when we receive the call, we get the time. That time will be on the sheet. You see the patient's name, phone number, the time for the B-leg, and then we hit the next box will be when we pick them up from the actual pick up, and then we also put the drop off, when we drop them off at home. -5- 13 of 21 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 04/17/2019 04:14 PM INDEX NO. 151641/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 83 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/17/2019 (Exhibit "E", Rivera Tr., 50:23-52:22). 20. With respect to Plaintiff's return from Mt. Sinai Hospital to her home, Mr. trip Rivera testified: Q: Does that history/dispatch sheet] indicate anything else to you about [trip whether or not she was picked up, ultimately? A: Picked up on the A-leg, yes. On the B-leg, it says cancelled. (Exhibit "E", Rivera Tr., 65:9-13). 21. In fact, according to the below NXK trip history for the alleged day of the incident, Plaintiff's return trip with NXK was cancelled: PATTERSON, ROBIN's Trip History With NXK Corp DBA Ambu-Trans Amb to 10/17/2013 10t17/E013 2 655 Completed 10/17/139:30 10/17/1309:49 10/17/fS O03 AveUnk: 10/17/1310.00 50Morningside 11845thAve 4E NewYork.NY10029 NewYorit NY10026 Vehicle: 102(710701.A) Driven GARCIA,HECTOR 2777857 6ancelled 10/17h3 14:41 NTA 11845thAve 10/17/131213 N/A 50MontngsideAveUnit NewYork,NY10D29 4E NewYork,NY10028 Ortver: NatAssigned Callb3Ck Cancelled Completed Routed ScheduledVold 0 1 1 D G 0 "1" hereto as See Exhibit to the Affidavit of Neal Kalish (hereinafter "Kalish Aff), attached Exhibit "F". 22. the below NXK's history for Plaintiff from January 1, 2013 to July Similarly, trip 2017 also indicates that Plaintiff s return trip on October 17, 2013 was cancelled: 24, -6- 14 of 21 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 04/17/2019 04:14 PM INDEX NO. 151641/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 83 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/17/2019 hwhips nm 20013 to 7G44017 havirgstatus (Pil> PUTune ÿ PUA&kess 00 Te IO A&hess Account Status Tataf$ Tue02W20131499 |50MotregaideAve,NewYe&- Tee 14:37 |248W33h St NewYork,NY INDEPENDENTCARE5YSTEMS Cinceled$52.2D Tue02/USGBT2CALL Yode.NY TueCAll 3DMomhgsMehNewYort MDEPENDBGTCARESYSTEMS Caraged S5120 lamrats ma muonngsde YA.. hm tWÉhNewY&NY WOEP9IDerrC D w wnran tuT 11zan wewye uY w ti12 æuompee re-YA. mDesnOENrcAREsYSTEMS Canceled 462 munsaaurao wsa innes= newra. imDæEnDerT CARESYST015 CmW s on,1naræucau tea s.on ja.nce new YA. mDEPENDBRCAREsYST Canoeiled1s4EC0 a naDaou12a sonownsee wewYCs ess 1su nasco n mDEPENDENTCARE SYSTBASCmW SMM r unaratalan 1sauaason ne Y a1sa sounsno e NewY WDEPSCENrCARESYSTEM5ComeWed SMM (See Exhibit "F", Kalish Aff, Exhibit "2"). 23. The NXK dispatch report for the of the alleged incident further following day confirms the cancellation of Plaintiff's return trip: 2777656 mmu- ) z 2 itsashava NowYork 102 q.L --c, 4W alinevowrcme sysram -- ic Aaeaeaeanasess ase Pides awee s‡9ys-efgo y)pry pyptjeo |non so:ss a14sis (See Exhibit Kalish Exhibit "3", complete copy of dispatch sheet). "F", Aff, 24. NXK utilizes the software, Deerfield, which tracts the input and dispatching keystrokes of dispatchers. (See Exhibit "F", Kalish Aff,¶ 11). 25. The program audit function provides the time, date and the initials of the employee that created the record or entered the data. (See Exhibit "F", Kalish Aff,¶ 12). 26. The audit trail is a feature of the dispatch and program and is in place to billing ensure the ofNXK's record keeping. (See Exhibit "F", Kalish Aff,¶ 13). accuracy trip -7- 15 of 21 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 04/17/2019 04:14 PM INDEX NO. 151641/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 83 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/17/2019 "tampering" 27. It does not allow for any changes or of trip records. Simply, any changes, additions, or deletions, date or time changes, or changes to driver hardling a trip would be captured, and NXK would know precisely when those changes took place. (See Exhibit "F", Kalish Aff,¶ 14). 28. In this instance, the audit trailindicates that the last change was a cancellation of the trip at 5:29 pm on 10/17/13 by JR, i.e.,Jeremiah Rivera. (See Exhibit "F", Kalish Aff,¶ 15, Exhibit "4"). 29. The Audit Trail feature is in place to ensure the integrity of NXK's data/record keeping, ensuring the accuracy of its billing records. The feature is in place as a checks and balances system to make certain that when NXK completes a trip, and creates a billing record, that it is accurate and not altered or tampered with after the fact. (See Exhibit "F", Kalish Aff,¶ 16). 30. In this instance, it documents that the transport for Ms. Patterson was indeed cancelled at 5:29pm on October 17, 2013. (See Exhibit "F", Kalish Aff,¶ 17). 31. Further, Neal Kalish, president and owner of NXK, testified: A: I spoke with our dispatch company, which is Deerfield, David Puehn... is the owner. I asked him to provide me with an audit trail. An audit trail basically documented the time of, time of pickup, time of drop off. It is the key strokes that my dispatcher is making related to that particular transport... Knowing that, in fact, we had in our system as a cancel at 3:30 in the afternoon, reassigned to another driver at 5:30 in the afternoon, and then cancelled at that point going forward. (See Exhibit "G", Examination Before Trial of Neal Kalish ("Kalish Tr."), 40:22-41:14). 32. Plaintiff con firmed that she utilized other ambulette services such as Westchester and Sterling. Particularly, Plaintiff testified: Q: And is that [Ambu Trans] the only company that you used to take you Mount Sinai and back? -8- 16 of 21 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 04/17/2019 04:14 PM INDEX NO. 151641/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 83 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/17/2019 A: No. Q: What other services did you use? A. Westchester, Ambu-Trans, Sterling. Whichever one they send me. A: I been on Ambu-Trans, I been in Sterling, I been in Westchester. (" 39:9- (See Exhibit "H", Examination Before Trial of Plaintiff, Robin Patterson Patterson Tr."), 21). 33. Plaintiff further testified; Q: Had there ever been any occasions where one agency takes you one way and brings you back home? A: Right. Q: That's happened before? A: Mm-hmm, yeah. A: Because it'snot the same one allthe time, that's what I'm saying. (See Exhibit "H", Patterson Tr., 41:5-13). 34. PI~intiR'testified that her procedure on the date of that alleged ac~L~ent required sedation under general anestbesia and came out from under anesthesia at between 5:00 pm and 5:30 pm. (S