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  • Thora Claudette Challenger v. George J Lamadeleine, J.B. Hunt Transport, Inc.,, Zephaniah P Mullin, Charles S Giles Tort document preview
  • Thora Claudette Challenger v. George J Lamadeleine, J.B. Hunt Transport, Inc.,, Zephaniah P Mullin, Charles S Giles Tort document preview
  • Thora Claudette Challenger v. George J Lamadeleine, J.B. Hunt Transport, Inc.,, Zephaniah P Mullin, Charles S Giles Tort document preview
  • Thora Claudette Challenger v. George J Lamadeleine, J.B. Hunt Transport, Inc.,, Zephaniah P Mullin, Charles S Giles Tort document preview


(FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 03/15/2018 02:49 PM INDEX NO. 151998/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 161 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/15/2018 . : EP M Ste MAR 15 2078 Rawle & Henderson LLP Tel. No. (212) 323-7070 Fax No. (212) 323-7099 At as Part 2 of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, held in and for the C unty of 5 corr New York at the Courthouse located at Breen Street, New York, NY ‘on the ioe day of March, 2018 lsolz HON. ADAM SILVERA PRESENT: 0 J.S.C, HON: GEORGEJ-SILYER SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK amet” COUNTY OF NEW YORK voce eee nee neve venenenencennannnenteenteueneeeenenneencennecsneananeaee) X THORA CLAUDETTE CHALLENGER, Index No.: Plaintiff, -against- ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE GEORGE J. LAMADELEINE, J.B. HUNT TRANSPORT, INC., ZEPHANIAH P. MULLIN, and CHARLES S. GILES, Defendants. ween ene n enn n cence neem nnn eamennnnnnnneemeneceeannnn “X Upon the annexed Affirmation of Iolanda V. D’Ambrosi-Francavilla, Esq., dated February 23, 2018, and the exhibits attached thereto, and upon all pleadings and proceedings heretofore had herein, it is ORDERthat ED the plaintiff or Bet counsel appear and show cause beforethe Supreme 50 (OAT Court of the State of New York, 66 Centre Street, New York, NY¥-10007, ind##&-Part, Room _/ Be before the Hon, George Sitwer on the ! 7tbday ot Kecin 2018 at |0-Q0a.m_.exapebe. or as soon thereafter as counsel may be heard, why an Order should not be granted: a. Pursuant to CPLR §2104, enforcing the post-mediation settlement agreement between plaintiff and defendants, George J. Lamadeline and J.B. Hunt Transport, Inc. and finally settling this matter as to those defendants; and 11341580-1 1 of 2 1 ik *ao Dv INDEX NO. 151998/201 . UUN NYSCEF DI Oc. NO. 161 RECEIVED NYSCEF 03/15/201 . as this Court deems just and b. For such other and further relief in favor of defendants proper. no_priorappleation-has—been IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that having shown that - Gk A he t-her ein, sufficient caus Papen# therefore, let service of a copy of or relief made-f -t sough it is granted, be served upo n WILLIAM this Order, together with copies of papers upon which New York, NY 10013, SCHWITZER & ASSOCIATES, PC., 820 Second Avenue, 10" Floor, NOLL LAW FIRM, P.C., 33 Queens Street, couns' el for plaintiff, Thora Challenger and THE 11791, counsel for co-defend: ants, Zephaniah P. Mullin and Suite 102, Syosset, New York ay of March, 2018, which shall be Charles S. Giles, by overnight delivery on or before the BOtd to this application must be served deemed good and sufficient service. Opposition papers, if any, 14 Wall Street, 27" Floor, New York, upon counsel for defendants, Rawle & Henderson, LLP, New York 10005, in hand no later than Apel 32018 remem ff /V ER- TS SILVE HON-GEORG ERA HON. ADAM SiLV! oC. 11341580-1 2 of 2