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  • Shelley Karten, Mark Karten v. 500-512 Seventh Avenue Lp, Llc.,, Newmark Grubb Knight Frank, Consolidated Edison Company Of New York, Inc., Gibraltar Contracting, Inc, G&E Real Estate Management Services, Inc Tort document preview
  • Shelley Karten, Mark Karten v. 500-512 Seventh Avenue Lp, Llc.,, Newmark Grubb Knight Frank, Consolidated Edison Company Of New York, Inc., Gibraltar Contracting, Inc, G&E Real Estate Management Services, Inc Tort document preview
  • Shelley Karten, Mark Karten v. 500-512 Seventh Avenue Lp, Llc.,, Newmark Grubb Knight Frank, Consolidated Edison Company Of New York, Inc., Gibraltar Contracting, Inc, G&E Real Estate Management Services, Inc Tort document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK INDEX 09/04/2018 NO. 151650/2014 03:10 P NYSCEF DOC. NO. 91 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/04/2018 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK SHELLEY KARTEN, and MARK KARTEN, Index:151650/2014 Plaintiff, AFFIDAVIT OF JOSEPH HASSOUNE -against- 500-512 SEVENTH AVENUE LP, LLC., NEWMARK GRUBB KNIGHT FRANK, CONSOLIDATED EDISON COMPANY OF NEW YORK, INC.,GIBRALTAR CONTRACTING, INC. and G&E REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT SERVICE, INC. Defendants. CONSÖÏÄÄT D EDISON OMPANY F NÈÏV ŸOÊ, Index: 595637/2015 INC., Plaintiff, -against- NAMOW, INC., Defendant. ------------------------------------------------- -------------x STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss: COUNTY OF QUEENS ) JOSEPH HASSOUNE, ±pe es and says: beingduly sworn, 1. I was a project mar.ager at NAMOW, INC., from2011 ±zc:gh 2016. 2. As a project rans;;r duties my inclüdcd that assuring a projectis performed within the scope, time and budget,set outforit. 3. Naniew cñtcredintoa ec-ñtswwithCon Edison,eE:ctivcAugust March 15, 2011 through 1, 2015, wherein Na-ow aged, other e-eng to perform thing::, sidewalk restoration work at various sites. 4. Namow deternihied the orderin whichit.. __2perform the ceneactwork based on a route whichit created based on legkG-± The routewas createdbased on the proximity the sites, street of cicañingand parking restrictier-2, h:1iifs, school etc. locatieñ:, 1 of 3 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK INDEX 09/04/2018 NO. 151650/2014 03:10 PM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 91 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/04/2018 5. Con Edison would "hotlocations.", where sites certainissuesor problems were identify "hot" pick sheet.These siteswere to bemade prevalent by writing in redon the up priorities. 6. Priorto work performed, Namow would send itsrepresentativeto inspectthe any being sidewalk restorationsitestodctcimine whether the contractwork could be performed and what would be needed. Thisprocess is referred to as a birddogging. 7. Ifcircumstances existM which prevented Namow from performiñg itscontractwork at thesiteCon Edison would be advised ofsuch conditions,eitherover the phone, by email or verballyinperson. Con Edison would then notifythe contractorwhen the conditions which prevented the contractwork from being performed were no longer at the siteand the work could be performed. 8. An entrywould alsobe made on a spreadsheet maintained by Namow as tothe conditions thatprevented thework from being performed. 38th 7th 8th where Namow was retaind 9. The location and Avenues was a site by Con Edison to perform sidewalk restorationwork. 38* 10. Prior to performiñg itscontract work, at the subject St.location,a representative from Namow inspectedthe subjectsiteand found a scaffolderected above the sidewalk at thelocation. 11. Asa resultof theexisting w#alh; at thelocationNamow was üüeble to perform its contractwork at thesite. 12. Nmew notifiedCon Edisonof thecondities at thesubject which site, prevented the contractwork from being performed at/around thetime Namow impected the site. 13. Atno time afterCon Edison was netiBM of theconditions at thesubjectlocationdid the coispany later advise Namow thatthe conditionshad been remedied/removed such that the contractwork could proceed. 14. On February 18, 2015,Na=ew received an email correspondence from Arthur Blind at Con Edison ticket 38* 7th 8th regsding PS569028 referencingthe siteat St. between and Aveñücs. Mr. Blind inquiredwhy thejob atthat locationhad notbeen performed. 15. After receiving Mr. Blind's amail,I reviewed Namow's records and observed thatthey showed thatscaffoldingwas on siteat thetime Namew inspected it.I respondM to Mr. Blind'semail the same day by advising him so. 16. Neithe Mr. Blind norany other Con Edison represerñéve ever advised Namow thatit failedtofollow protecel or prGperprocedures not fúrtheraction,than the by taking any actionstaken above. 2 of 3 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK INDEX 09/04/2018 NO. 151650/2014 03:10 PM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 91 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/04/2018 Dated: New Yor , New York ,2018 Joseph Hassoune Sworn to beforeme this day of4sgust, 2018 NÖTARY U IC ORDANYROBLES NOTARYPUBLICSTATEOF NEWYORK NO. 01RO6355169 QUALIFIEDIN QUEENSCOUNTY EXP.O2/27/2021 3 of 3