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  • Hilda Batista v. Sherri Culpepper, Xyz Company, fictitious name being intended for that of an additional party, Tort document preview
  • Hilda Batista v. Sherri Culpepper, Xyz Company, fictitious name being intended for that of an additional party, Tort document preview


Sd PIU fet HIN Cun oa ew ~ — AtLA.S. Part 4 of thé Supreme Other spaces are for Court use.] Court of the State of New York, ha in and for the County of N Yor! e the Courthouse therefore, 60 Centr é PARTE MOTION OFF : Street, New York, N.¥., on the Fs day of ,200e_ < ra ENE © Ree erald Justice of the Supreme Lebo (té Court ~ ee ee eect X Index Number [fill in name(s)} 16 ti ~ Batista Plaintiff(s) , (a (ai4t Te i CB Ww USE 14 -against- Seer, Cul pepper Defendant(s) MA ro 5 2016 [fill in name(s)] a _— a conten x york AXP Upon reading and filing the affidavit of QE. ca , [your name] sworn to on the 2t day of: oA. 20d, [date Aff davitin Sup 5 tatized] and upon the exhibits annexed hereto, : circle one] or his(he? Jeircle one]deom sy and the Let the plaintiff (Gefendant the City of New Work show caus e at anLA.S. Part 4 mh to be this Cal Corporation Counsel of New York, on the 13> dayor Gelys held at the Courthouse, 8 Centre Street'New York, an order at Or 38 o'cl ock in the or Hae. noon or as soon as counsel may be heard why 200 fb [circle one] to proceed as a poor person and should not be made permitting the plaintiff/ defen dant * 7 a Botuely g the court ] _ further [briefly describe what are you are askin ——— ~ Lt, oo C Alanine CO ° AND TRVE_AN AEC COROU: ¥ rhtion are hereby waived pen ding dolor ORDERED, that the “RJI” and motion fees eeeowr’ “eg falp ICIE this NT catse APP EAR ING THE REF O RE, let personal service of @¢0py of pene SUFF [circle one] or granted u pon the plaintiff/ defendant order, and the papers upon which this order is sel on or / defen dant' s [circl e one] attor ney if so re presented and the Corporation Coun plaint iff's 7200 __— ‘be-deemec good a nd sufficient. oo before the ay of os —— on — (pe pe ti it a Ss Ca ENTER “ ne ~e ~ a i {oboe ry ee a \ 4.08 ve cond aye s [3] /6 HON. GERALD LEBOVITS lofl