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  • Hilda Batista v. Sherri Culpepper, Xyz Company, fictitious name being intended for that of an additional party, Tort document preview
  • Hilda Batista v. Sherri Culpepper, Xyz Company, fictitious name being intended for that of an additional party, Tort document preview


(FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 1271872015 11:49 AM INDEX NO. 151314/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. . CEIVED NYSCEF: 12/18/2015 YOUIN O1ACK INK all dread U1 VUILS ISIC Se AtLA.S. Part of the Supreme per spaces are for Court use.] Court of the State of New York, held ‘ger in and for the County of New York at © EX PARTE BOTION GFRICE the Courthouse therefore, 60 Centre _ Street, New York, N.Y., on the £7 “APPROVED ° day of 209.5. FOR THE PAK PRESS RHORGH feu Woo ten Court _ ONLY seals? ofthe Supreme ce ne nnn X Index Number HiL DA BATISTA 151314 / 2014 [fill in name(s)} Plaintifi(s) -against- ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE (Ve SHERRI CULPEPPER M3 yoo [fill in name(s)] Defendant(s) “ Coly eK. » [your Upon reading and filing the affidavit of _ DHERRI name] sworn to on the ld day of pec _, 206. 55 [date Affidavit in Support notarized] and upon the exhibits annexed hereto, ey and the Let th faintiff {defendant [circle one] or his /her [circle one] attom of this Court, to be Cerporation Counsel the City of New York show causé at an|.A.S. Part on the L3* ay of SA VAIAY, héld at the Courthouse, 60 Centre Street, New York, New York, d why an order (6 at_4°30 o'clock in the _£028 no 269 on opas-sagn as counsel may be hear one] to proceed as _a p joor person and should not be made permitting the plaintifh(cefensas) [circle tC T ul further [briefly describe what are you are asking the court] Beause TWAS (we, (SO RVICe id Alor Karu INcomple. QO SESS Lh ce. Ue Py Cover Date Becouke wrong fess> J _Mdas ORDER’ pp *eFine n i n fees are ieneby wail elotio “Peam Ses pending determination eS the above motion. - C C le t personal sé wice of a copy of this SUFFICIENT CAUSE APPEARING THEREFORE, iniep ‘endant [circle one] or ‘ réer id the papers upon which this order is granted upon. Ceene SoUREG AR OF resented 5 Pdefendant's [circle one] attorney if so sfore the BL ~ day of Datowhor _- 3040/8 be deemed good and suffi oh + egy os chill by Served | (> Al J Ao. Offs rho i ENT op (UI p U i My zg 20/6. before & J. S.C O68 Paul Wootemil