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  • Bryan Kelly v. Lettire Construction Corp. Commercial Division document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 11/24/2014 12:36 PM INDEX NO. 650487/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 12 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/24/2014 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK -------------------------------------- x Commercial Division BRYAN KELLY, : : Index No. 650487/2014 : Plaintiff, : PLAINTIFF’S REPLY TO : DEFENDANT’S - against - : COUNTERCLAIMS : LETTIRE CONSTRUCTION CORP., : : : Defendant. : -------------------------------------- x Plaintiff Bryan Kelly, by and through his attorneys The Stolper Group, LLC, hereby submits his response to the counterclaims presented by Defendant in its Amended Answer to Plaintiff’s Complaint: 1. Plaintiff denies the allegations contained in Defendant’s Counterclaims (mislabeled “Cross-Claims”), paragraphs 15-19. Dated: November 20, 2014 New York, New York THE STOLPER GROUP, LLP Attorneys for Plaintiff By: /s/ Michael Stolper MICHAEL STOLPER 241 Centre Street Sixth Floor New York, New York 10013 (212) 337-3502