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  • Joseph Kim, Nancy Kim v. Crothall Healthcare Inc., Crothall Facilities Management, Inc., Tort document preview
  • Joseph Kim, Nancy Kim v. Crothall Healthcare Inc., Crothall Facilities Management, Inc., Tort document preview
  • Joseph Kim, Nancy Kim v. Crothall Healthcare Inc., Crothall Facilities Management, Inc., Tort document preview
  • Joseph Kim, Nancy Kim v. Crothall Healthcare Inc., Crothall Facilities Management, Inc., Tort document preview


(FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 0371472014) INDEX NO. 151647/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/14/2014 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF STATEMENT OF AUTHORIZATION FOR (Managing Attomey Authorizing Filing Agent Entity) L anel Lear Esq., (Attorm ey Registration No, managing attorney of/attorney in charge of e- filing for (the “Firm”). hereby acknowledge and 4 Jam the p Tepresent that the attorneys in the Firm who ar ‘ Electronic Filing System CINYSCEF”) hereby au’ authorized users of the New York State, ‘e thorize any y employee of yee uty 1-2. who possesses a NYSt CRF fil: ing agent 1D their behalf and at their directio , as a filing agent, to file documents on in any ¢ filed matter in which they are counsel of record through NYSC! EF, as provided in Sectio n 202.5-b of the Uniform Rules for the Trial Courts. This authorization extends to aty y consensttal matte previously consented to e-1 filing or may hereaf r in which these attorneys have ter consent, to any mandatory matter in they have recorded their representation, which and to any matter 1 in whi ich they authorize the filing agent to record consent or representatio nin the NYSCEF system. This authorization extends to an y and all docume nts these attorneys gene rate submit to the filing agent fo: r filing in any such matter, TI his authorization, posted onceand NYSCEF website as to each matter in which these attorn leys are counsel of record, on the deemed to accompany any document shall be in that matter file d by the filing agent on attorneys. behalf of these Where a document intended for fili ing includes Filing Rules, the attorney secure information as set forth in the E- will notify the fil ng agent and direct the filin; document Secure in the NYS CEF system. Thes ig agent to mark that view such Secure documents that they have fil.e attorneys further aut! ‘horize the filing agent to ied or that they generate and submit to the filing agent for filing in any such matter This authorization also extends to matters either by debiting an account t he filing agent maintof payment, which the filing agent may make ains with the County Clerk of any authorized e-filing county or by debiting an account the Firm maintains with the Counity Clerk of any authorized e-filing county, This authorization regarding this filin; g agen authorization in writing on @ prescribed form t shall continue until the Firm revokes the delivered to the E-Filing Resource Center, Dated: Zl lf 2. oboe Leav & Steinberg, LLP eee 140 Broadway, Suite 3601 eure City, State and Zip Code no leaw 212-7266 -S222. Print Name Phone Leav & Senne. LLP Fir S/O [sprial lau . Corr New NY 10005 E-Mail Address Street Address Gigrtay