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  • Bank Of America, N.A. v. Btc Gems Inc., Reenu Bhansali Commercial document preview
  • Bank Of America, N.A. v. Btc Gems Inc., Reenu Bhansali Commercial document preview
  • Bank Of America, N.A. v. Btc Gems Inc., Reenu Bhansali Commercial document preview
  • Bank Of America, N.A. v. Btc Gems Inc., Reenu Bhansali Commercial document preview
  • Bank Of America, N.A. v. Btc Gems Inc., Reenu Bhansali Commercial document preview
  • Bank Of America, N.A. v. Btc Gems Inc., Reenu Bhansali Commercial document preview
  • Bank Of America, N.A. v. Btc Gems Inc., Reenu Bhansali Commercial document preview
  • Bank Of America, N.A. v. Btc Gems Inc., Reenu Bhansali Commercial document preview


INDEX NO. 650618/2014 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/13/2014 NYSCEF Doc. NO. 10 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/23/2014 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK BANK OF AMERICA, N. A., Index No.: 650618/2014 Plaintiff, VERIFIED ANSWER - against - BTC GEMS INC. and REENU BHANSALI, Defendants. Defendants BTC GEMS INC. and REENU BHANSALI, by their attorney MICHAEL F. NEWTON, ESQ., answering the Complaint of the Plaintiff BANK OF AMERICA, N. A., above named, alleges as follows: PARTIES i Deny having knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief to the truth of the allegations contained within Paragraph “1” of Plaintiff's Complaint. 2. Deny each and every allegation contained within Paragraph “2” of the Plaintiff's Complaint. 3 Admit the allegations contained within Paragraph “3” of Plaintiff's Complaint that Defendant REENU BHANSALLT is an individual having an address of 24 Pheasant Run, Scarsdale, NY 10583. BACKGROUND 4 Admit the allegations contained within Paragraph “4” of Plaintiff's Complaint that on or about February 21, 2007, Defendart BTC GEMS INC. executed and delivered a Loan Agreément in favor of the Plaintiff, pursuant to which Plaintiff extended to Defendant BTC GEMS INC. a line of credit in the maximum principal amount of $35, 000.00. , 5 Admit’ the allegations contained within Paragraph “5” of Plaintiff's Complaint that in connection with the Loan, Guarantor executed a certain Guaranty dated February 21, 2007. 6 Admit the allegations contained within Paragraph “6” of Plaintiff's Complaint that Guarantor is a shareholder, officer and/or director of the Borrower. 7 Deny each and every allegation contained within Paragraph “7” of the Plaintiff's Complaint. 8 Deny each and every allegation contained within Paragraph “8” of the Plaintiff's Complaint. 9 Deny tach and every allegation contained within Paragraph “9” of the Plaintiff's Complaint. 10. Deny having knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief to the truth of the allegations contained within Paragraph “10” of Plaintiff's Complaint. 11. Deny each and every allegation contained within Paragraph “11” of the Plaintiff's Complaint. 12. Deny ‘each and every allegation contained within Paragraph “12” of Plaintiff's Complaint that Borrower has failed to repay the Line of Credit, since the Borrower has agreed to make certain monthly payments to the Plaintiff, under the guideline of the Loan Agreement. 43. Deny gach and every allegation contained within Parapraph “13” of the Plaintiff's Complaint. 14. Deny having knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief to the truth of the allegations contained within Paragraph “14” of Plaintiff's Complaint. 15, Deny each and every allegation contained within Paragraph “15” of the Plaintiff's Complaint. A FIRST CAUSE OF ACTION (BREACH OF CONTRACT— DEFENDANTS) 16, Defendants BTC GEMS INC. and REENU BHANSALI repeat and reiterate each and every denial and admission heretofore made in this Answer to the paragraphs of the Complaint designated eye through “15” inclusive, with the same force and effects ag if set forth here more particularly at length. 17. Deny each and every allegation contained within Paragraph “17” of the Plaintiff's Complaint, 18. Deny éach and every allegation contained within Paragraph “18” of the Plaintiff's Complaint. 19, Deny having knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief to the truth of the allegation’ contained within Paragraph “19” of Plaintiff's Complaint. 20. Deny having knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief to the truth of the allegations contained within Paragraph “20” of Plaintiff's Complaint. 21. Deny tach and every allegation contained within Paragraph “21” of the Plaintiff's Complaint. ASECOND CAUSE OF ACTION (ACCOUNTS STATED — DEFENDANTS) 22. Defendants BTC GEMS INC. and REENU BHANSALI repeat and reiterate each and every denial and admission heretofore made in this Answer to the paragraphs of the Complaint degignated “1” through “21” inclusive, with the same force and effects as if set forth here more particularly at length. 23. Deny each and every allegation contained within Paragraph “23” of the Plaintiff's Complaint. t 24. Deny each and every allegation contained within Paragraph “24” of the Plaintiff's Complaint. 25. Deny each and every allegation contained within Paragraph “25” of the Plaintiff's Complaint. 26. Deny each and every allegation contained within Paragraph “26” of the Plaintiff's Complaint. a7. Deny having knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief to the truth of the allegations contained within Paragraph “27” of Plaintiff's Complaint. 28. Deny each and every allegation contained within Paragraph “28” of the Plaintiff's S Complaint. 29. Deny éach and every allegation contained within Paragraph “29” of the Plaintiff's Complaint. ¢ A ‘THIRD CAUSE OF ACTION (UNJUST ENRICHMENT AS AGAINST THE BORROWER) 30. Defendants BTC GEMS INC, and REENU BHANSALI repeat and reiterate each and every denial and admission heretofore made in this Answer to the paragraphs of the Complaint designated “1” through “29” inclusive, with the same force and effects as if set forth here imore particularly at length. 31, Deny gach and every allegation contained within Paragraph “31” of the Plaintiff's Complaint. A FOURTH CAUSE OF ACTION (MONEY HAD AND RECEIVED 4S AGAINST THE BORROWER) 32. Defendants BTC GEMS INC. and REENU BHANSALI repeat and reiterate each and every denial and admission heretofore made in this Answer to the paragraphs of the Complaint designated “1” through “31” inclusive, with the same force and effects as if set forth here more particularly at length. 33. Deny having knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief to the truth of the allegations contained within Paragraph “33” of Plaintiff's Complaint. 34. Deny éach and every allegation contained within Paragraph “34” of the Plaintiff's Complaint, except admit that Plaintiff agreed to loan money to the Defendant Borrower. 35. Deny each and every allegation contained within Paragraph “35” of the Plaintiff's Complaint. 36. Deny éach and every allegation contained within Paragraph “36” of the Plaintiff's Complaint. 37. Deny éach and every allegation contained within Paragraph “37” of the Plaintiff's Complaint. FIRST AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE (CONTRACTUAL RIGHT OF ARBITRATION) According to Section 8.4 of the Loan Agreement dated February 21, 2007, annexed to Plaintiff's Complaint as Exhibit “A”, entitled “Dispute Resolution Provision”, the issues raided by the Complaint are subject to binding arbitration in accordance with the Federal Arbitration Act (Title IX, US Code). Defendants hereby invoke their rights to arbitration under this provision. According to Section 8.4, the arbitration proceeding will be conducted pursuant to the rules and procedures of financial services dispute of the American Arbitration Association. This dispute resolution provision is a material inducement for the parties entering into the Loan Agreement. y SECOND AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE G@ATLURE TO PERMIT THE DEFENDANT TO MITIGATE DAMAGES) Defendants have attempted to mitigate the damages, but said attempt had been rebuffed and refused by the Plaintiff. THIRD AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE (QEFER AND ACCEPTANCE) Plaintiff offered a repayment schedule to the Defendants, which was accepted by Defendants. Plaintiff failed to allow Defendants a reasonable opportunity to comply with the terms of the offer. Defendants are still ready, willing and able to comply. WHEREFORE, Defendants demand judgment in their favor dismissing all four Causes of Action of Plaintiff's Complaint, and seeks and Order/Judgment of this Court referring this matter to binding arbitration in accordance with the terms of the Loan Agreement annexed to the Complaint as Exhibit “A”, together with the costs and disbursements of this action. ‘ Dated: New Fork, New York June 13, 2014 t Yours etc., uu, i MICHAEL F. NE TON, ESQ. Attorney for Defendants 286 Madison Avenue, Suite 702 New York, New York 10016 Tel.: 212-725-8001 TO: Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney, PC Attorneys for Plaintiff One Oxford Center 301 Grant Street, 20" Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15219 ATTORNEY VERIFICATION STATE OF NEW YORK ) )58 COUNTY OF NEW YORK ) MICHAEL F. NEWTON, ESQ., an attorney admitted to practice in the State of New York, affirms under the penalty of perjury that: Iam the attorney for the Defendants BTC GEMS INC. and REENU BHANSALI, in the within action; I have read the foregoing Verified Answer to and know the contents thereof; the same is true to my own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief and that as to those matters I believe them to be true. This verification is being made by the undersigned since the Defendants have offices and/or reside in a county other than the one where i maintain my office. Dated: New York, New York June 13, 2014 erreur Awe lf f Hie MICHAEL F. NEWTON, ESQ. SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK. BANK OF AMERICA, N. A., Index No.: 650618/2014 Plaintiff, AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL - against - BTC GEMS INC. and REENU BHANSALI, Defendants. CITY OF NEW YORK. 4 } }es.t COUNTY OF NEW YORK } MARTINA VILTON, being duly sworn deposes and says: I am not a party to the action, I am over the age of 18 years and reside in Brooklyn, New York. That on the 13” day of June, 2014, I served a true copy of the following: VERIFIED ANSWER Upon the following party by depositing a true copy of same enclosed in a post-paid, properly addressed envelope, in an official depository under the exclusive care and custody of the United States Postal Service within New York City, addressed to each of the following persons at the last know address set forth after each name: Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney, PC Attorneys for Plaintiff One Oxford Center 301 Grant Street, 20" Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Those being the respective addres s (s) within the State designated by them for that purpose upon the proceeding papers in this action or the respective places where they kept an office, between which places there then was and now is a regular communhidation by mail. Sworn to by me this 3" da ine, 204 ake ybLon NOTAR AC MARTINA VILTON VICKY FRIDMAN Notary Public, Sizte of New York jo, O1FRG027891 Qualified in Queens Coun Commissi jon Expires July 19, 2 ty, We CommuanianDecaniemeDaeab}SCBLLAMEOUS MATTERSACTIVE MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS nanaatnonaaliads COaamani of nice verted Angser ie index No. 650618 Year 2014 SUPREME CURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK BANK OF AMERICA, N. A., Plaintiff; -against- BTC GEMS, INC. and REENU BHANSALI, Defendants, VERIFIED ANSWER LAW OFFICE OF MICHAEL F. NEWTON Attorney at Law Attorney for DEFENDANTS Office and Past Office Address, Telephone 286 Madison Avenues7th Floor *Suite 702 New York, N.Y. 10017 212) 725-8001 a To Altorney(s) for Service ofa copy of the within is hereby admitted. Dated, Attormey(s) for si Please take notice { ] NOTICE OF ENTR' that the within is a (certified) true copy ofa duly entered in the office of the clerk of the within named court on 200, { | NOLICE OF SETTLEMENT that an order of which the within is a trae copy will be presented for settlement to the HON. ‘one of the judges of the within named court, at on 200_ ‘at M. Dated, Yours, ete. MICHAEL F. NEWTON Attormey at Law Attorney for To Office und Post Offive Address Attorney(s) for 286 Madison Avenue*7th floor New York, New York 10017 Can a min Setrenl Dro MISCELLANEOUS MATTERSACTIVE MISCE |, ANEOUS MATTERIAAAEARAMInERAdZ GOAL sal Bach Voted Antirer oe