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  • Robin Patterson v. Nxk Corp. d/b/a Ambu-Trans Ambulette Corp. Tort document preview
  • Robin Patterson v. Nxk Corp. d/b/a Ambu-Trans Ambulette Corp. Tort document preview


INDEX NO. 151641/2014 RECEIVED NYSCREE 4p/,44/2016 NYSCEF 00616 Mn #6 19:11 6464592401 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORE : COUNTY OF STATEM ENT OF Aura RIZATION FOR ELECTRONIC EXLIN, (Managing Attorney Authorizing Individual Filing Age nit) f ea wat Cohort Dow-hae” “reg.( ‘sitorney Re tration No. ata the managing attorney of/attomey in charge of @ Bling for be poche Lav (the “Fism"). 1 hereby aomnowledge and yepresent that the attorneys inthe Fum who are authorized users ofthe NYSCRF system hexeby authorize INSYNG LITIGATI ON SUPPORT , LLC. ("the filing agent”) to utilize his/her direction in any e-file NYSCEF filing agent ID to file documents on thelr behalf and at their b of ded in), Section 202.5- matter in which they are counsel of record though WNYSCEE, aa provi the Uniform Rules for the Trial Courts. these attomeys have * This authorization extends toany songenstiél matter in which ory matter in which previously consented to e-filing or may her after consent, to any mandat authorize the fling they have recorded their representation, to any matter in which they agent to record consent or yepresentation iy the NYSCEE system. attorneys generate and , 'This‘authorization extends to any and all documents these posted once on the submit to the fillng agent for filing In any such matter. This authoxization, record, shall be of NYSCEE website as to each matter in which these attorne ys are counsel onbehalf of these deemed to accompany any document in that matter filed hy the filiny ig agent attorneys. agent miy yoake ‘This authorization also extends to matters of payment it, which the filing any authorized agent maintaing with the County Clerk of either by debiting an account the filing * Clerk of any e-Biling county or by debiting n account the Fixm mai intains with the County authorized. e-filing county. revokes the ‘This authorization regarding this fillug agent shall continue until the Firm e Center. authorization in writing on a prescribed form deliver ed to the B-Hiling Resourc Dated: Jo-[b-|> : . Sag Mas York WY (222! hie oo ' et . Signature icHAen Yarretad Print Name Phone Donate Utes Fire CVAZ Lan @dPEMI-PC, Com Firm/Department E-Mail Addzess . 90 Brokd St. Suik(Se3 inSync Acc.#. 10 BOA g Street Address nsyn or Please send the completed form via ernail to wefile@i by fax to (212) 500-5140. Thank you, lof 1