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  • Thora Claudette Challenger v. George J Lamadeleine, J.B. Hunt Transport, Inc.,, Zephaniah P Mullin, Charles S Giles Tort document preview
  • Thora Claudette Challenger v. George J Lamadeleine, J.B. Hunt Transport, Inc.,, Zephaniah P Mullin, Charles S Giles Tort document preview


(FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 0270172016 11:69 AM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 33 Al spe 02/01/2016 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK oof COUNTY OF NEW YORK INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT PART \» ys Cla tema or STIPULATION AE Hunt e+ INDEX NO. 1S 144R [2008 MOTION CALENDAR NO. 8 IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED AND AGREED by and between the below-named attomey(s) as follows: Koos We eas Tae ———> 43 (= SSS eee Sa Se © E®I » 1G Hey fl Med uk ty bos hal A Da Or byt Lock alty Lig @® Sr it A Glue On br rm Slasiib @__ AN Satie tw etcpord ty Pack pS Aoman Lt low vis die CL 4/a4qih (& 7:30 Wiliam SCRE TOT RY Ie MYAee MWWinw Attomey for Plaintiff Da Jaa Loli Lor hrm Attomey for Defendant by A. fens thew Me, Lag Medel HON. LETC. PEGREE usc 8C-0G (rev 206)