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  • Thora Claudette Challenger v. George J Lamadeleine, J.B. Hunt Transport, Inc.,, Zephaniah P Mullin, Charles S Giles Tort document preview
  • Thora Claudette Challenger v. George J Lamadeleine, J.B. Hunt Transport, Inc.,, Zephaniah P Mullin, Charles S Giles Tort document preview


INDEX NO. 151998/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 26 RECEIVED NYSCEF 16/36/2014 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATF OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK - ann xX THORKA CLAUTD {lb CHALLI R, STIPULATION ‘LO Plaintiff, WITHDRAW A MOTIO! ~ against - Index No 151998/14 GHORGI J LAMADELEINE J B. HUNT TRANSPORT INC. ZEPITANTIAW P. MULLIN, and CHARLES S. GILES Defendants. ween ere en renee reser rere seeeeemenenecbnneeswemnunesnemennen, --X IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED AND AGREED by and between the undersigned, attomeys for the partics hereto, thal the notice of motion in the above-captioned action, returnable before Honorable Arlene P. Bluth at the Supreme Cowt, County of New York, on October 21 2014, be, and hereby is, withdrawn on consent. ITIS FURTHER STIPULATED AND AGREED that a facsimile signature for purposes of this Stipulation only, or copy of this Stipulation, shall be binding as the original and this stipulation may be filed with the Clerk of the Court without further notice. DATED Brooklyn, New York October 20, 2014 Mek sr7 Ke Reg Taw Office of ALEKSANDR VAKARLV RAWLE HENDERSON, LLP Attorneys for Plaintiff Attomeys for Defendants THORA CLAUDETTE CHALLENGER GEORGE J. LAMADKLEINE and J. B 2566 86" Street, Suite | HUNT TRANSPOR} INC. Brooklyn, New York 11214 14 Wall Steet, 27" Floor 718-368-0690 New York, New York 10005 File Na.: 8614 212-323-7070 ao - - seen ce se Vile No. 803430 pene oven esa otha ——. a a