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  • Kenneth Sitomer v. Ronald Feldstein, Robyn Mara Feldstein, Clifford E. Feldstein, Wendy Feldstein, Mara Capital Management Llc, Trademore Capital Management Llc, Jng Consulting Llc Commercial Division document preview
  • Kenneth Sitomer v. Ronald Feldstein, Robyn Mara Feldstein, Clifford E. Feldstein, Wendy Feldstein, Mara Capital Management Llc, Trademore Capital Management Llc, Jng Consulting Llc Commercial Division document preview
  • Kenneth Sitomer v. Ronald Feldstein, Robyn Mara Feldstein, Clifford E. Feldstein, Wendy Feldstein, Mara Capital Management Llc, Trademore Capital Management Llc, Jng Consulting Llc Commercial Division document preview


FRANK M. GRAZIADEI, P.C. ATTORNEY AT Law 217 Main Street 130 WATER STREET Lincoln Park, N.J. 07035 New York, New York 10005 Member of N.Y., (782) 241-1572 (212) 785-0885 NJ. & Calif. Bars December 18, 2014 Via E-File Hon. Shirley Werner Kornreich Supreme Court, New York County 60 Centre Street, Room 228 New York, New York 10007 Re: Kenneth Sitomer v. Ronald Feldstein, ef al. Index No. 650626/2014 (Supreme, NY Co.) Dear Judge Kornreich: My firm represents Mr. Clifford Feldstein with respect to the above-referred matter. I am in recent receipt of the Compliance Conference Order dated December 16, 2014. Mr. Cliff Feldstein has fully complied with this Court Order and, has obtained and forwarded to Plaintiff's counsel all of the requested banking records. Those records were forwarded to Plaintiff's counsel on December 15, 2014. (See attached copy of letter). In addition, on behalf of Mr. Feldstein our office also forwarded to Mr. Sullivan the attached authorization which Mr. Sullivan forwarded to our office on December 1, 2014, in the event that he wanted to verify the records and obtain the records himself from the bank. “FRANK M. GRAZIADEI FMG/mv Enclosure ce: Joseph Sullivan, Esq. (Via Email) John A. Dalley. Eq. (Via Email)FRANK M. GRAZIADEI, P.C. ATTORNEY AT LAW 217 Main Street 130 WATER STREET Lincoln Park, N.J. 07035 New York, NEw York 10005 Member of N.Y., (732) 241-1572 (212) 785-0885 NJ. & Calif. Bars December 15, 2014 Via Email: Joseph Sullivan, Esq. Law Office of Joseph Sullivan, PLLC The Trump Building 40 Wall Street, 28" Floor New York, New York 10005 Re: Kenneth Sitomer v. Ronald Feldstein, et al. Index No. 650626/2014 (Supreme, NY) Dear Mr. Sullivan: My firm represents Mr. Cliff Feldstein with respect to the above-referred litigation. As I attempted to explain to the Court Clerk, my client had filed an authorization to obtain the requested banking records from the bank in October when requested to do so. It was indicated at that time that it would take a couple of months to obtain the records. Enclosed are the records we just received. I previously forwarded to you the bank authorization which you forwarded to our office on December 1, 2014 seeking the same records. Ifyou have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, aM FRANK M. one El @ FMG/mv Enclosure ec: John A. Dalley, Esq. Via Email)AUTHORIZATION FOR RELEASE OF RECORDS To: Washington Mutual Bank 1431 Broadway, New York, New York 10018 Date: Release: authority, by 2014. x November -, 2014 I hereby authorize, request and direct you to immediately release, disclose, and provide unrestricted acvess 10 financial records and documents perzining to e4e- the following attomey: Joseph J. Sullivan II 40 Wall Street, 28" Floor New York, NY 10005 (646) 233-1178 I expressly waive the privilege of confidentiality of the requested records, documents, and information with respect to the person identified above. This authorization shall not expire after a particular period but rather shall remain valid and in effect unless and until canceled in writing by me. This instrument was sworn to and acknowledged before me, the eee Clee Eldserc Y on this the st day of Notary Public oS MARISOL VELEZ No, 2¢ 12 Qualified in Commission Expires Nov. Accoun¥i From August 2008 through December 2009