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  • Callahan Piping Llc, On Behalf Of Itself And All Other Persons Similarly Situate As Trust Fund Beneficiaries Of Lien Law Trusts Of Which Mcgovern & Company, Llc, Is A Trustee v. Mcgovern & Company, Llc, Daniel G. Mcgovern, Salvatore D. Caiola Contract (Non-Commercial) document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 02/26/2016 06:03 PM INDEX NO. 151668/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 20 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/26/2016 SUPREME COURT OFTHESTATE OFNEWYORK COUNTY OFNEWYORK -..-------*--x CALLAHAN ptptNc, LLC, on behalfof ttsetf anclaltotherpersons similarly situateas fndex No. 151068,t2014 trustfund beneficiarles of LlenLawTrusts of whichMccovern & company, LLcisa trustee, STIPUT/ITION DISCONTINUING Ptaintiff, ACTIONWITH PREJUDICE -against- MCCOVERN & COMPAI\Y, LLC,DANIEL C. MCCOVERN ANDSALVATORE D. CAIOLA, Defendants. McGovERN u .or ro*t, ii;;**-"--"---"x Third-Partv ptaintiff, -against- TIMOTHY SIACHITANO, Third-Party Defendant. lT lS HEREBY STtpUtATED AI{DAGREE|D, by andbet,ween the undersigned, the attorneysof recordfor all the parties; to lne aboveentifledaction,that whereas no partyheretoisan infantor a perrson who hashada guiroianfor him or her unclerthe law,ruleor order,andno personnot a partynasan interestin the subJect matterof the action,the abo\ieentifledaciuion'ne, ano the same herebvis discontinued with prejudice, withoutcoststo eltherprrtv asagainst the other. Thisstiputation maybe filedwiflroutfurthernrotice viircn the Cterkof the Court. D?ted: Huntingtonstafion,NewYork BV: HowardBlum,Esq. Attorneys for Plaintiffand Attornevsfor Defendants and Third-Party Defenctant Third-Party Ptaintiff 17CardiffCourt 286MadisonAvenue;lgthFloor Huntington Station,Newyork 11746 Ne\,!/ York,NewYorl( 10017 (631t427-0101 1212:;t557-3000