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  • Callahan Piping Llc, On Behalf Of Itself And All Other Persons Similarly Situate As Trust Fund Beneficiaries Of Lien Law Trusts Of Which Mcgovern & Company, Llc, Is A Trustee v. Mcgovern & Company, Llc, Daniel G. Mcgovern, Salvatore D. Caiola Contract (Non-Commercial) document preview
  • Callahan Piping Llc, On Behalf Of Itself And All Other Persons Similarly Situate As Trust Fund Beneficiaries Of Lien Law Trusts Of Which Mcgovern & Company, Llc, Is A Trustee v. Mcgovern & Company, Llc, Daniel G. Mcgovern, Salvatore D. Caiola Contract (Non-Commercial) document preview
  • Callahan Piping Llc, On Behalf Of Itself And All Other Persons Similarly Situate As Trust Fund Beneficiaries Of Lien Law Trusts Of Which Mcgovern & Company, Llc, Is A Trustee v. Mcgovern & Company, Llc, Daniel G. Mcgovern, Salvatore D. Caiola Contract (Non-Commercial) document preview
  • Callahan Piping Llc, On Behalf Of Itself And All Other Persons Similarly Situate As Trust Fund Beneficiaries Of Lien Law Trusts Of Which Mcgovern & Company, Llc, Is A Trustee v. Mcgovern & Company, Llc, Daniel G. Mcgovern, Salvatore D. Caiola Contract (Non-Commercial) document preview
  • Callahan Piping Llc, On Behalf Of Itself And All Other Persons Similarly Situate As Trust Fund Beneficiaries Of Lien Law Trusts Of Which Mcgovern & Company, Llc, Is A Trustee v. Mcgovern & Company, Llc, Daniel G. Mcgovern, Salvatore D. Caiola Contract (Non-Commercial) document preview
  • Callahan Piping Llc, On Behalf Of Itself And All Other Persons Similarly Situate As Trust Fund Beneficiaries Of Lien Law Trusts Of Which Mcgovern & Company, Llc, Is A Trustee v. Mcgovern & Company, Llc, Daniel G. Mcgovern, Salvatore D. Caiola Contract (Non-Commercial) document preview


INDEX NO. 151668/2014 FILED: NEW) YORK COUNTY CLERK 04/04/2014) NYSCEF DOC. NOJ|/8 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/04/2014 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK CI RR CALLAHAN PIPING, LLC, on behalf of itself Index No. 151668/2014 and all other persons similarly situate as trust fund beneficiaries of Lien Law Trusts of which McGovern & Company, LLC is a trustee, VERIFIED ANSWER TO THIRD-PARTY COMPLAINT Plaintiff, -against- MCGOVERN & COMPANY, LLC, DANIEL G. MCGOVERN AND SALVATORE D. CAIOLA, Defendants. manene, McGOVERN & COMPANY, LLC, Third-Party Plaintiff, -against- TIMOTHY SIACHITANO, Third-Party Defendant. aanee. - a X Third-Party defendant, by its attorneys, MARSHALL M. STERN, P.C., as and for its Verified Answer to the Third-Party Complaint, respectfully states as follows: 4 Admits each and every allegation contained in paragraphs 21, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33 and 34 of the Third-Party Complaint. 2. Denies each and every allegation contained in paragraphs 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39 and 40 of the Third-Party Complaint. 3. Denies knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the allegations contained in paragraph 25 of the Third-Party Complaint. WHEREFORE, third-party defendant respectfully prays this Court for judgment dismissing the third-party plaintiff's Complaint, in its entirety, together with such other and further relief as to this Court may seem just and proper. Dated: Huntington Station, New York April 4, 2014 MARSH M. STERN, P.C. By: Marshall M. Stern, Esq. Attorneys for Plaintiff and Third-Party Defendant 17 Cardiff Court Huntington Station, New York 11746 (631) 427-0101 TO: HOWARD BLUM, P.C. Attorneys for Defendants and Third-Party Plaintiff 286 Madison Avenue; 18"" Floor New York, New York 10017 (212) 557-3000 ATTORNEY'S VERIFICATION STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) SS.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) |, the undersigned, am an attorney admitted to practice in the Courts of the State of New York, and say that: lam the attorney of record for the third-party defendant herein. | have read the annexed Answer to Third-Party Complaint and know the contents thereof and the same are true to my knowledge, except those matters therein which are stated to be alleged on information and belief, and as to those matters, | believe them to be true. My belief as to those matters therein not stated upon knowledge, is based upon the following: books and records in my possession. The reason | make this Affirmation instead of the defendant is that defendant's principal place of business is located in a county other than that of the undersigned's office, pursuant to CPLR 3020(3). Dated: Huntington Station, New York April 4, 2014 MARSHALL M. STERN