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  • Alberto Collado v. Ermogeno Peralta, Miguel A. Rodriguez-Acevedo Tort document preview
  • Alberto Collado v. Ermogeno Peralta, Miguel A. Rodriguez-Acevedo Tort document preview


INDEX NO. 151648/2014 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 0972872015 09:55 AM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 37 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/28/2015 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK NEW YORK COUNTY PRESENT: HON. ARLENE © BLUTH PART Za. Justice (ollado INDEX wl S| (ue 4 MOTION DATE H lo | L\ Ce rolty MOTION sea. No. OO 2 The following papers, numbered 1 to > , were read on this motion to/for Ts UST m Lash holy Notice of Motion/Order to Show Cause — Affidavits — Exhibits J No(s). L Answering Affidavits — Exhibits —4— [ No(s). Replying Affidavits ENoj(s). Upon the foregoing papers, it is ordered that this motion is De ) . “Thee Ge qyechon of fact ao te whetrar Ploannf WAS Ying bi biegel wnt locke lane (4 he State) or Y\ot (os driferdar Chateo) _ Py ou mvt determintHe e facts on) astess the Neqlivenve 4th pore FED joy had plow bh Way s Not inte bike lene on go vilah; Nc Tre he fe ule ond ques : Cyduts by um he Vike lars, THe py Cor Fnrd DarrrFl wlio =a Me co \Ololis 1JS.C. HON. ARVENE P. BLUTH 4. CHECK ONE: «00... seseseseeeoee sssnseensensee {3 CASE DISPOSED PNON-FINAL DISPOSITION 2. CHECK AS APPROPRIATE: JOTION IS: —? GRANTED SSENIED {GRANTED IN PART "ZOTHER 3. CHECK IF APPROPRIATE: _ SETTLE ORDER 5") SUBMIT ORDER [.jDO NOT POST [FIDUCIARY APPOINTMENT TT REFERENCE