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  • Judith C. Ferland-Washington v. Luigj Tinaj Tort document preview
  • Judith C. Ferland-Washington v. Luigj Tinaj Tort document preview
  • Judith C. Ferland-Washington v. Luigj Tinaj Tort document preview
  • Judith C. Ferland-Washington v. Luigj Tinaj Tort document preview


INDEX NO. 151661/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 16 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/28/2014 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK NEW YORK COUNTY PRESENT: 7 TH PART ZZ Justice Index Number : 151661/2014 FERLAND-WASHINGTON, JUDITH C. INDEX NO. vs. MOTION DATE TINAJ, LUIGJS SEQUENCE NUMBER :001 MOTION SEQ. NO. STRIKE = _ The following papers, numbered 1 to , were read on this motion to/for Notice of Motion/Order to Show Cause — Affidavits — Exhibits [ No(s). Answering Affidavits — Exhibits J No(s). Replying Affidavits J Nojs). Upon the foregoing papers, it is ordered that this motion is . ACTION IS DISCaNTINUS ated‘ NOV 28 2014 JSC, HON. ARLE P. BLUTH 1. CHECK ONE: .... ease DISPOSED (3 NON-FINAL DISPOSITION 2, CHECK AS APPROPRIATE: ........ MOTION IS: {] GRANTED DENIED {] GRANTED IN PART CIOTHER 3. CHECK IF APPROPRIATE: ...... oo CISETTLE ORDER C) SUBMIT ORDER (D0 NoT PosT CIFIDUCIARY APPOINTMENT = ‘{_] REFERENCE INDEX NO 151661/2014 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 11/11/2014 10:35 AM) NYSCEF DOC. NO 15 RECEIVED NYSCEF 11/11/2014 BF AGZ--Slpulation Micontioula: Action, Ala. Caurt. MUS BLUMZERG. INC. LAW BLANK 7 QaLiE ae: - SUPRE # COURT Index Né, 151166/14 OUNTY OF kW YORK ae a . eee ee eee GUDITH C, RUAND -WASHINSTON Sleintaté } Calendar No. / f age msc: ! \ STIPULATION ( DISCONTINUING ACTIO, LUIUS TIMAT, ! De fendani. j a nee cee eeecee _/ IT 13 HEkMBY STIPULeTED AND AGREED, hy urd between che urdersigi:ed, the actorneys of record for ali the parties to tue above ertitled sctionh: BN hereis no party hereto is an intant or incompetent person for whoia 2committee has ucen 2ppointed and* ne:“person neta party has ais interest in the subject matter of the action, the sbove catitled zticam be, acd the stme, Bereby i is discuntinued, wi ithout cusis to either party as agrinst the other. This stipulation may be filed! at further notice with the Cler: at the Court, : Dated: October 15 = 2014 - ae 7 a4 anuy. ? oe Tr naa Eee Bete wee ~- Br: fo of: tr 2 eavath et %, y Ky Fampa Esq. Aster tor Defeadant(s) foroes(s) tae saiatit(s> LUIG TINAG ULITH C. FERLAND-WASHINGLON - 7 Ca nn ——— wns ane tint Pr Adams Se ’ Mahon ‘ REGO, Aaplar: & _Fishbeir R is rd Esq., ‘Adoress Adar one-2¢Scutive Boulevard, $8 ite 280° \ 6G 5 fcourse, i ~ (Suite 1H Youkers, “New 0707 York 1045 {974} 233-1 88C Oey 665-7700