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  • Judith C. Ferland-Washington v. Luigj Tinaj Tort document preview
  • Judith C. Ferland-Washington v. Luigj Tinaj Tort document preview


= INDEX NO. 151661/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 15 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/11/2014 B AGSStipule ton NGcontioulas Action, Blan’ Gourt, #LIUS BLUMBERG. ING, LAW BLANK! Watlen SUPREME CcCURT Index No. 151166/14 COUNTY OF NEW YORK perenne nn = fs icecetd a JUDITH C. FERLAND--WASHINGTON || Plaintite | Calendar No. -age inst | j 4, STIPULATION ( DISCONTINUING ACTION LUIGS TINAT Defendant Lan i se IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED AGREED, AND hy und between che undersigiied, th aditorneys of record for ali the parties to tae above entitled action, Bh whereas no party hereto is an infant or incompetent person for whoin 2 committee has Leen appointed and uM ersor net a party has au interest in the subject matter f the action, the chove entitled action bc, aed tae sa Bereby is discuntiaued, without costs to either party as agrinst the other, Tats stipulation may be file bat. further notice with the Clezk of the Court. Dated: October 15 2014 7 ah ri a Th ut Hele ted Baus uth pena ey Shs ened eintss beneath By: By & fampa Esq. “a ~~ petecvey(s)ior Defendant(s) orney(s) for Fizini®(s) LUIGE VINAG DITH C, FERLAND- WASHINGTON ae ee —— = wat => LA. ote so Re mentee PPeutot Adams, La. LT Ri ‘a rd ia Esq., P.c. Adares: On i tive Boulevard, $ e 280° B6G = uite Youkers, Hew York 10701 York 10¢ £944} 253-4 7880 FB) G65. -7700 lof 1