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  • Amy Yager v. Fugazy Sports & Entertainment Llc, Michael Chappell Tort document preview
  • Amy Yager v. Fugazy Sports & Entertainment Llc, Michael Chappell Tort document preview


INDEX NO. 151660/2014 B1/M M 5 NYSCEF DOC, NO. 6 FAX No, RECEIVED NYSCEP: 088/00/2014 tinet 09:24:51 a.m, 09-20-2012 Ww SUPREME COURT OF THE STA TE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YOR STATEMENT OF AUTHORIZ ATION FOR ECTRONIC FILING (Single Attorney for Firm Emp loyee or In dependent Filing Agent) 1 Waal Sa \ome n » Esq., (Attorney Registration No. an authorized user of the NYSCEF system 2SE1S7 )am GserD: 25 SI5S%0 Tyr )1 hereby acknowledge that SERVi2E ("the filing agent”) hasregi iste red as a fili ng agent authorized user of the NYSCEF system (user ID; EFo TL ). Purther I hereby authorize documents on my behalf and at my the filing agent to file direction in a: ny e-filed matter in which I am counsel of reco through the New York State Courts rd Electronic F; iling System, as pro vided in Section 202.5+b(d)(1 Uniform Rules for the Trial Courts, ) of the This authorization extends to any matter in which I have previously consented to any matter in which I may authoriz e. filing and to e the filing agent to record my con sent in the NYSCEF system, . This filing authoriza ition extends to any and al} documents agent for filing in any such matt 1 generate and submit to the er, This filing authorization, Posted once on Matter in which ] am counsel of. the NYSCEF website as to record, shall be dee: med to acc each by the filing agent. omp any any document filed in that matt er Where a document intended for fili n,ing includes secure information E-Filing Rules, I will notify the fili as set forth inthe ng agent and direct the filing the NYSCEF system. age nt to mark that document Secure in 1 further authorize the filing agent to view si uch Secure documents Generate and submit to the filing that I have filed or that I Agent for filing in any such matter, This authorization regarding this filin, i Agent shall continue prescribed form delivered t wu: ntil I revoke it in writing ona e E-Filing Resource Center, Signature peels Mich het Ls SALomex Print Name AS FRowt st. - Suite 2 Street Address Zensen 4 spromon ec Firm/Depanme nt ARMS TEMS, IN 115 50 SUlo~ 48S- 3%oo Phone Miche el Zem ay salpmon “COM E-Mail Address