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  • Consolidated Edison Company Of New York, Inc. v. Mv Public Transportation, Inc., Macdaniel Tahkeen Tort document preview
  • Consolidated Edison Company Of New York, Inc. v. Mv Public Transportation, Inc., Macdaniel Tahkeen Tort document preview


—FITED:_NEW_YORK COUNTY CLERK O6YE9/'20%4}196/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 21 RECEIVED _NYS' 19/2014 SUPREME COUR T OF THE STATE OF NE! W'¥o NEW YORK COUNTY ; HON. ELLEN M. COIN PART 63 PRESENT: Justice Crsabdoted Ediioo ©. of Ue’ (ok By, wwoex wo. LS71F6/Aay i MOTION DATE MOTION SEQ. NO.. MV Publlé Din. poo techn, Loe, ‘The following papers, numbered 4 to , were read on this motion tolfor Notice of Motion/Order to Show Cause — Affidavits — Exhibits Lo(s}.. Answering Affidavits — Exhibits ENo{s). Replying Affidavits This). Upon the foregoing papers, it is ordered that this motion is 3 S x Dated: S.C. 1. CHECK ONE: Ci case pisPoseD (J NON-FINAL DISPOSITION 2. CHECK AS APPROPRIAT |OTION Cigrantep CIDENIED (CIGRANTED IN PART Cotser 3. CHECK IF APPROPRIAT! Cosette oRDER Cisupmit ORDER Cibo not Post CIFIDUCIARY APPOINTMENT COREFERENCE a