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  • David Madden v. Nyc Tax Commission Small Claims Assessment Review document preview
  • David Madden v. Nyc Tax Commission Small Claims Assessment Review document preview


= INDEX NO. 015001/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/21/2015 ues 02 Re 2005) eo RPTL 730. DECISION OF HEARING OFFICER, Prepare in triplicate, Complete within 30 days of date of hearing. Send one copy to the petitioner's representalive or the petitioner if not represented, one copy to the Individual representing the assessing jurisdiction and one copy to the assessment review clerk. Date hearing held ehul UY, 2a Date decision submitted to clerk Agé lL 30 ) 0 1s PART I-CASE IDENTIFICATION Supreme Court, County of: Yo. iG Filingx IS QOIS Re [Peatendar# Name of owner or owners: Men Beal Address: Sot West Ie {St City/State/Zip Code Hew Yee, KY Assessing Unit. WNC Deer 9 FE, wanee Tax Mapi Section, Block, All 7 tot_ PART Il - DECISION DISPOSITION - Check 1, 2, 3, 4 or5 ( ) Disqualified (check appropriate box below) a. ( ) More then three family b. ( ) Not owner~occupied c, (_ ) Property not used exclusively for residential purposes 4 { ) Cooperative e. (_) Condominium, other than a condominium designated as Class | in Nassau County or as a “homestead” in an approved assessing unit f ( ) Other, state reasons 9 ( Did not fite within 30 days of filing of final roti h. ( )Did not file with Board of Assessment Review NOTICE OF DISQUALIFICATION AND RIGHT TO JUDICIAL REVIEW [] !f number ‘4a through 1f is checked, above, this petition did not qualify for review under the Small Claims Assessment Review Program. Pursuant to section 730 of the Real Property Tax Law, you may seek judicial review within 30 days of receipt of this notice. FINAL, DECISION BY ASSESSMENT CLAIMED HEARING re g SO 2 (] Unequal Assessment Total Assessment "364 180 SSN ese 3. [] Excessive Assessment Exempt Amount No change Taxable $ In assessment Assessment 5. [] Settled pursuant to an agreement of both parties. $ COSTS AWARD OF COSTS (Check if applicable) [] Costs of § are awarded to the petitioner, to be paid by the assessing unit Note to Hearing Officer: If the decision reduces the assessment by 50 per cent or more of the claimed reduction in assessment, you MUST award costs of $30.00. if the decision reduces the assessment by less than 50 per cent of the claimed reduction in assessment, you MAY award costs of up to $30.00. NOTICE OF REQUIRED ACTION BY ASSESSING AND TAXING JURISDICTIONS a This decision grants your petition in whole or in part. The assessment will be changed, If possible, before the levy of taxes. or a refund of taxes will be made within 90 days of the date of this decision. Attached is a list of the name(s) of the person(s) or department(s) in this county responsible for taking this action. Compare the names of the taxing jurisdictions listed in PART I!! of your petition with the name(s) listed in the attachment to determine the appropriate person(s) or department (s) to be contacted, if the need arises Kcdyefons was gucdneied”s State on the reverse sidg the findings of factBe'shs gegen Iemergel Vedabe. Clases ‘S$ and the basis for your decision Name and Address of Hearing Officer C55 monk, Syms ne nea poe acs: F ed fess . Svc OAR ROSENBLUM toon lar Fence vere orne Lane Way, BS ee NY 10504 hv On: vs re mest almes: ES Yates Bee ig nen —— Signature, ~ we anes “te reduce aacessyrent: