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  • David Madden v. Nyc Tax Commission Small Claims Assessment Review document preview
  • David Madden v. Nyc Tax Commission Small Claims Assessment Review document preview
  • David Madden v. Nyc Tax Commission Small Claims Assessment Review document preview
  • David Madden v. Nyc Tax Commission Small Claims Assessment Review document preview


FILED: .1 NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 07/23/2014 02:56 PM INDEX NO. 015001/2014 I .' ~~ NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/23/2014 RPTL 730-A UCS 900A (Rev.7/2008) PETITION SMALL CLAIMS ASSESSMENT REVIEW IN COUNTIES IN NEW YORK CITY (one Delilion oer oarcell PART 1 GENERAL INFORMATION SUPREME COURT, COUNTY OF fI1"", L Yo ,.; Filing # Calendar # 1. Assessed valuation (a) Total (b) (c) Exempt Taxable amount assessed value (1a-1b) . 2. Date 01 filing (or mailing) petition 9/B/ty , • 3. Name of owner or owners of property: DavId 1M tAdoleA Post OfficeAddress: S-c,1.J 1tJiS t Llt/Jf ST ~y/Vy 10 f!)J 2- Telephone #: 911<)-0 -~ IoS 4. If applicable, name and address of representative of owner. if representative is filing application: (Owner must complete Designalion QI R.epresentalive section.) Telephone#: 5. Property information , .. ,', . . ~, Block 2.\ \ l:\ Lot \\l- Borough (Check one only) Manhattan (1»l Bronx (2)D Brooklyn (3)D Queens (4)D Staten Island (5) D Number .5"~Lj Street \tJt.'i IV t- y '\q'~sr lJ'( iOO?:>'Z... PART II GROUNDS FOR PETITION A. Assessment requested on the affidavit for correctionwith the Tax Commission: 1. Total assessment 2. Exempt amounl, if any 3. Taxable assessmenl B. CALCULATION OF EQUALIZED VALUE AND MAXIMUM REDUCTION IN ASSESSMENT 1. ( I Calculationof EqualizedValue. ASSESSEDVALUE .'+ .' ~. ' EQUALIZATIQNRATE = EQUALIZEDVALUE 2. If the EQUALIZEDVALUE exceeds $450,000, enter the ASSESSEDVALUE here: _ Multiply the ASSESSEDVALUE by: x.25 Enter the resull here:_. _ The result is the maximum total assessmentrequest reductionallowable. C. UNEQUAL ASSESSMENT: The tala I assessmentis unequal becausethe propertyis assessed at a higher er ntage of full (market) value than (check one). (a).t~e av~rage of all ?ther. property on the.assessment roll, or ~ ): ,t~e averageof reSidential property on the assessment roll. Full (market)value of property: $ _ Based on one or more of the foll~,:"lng, petitioner believes this property should be assessed at % of full (markel) value: '., ',., . " . 1. The latest State equalization rate.for the assessing unit in whichthe propertyis localed (enter latest equalizationrale: %). 2. The latest residential assessment ratio for the assessing unllin whichthe propertyis located (enter residential assessment ratio: "i('tb" 3. s= %). 3. A sample of marketvalues of recentsalesprices and assessments of comparable residential propertieson which petitioner relies for objection (list parcels on a separate sheet and attach),-f'~( "....if. 4. Statements of the assessor or other local officiallhat property has been placed on the roll at . '. %. .... . . IJ~J.',-r-~~~,S-('c.r ~tJT (Pre1 Petitionerbelievesthe total assessmentshould be reduced to $ 7 ~ ~ . This amount may . not be less than the total assessment amount indicated in SedionA 1). or Section B (3), whichever is greater. D. (. I EXCESSIVE ASSESSMENT: 1. ( I The totai assessed value exceeds the full (market) value of the property. Total assessed value of property: $ , , Complainant believesthe total assessmentshould be reduced to a full value of $ _ Attach list of parcels upon which cOmplainant relies for objection, if applicable. ThiS amount may not be less than the amount indicatedin Section A (1), or Section B (3). 2. ( I The laxable assessed value Is excessivebecause of the denial of all or a portion of a partial exemption. Specify exemption (e.g .. aged, clergy, veterans, etc). Amount of exemption claimed:$ " Amount granted,if any: $, _ _ __ " This amount may not be grealer Ihan the amount indicatedin A (2). If application for exemptionwas filed, attach a copy of application to this petllion. E. INFORMATION TO SUPPORT THE FULL (market) VALUE CLAIMED 1. Purchase $ price of property \ \ '2. ••••• , O\!)O Date of purchase 1 2.. 0 \ ~ 'j{ \, ,,\ Relationship,if any, betweenseller and purchaser N_O_~_<" _ 2. I If property has been recently offeredfor sale: When and for how long: _ How offered: _ Asking price: $. _ 3. I If property has been recently appraised: When: _ By Whom: _ Purpose of appraisal: _ Appraised value: $ _ 4. ( If buildings have been recently remodeled, constructed, Of additional improvements made, state: Year remodeled. constructed, or additions made: _ Date commenced: Date completed: _ Cost: $ ~ _ 5. Amount for which your property is insured: $ roO,ooO Name of insurance company and policy number: s k\=~f••. fllA 6. Informationconcerning propertiesrecently sold:- DATE PURCHASE ADDRESS BLOCK LOT OF SALE PRICE , , PART III . DESIGNATION . OF REPRESENTATIVE.TO.FIL~PETITION . I, , as petitionerhereby designate _ 10act as my representative in any and all proceedings before the Small Claims Assessment Review of the Supreme Court in County for purposes of reviewing the assessment of my real property as it appears on the year assessment roll of the City of New York. Signature of Owner Date PART IV ELIGIBILITY AND CERTIFICATION I certify that: (a) The owner h,!s previously filed a Applicationfor Correctionof TentativeAssessedValue. (b) The property is improved by a Class 1 owner-occupied residential structure used exclusively for residentialpurposes, and (c) The requested a~.sessment is noUq,!,er lhan the assessment requested on the Applicationfor Correctionfiled with the Tax Commission. (d) If the equalized value of the property exceeds $450,000, the requested assessment reduction does not exceed 25 percent of the assessed value. I have mailed, by certified mail,return receipt requested, or, delivered in person, within ten days after the day of filing this petition with the County Clerk, one (1) copy of this petitionto the Real Property Assessmenl Bureau of the City of New York. I certify that all statements made on this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, and I understand me to the provisions that the making of the Penal law relevant :..,n/nd of any wiliful falsestatement filin of material of false factherein will subject instruments. Signature of 0 ner Check here if evening hearing is desired Address Date closed Seller & buyer Zip code DIstance Sale prIce Lot dimensIons Current assessee Current tax bill Borough 564 W 161 St 8/9/2013 West 161ST Street. LLC to Madden, David And Madden, Tricia 10032 o $1,200,000 16ftx99.92ft$63,540 $13,369.68 Manhattan 566W 161 St 216/2013 Ovalle, Jose to Kendall, Sara And Kendall, Barnaby 10032 o $1,128,500 16 ft x 99.92 ft $22,440 $3,502.11 Manhattan 536-540 W 156 5t 511312013 M&Arnp;K Real Estate HOldings Cor P to 0.25 Bickel, Robert J And Arakawa, , 10032 $997,88516.67 ft x 99.92 ft $6,342 $3,000.56 Manhattan 513 W 152 St 11/29/2012 Haxaire, Thierry A to Sunderland, Donald And Lawyer, Ruth 10031 0.42 $1,365,000 15 ft x 99.92 ft $6,609 $3.422.64 Manhattan 520 W 150 St 4/25/2013 Makin, Dalaurie Elena to Gardner, Alexander PAnd Gennaro, Rosario 10031 0.55 $1,217,350 16 It x 99.92 ft $8.860 $3.307.88 Manhattan 458W150St 4/912013 Aldebol, Shirley to Ahmad, Maha 10031 0.58 It x 99.92 $870.00016.67 ft $5.353 $1,925.23 Manhattan 540W 148 St 1/29/2013 Hughes, Keith Marshall to Neeley, Natalie And Guaraldo, Anthony10031 0.65 $1,260.00017.08 ft x 99.92 ft $16,559 $8,120.60 Manhattan 429 Convent Ave 11/26/2013 429 Convent Cor P to Raminella, Francesca And Rasmussen, Melissa 10031 0.65 $1,722,500 15.92 ft x 85 ft $8,270 $4,920.78 Manhattan 614 W 148 5t 11/5/2013 U S Bank National to 10100 Asset In C 10031 0.68 $817,000 15 ftx 99.92 ft $8,047 $4,107.09 Manhattan 767 5t Nicholas Ave 11n12012 Daniels, Dawn to Martinez, Javier 10031 0.66 $679,800 ).33 ft x 118.42 ft $4,205 $2,353.06 Manhattan 607 W 147 5t 6/19/2013 Brown, Barbara to Yad LLC 10031 0.67 $880,000 ft 12.5 fl x 99.92 $7,366 $3,337.03 Manhattan 626W 147 5t 12121/2012 Fidelia, Nadja to Villella, Edward And Villella, Linda 10031 0.71 $1,700,00016.5 fl x 99.92 ft$10,748 $4,435.39 Manhattan 607 W 146 SI 811912013 0.72 Madrick, Jeffrey G And Baker, Kimberley 10 Morrow, Terry And King, RotH 10031 $2,200,000 20 ft x 99.92 ft$4,471 $4.928.40 Manhattan 617 W 145 51 10/2312013 Maillard, Elma J to Panesar, Salpalkaur And Singh, Vishavjil 10031 0.78 $950,000 18.75 ft x 90 ft$10,157 $5.047.05 Manhattan 722 5t Nicholas Ave 12/31/2012 Williams, Jimmy N And Hill, Donald S to North Sydney LLC 10031 0.78 $1,790,000 18.5 ft x 100 fl$10,288 $4,451.73 Manhattan 414 W 145 51 811212013 Rutledge, Virginia to STClair,Elizabeth 10031 0.83 $2,025,000 16 ft x 99.92 fl$19,257 $6,136.13 Manhattan 420 W 144 51 10/2612012 Tilley, Bruce Allen to Wolt, Joseph 10031 0.88 $2.100,000 16 It x 80 ft$6,284 $3,152.09 Manhattan 625 W 142 5t 4/11/2013 Lemon, Kazue to Montauk 3 LLC 10031 0.93 $110,000 15 ft x 99.92 ft$9,979 $3,383.83 Manhattan 611 W 142 5t 9/1012013 611 W 142 Really LLC to Levco Group LLC 10031 0.93 $650,000 15 fl x 99.92 ft$11,846 $3,850.47 Manhattan 436 W 162 5t 4/17/2014 Mintun, Peter C to Cesbron, Jean Jacques And Dimaggio-Cesbron, ROsall0032 0.18 $2,210,000 19.5 ft x 98 ft $12,147 $3,123.72 Manhattan 432 W 162 5t 112112014 432 Wesl162 Street Acquisition LLC toCanberra Raiders LLC 10032 0.19 $1,075,000 19.5ftx98ft $13.873 $6,861.74 Manhattan 955 St Nicholas Ave 1/27/2014 Conscious Communily Really Group, LLC to Gavartins 37TH Street Cor F 100320.21 $890,00017.17 ftx57.33 ft $8,846 $3,210.46 Manhattan 530 W 149 5t 3/17/2014 Giesecke, Christa to Young, Adam And Young, Emily 10031 0.6 $1,525,00016.67 fl x 99.92 ft $10,294 $4.638.85 Manhattan 429 Convent Ave 11/2612013 429 Convent Cor P to Raminella, Francesca And Rasmussen, Melissa 10031 0.65 $1,722,500 15.92ftx85ft $8,270 $5,085.61 Manhattan 216 Edgecombe Ave 4/2512014 MaIka Assets LLC to 420 Convent LLC 10030 0.91 $1,510,00017.17 fl x 74.92 fl nla $2,245.35 Manhattan --------~~ " '. .