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  • Ellen Brennan v. Nicholas Morrissey M.D., The New York And Presbyterian Hospital, New York-Presbyterian Healthcare System, Inc. Medical Malpractice document preview
  • Ellen Brennan v. Nicholas Morrissey M.D., The New York And Presbyterian Hospital, New York-Presbyterian Healthcare System, Inc. Medical Malpractice document preview


GITED.NELowg — ONT yee NDEX NO 805402/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 34 _ RECEIVED NYSCEF: 12/03/2019 Ib SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK PRESENT: HON. MARTIN SHULMAN, J.S.C. PART 1 vy | 20S FOR INDEX NO, Plaintiff(s), Nicholas poppi'sy NO a BYP tesp- at mo Defendant(s). At a pre-trial conference held in this action on C3 2014 a fem date for jury selection was chosen for ei roe Based on the representations by undersigned counsel that they, the parties, the witnesses, including the experts, were available for trial, commencing on that date. Accordingly, it is / tee 22, 10m ‘ ORDERED that jury selection in this action shall commence on and it is further ORDERED that counsel are directed to provide a copy of this order to any court where scheduling conflicts arige with respect to this trial date. S23 MU bfeni bed ‘ounsel for Plaintiff(s) Counsel for Defendant(s) Mt pen Counsel for Defendant(s) Counsel for Defendant(s) )ae ~ Hon. Martin Shulman, JSC. lofil