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  • Ellen Brennan v. Nicholas Morrissey M.D., The New York And Presbyterian Hospital, New York-Presbyterian Healthcare System, Inc. Medical Malpractice document preview
  • Ellen Brennan v. Nicholas Morrissey M.D., The New York And Presbyterian Hospital, New York-Presbyterian Healthcare System, Inc. Medical Malpractice document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 07/09/2019 07:01 PM INDEX NO. 805402/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 23 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/09/2019 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK ------------------------------ ----------------------------------------- x ELLEN BRENNAN, Deceased, by JAMES E. TITUS, Executor of : the Estate of ELLEN BRENNAN, : Plaintiff, : - against - : : NICHOLAS MORRISSEY, M.D., THE NEW YORK AND : PRESBYTERIAN HOSPITAL AND NEW YORK- : PRESBYTERIAN HEALTHCARE SYSTEM, INC., : : Defendants. -------- --------------------------------------------------- --- x PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that upon the annexed affirmation of J 2019, the exhibits annexed hereto, and all pleadings and proceedings defendants NICHOLAS MORRISSEY, M.D. and NEWYORK PRESBYTE THE NEW YORK AND PRESBYTERIAN HOSPITAL AND NEW HEALTHCARE SYSTEM, INC. (hereinafter "defendants"), by t PITTONI, MURPHY & BACH, LLP, will move this Court at the courthous New York County, in the Motion Submission Part at 60 Centre Street, R York 10007 on the 6th day of August, 2019, at 9:30 a.m. or as soon as Order: a. Pursuant to 22 NYCRR §§ 202.21(e) and 22 NYCRR §208 Note of Issue and Certificate of Readiness in light of ready for trial and material facts in the Certificate of Read all 1 of 2 proceedings have not been and discovery completed, FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 07/09/2019 07:01 PM INDEX NO. 805402/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 23 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/09/2019 PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, that pursuant to CPLR affidavits, if any, are required to be served upon the undersigned at least return date of this motion. Dated: New York, New York July 9, 2019 Yours, etc., Jer O'Sullivan, Esq. HEIDELL, PITTONI, MU Attorneys for Defendant NICHOLAS MORRISSEY, PRESBYTERIAN HOSPIT YORK AND PRESBYTERIA NEW YORK-PRESBYTERIAN SYSTEM, INC. Office & P.O. Address 81 Main Street White Plains, New York (914) 559-3100 TO: ABBOTT, BUSHLOW & SCHECHNER, LLP Attorneys for Plaintiff(s) 70-11 Fresh Pond Road Ridgewood, NY 11385 (718) 366-0464 2 of 2