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  • Robert Knebel incorrectly named as
  • Robert Knebel incorrectly named as


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 11/06/2014 11:10 AM INDEX NO. 161008/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 3 ucs-840 (712012\ RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/06/2014 Supreme COURT, COUNTy gp New York ndex Date lndex lssued: l..futbr ca$*:: ddsiis*a tr €t at,6.1ip,n+:;.,:tf.,tiioFe opa,ee,ii$;f,e.€.qir&$ 'tbn Ea{ Ad Testificandum and/or for a Protective Order ROBERT KNEBEL (incorrectly named as "ROBERT KANEVAL'), UHH ilIfi fi [cr'*.*ionF!,,.,i;"'=':'e-*i#ro I,IATRIMONIAL COMMERCIAL Contested Business corporations, partnerships, LLCs, etc.) Entity (including actions where the parties have children under NOTE: For all Matrimonial Q Contract the age of 18, complete and attach the MATRIMONIAL RJI Addendum. Q lnrurun." (where insurer is a party, except arbitration) For UncontestedMatrimonial use RJI form UD-13' actions, O UCC (including instruments) sales, negotiable rORTS Q oft,er. commercial: (sPecify) Asbestos NOTE: For Commercial requests Division assignment [22 NYCRR S Q Breast lmplant complete and attach the COMMERCIAL DIV RJI Addendum 202.70(d)1, Q Environmental: (specify) REALPROPERTY: HOW does the O VeOicat, Dental, or Podiatric Malpractice Condemnation O Motor Vehicle Q H/lortgrgu Foreclosure (specirv): O Residential O Commercial Property Address: Q ProductsLiability: (specify) Address Street CitY State ZiP NOTE: For Mortgage Foreclosureactions involving a one- to four-family, O off"r. Negligence: or an owner-occupied property, (specify) owner-occupied,residential condominium, complete and attach the FORECLOSURE RJI Addendum' Q Malpractice: Ot'ur. Professional (specify) O tu* Certiorari - Section: Block:=- Lot: O other Tort: Q rax Foreclosure (specify) O ot"r. Real Property: (specify) OTHER MATTERS fsee NOTE under Commercial] C) Certificate of lncorporation/Dissolution SPECIAL PROCEEDINGS CPLR Article 75 (Arbitration) lsee NOTE under Commercial] Q Er"rg"n.y Medical Treatment O Habeas corpus O cpr-n Article 78 (Body or officer) O Locat Court Appeal Q Election Law O Mechanic's Lien Q vHt- Article 9.60 (Kendra's Law) O Nrr" Change Q tlut-Article 10 (Sex confinement-lnitial) offender '10 (Sex offender Confinement-Review) O pi.tot Permit RevocationHearing Q VHt- Article Property O Sute or Finance of Religious/Not-for-Profit Q H/lHl Arlicle B'1 (Guardianship) Q other, O Otn", Mental Hygiene: (specify) CPLR S 311e (dilffi?)state subpoena) O Oth"r. Special Proceeding: S;Tfif;ljS efirF,Ho€iEfiS]I ' ttsw.ei.YEs rN.s:fol{V,ERY tilH.i h sddili:bftafifift.{rfi*}i re-i.r!die-e=ted: or summons Wnotice been filed? lf yes, date filed: Has a summons and complaint Has a summons and complaint or summons w/noticebeen served? o O lf yes, date served: Q Infant's Compromise Q ruot" of lssue and/or Certificate of Readiness Q Noti"e of Medical, Dental, or Podiatric Malpractice Date lssue Joined: Q ttotice of Motlon Relief Sought: Return Date: O Noti.. of Petition Relief Sought: Return Date: lnjuctioniReslraining Order O Ord"r. to Show Cause Relief Sought: Return Date: O Otn"r Ex Parte Application Relief Sought: Q eoor Person Application Q Request for Preliminary Conference Q Mortgage Residential ForeclosureSettlement Conference Q writ of Habeas corpus Q Ott"er (specify): RELATED ) GASES: 6:F.:t:::::I:f f n f.:l EE:6:;':"n ;;;iffi##;';;,#.,;ffiffi",o.iffiH;r1'ilffiffi";;;*.r*rdJ___j ,,.aa:aa::::::::,+:i i,::;:.1:::,:::a Case Title to lnstant Case partn! Fq..i withCIuf j:t ack,i{J-iil1ft-*-p--,: fnb6.t -0=.:CI=:Bt*.r'FaJtyaddi,e,esr,:ph.o. *$i airneit :add, Es in...+.. c,q:F:r9yi FARE.IE$,: lf eddltlofial an$::a*ffi-h;lt}t6. Ed Parties: Attornevs and/or Unrepresented Litigants: lssue Un- phone number and e-mail Provide attorney name, firm name, business address, lnsurance List parties in caption order and Joined Rep that have appearedin the case. For unrepresented Carrier(s): indicate party role(s) (e.g. defendant; address of all attorneys (Y/N): 3rd-partv plaintiff). phone number and e-mail address. litigants, provide address, Knebel Jones Douglas LastName First Name Robert Last Name Douglas M. Jones, Esq. Jvrs tr Petitioner First Name Primary Rolel Avenue/Po Box 18 Scotchtown Street Address 1032 Firm Name Goshen CitY New York State 10924 ZiP Secondary Role (if any): (845)629-4567 926-3465 (845) O*o Fax Hung Meyer Lisa LastName First Name lke Last Name Meyer, Olson, Lowy, & Meyers, LLP )ves I Respondent Firsi Name Primary Role: 1425 10100 Sanla Monica Blvd., Suite Street Address Firm Name LosAngeles CitY California State 90067 ziq O"o Secondary Role (if anY): (310) 277-9747 (310\ 277-4841 Phone Fax e-mail Last Name Name Last First Name )ves I First Name Primary Role: Street Address Firm Name City State Zip J*o Secondary Role (if any): Phone e-mail Last Name Name Last First Name Jves n First Name Primary Role: Address Firm Name CitY State ZiP Secondary Role (if any): Street J*o Phone Fax e'mail I AFFIRM UNDER THE PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT, TO MY KN THAN AS NOTED ABOVE, THERE ARE AND HAVE BEEN NO RELATED ACTIONS OR PROCEEDINGS, NOR HAS A REQUEST INTERVENTION PREVIOUSLY BEEN FILED 1N THIS ACTION OR PROCEEDING. Dated: November 5,2014 SIGNATURE 2385672 Douglas M. Jones, Esq