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  • Robert Hemlall v. New York City Transit Authority Article 75 proceedings document preview
  • Robert Hemlall v. New York City Transit Authority Article 75 proceedings document preview
  • Robert Hemlall v. New York City Transit Authority Article 75 proceedings document preview
  • Robert Hemlall v. New York City Transit Authority Article 75 proceedings document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 11/06/2014 05:15 PM INDEX NO. 653419/2014 , NYSCEF {PrintNO. DOC. in b/:1l!k 4 ink to fillin tho spaces next to the instructions] RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/06/2014 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK • COUNTY OF NEW YORK ---------------------------------------x In the Matter of the Application of Index Number - I 4(OBEl141<1 ,rt-£ rp/E:c../~JON or- ,J-ff!E A~BrTKfI'o~ rE12- c.""p. L· f<. § 75: / I kN"D ;AW.4~;;a. ~ULL VVAG-~S Pc> r<. '-r"J-f I!?r--I£ ']> A y s: A t: 0 N ($. W J T J-I .')ff:;.. CDS T.s A I'-'J::> -. ... :J) IS 130 ~ S IE M ervr ~ A.! . r-fh _~ ,20'~ -,'!.-.v~(()~V..::..EM~..;;...I3_€--.::I?-_· [date signed]' Petitioner [sign your name] t1?o8Et ~~' . . ' . to'theHon.' . , one of the Justices Print Name: r1?o8 £.1<.THEM L-A LL-. of the within named court at ' , on' _....- ~~'J200- at " AMJPM Address: ./.5. ;BEAlHAI--1 .s7~EET \/VAl~lZ.13ue..y . Dated: ' ,200 --, ' .Yours, ete , CT- C>~ "FD &, ,-~--- ----~ .. .':'<. Telephone ,.,9/7 - '£95 - '-:7,36,.'2- Petitioner ", . . .... ..' . . . . "Service of a copy of the within is hereby admitted To:, , Dated:' ,200_ Attorney(s) for Attorney for ~ I,