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  • Robert Hemlall v. New York City Transit Authority Article 75 proceedings document preview


SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK coLJNrY oF irl É,,ü YO ßK --------------x In the Mafie,t of the Application of ROBERT HEMLALL, Petitioner Index No, 6534f9/2014 Stþlation for Exúension againsl of Time - THE NEW YORK CITY TRANSIT AUTHORITY Respondent. For ajudgment pusuantto Article 75 --x IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED AND AGREED by and between the undersigned that the return date for the Petition in the above oaptioned matter is hereby exûended from July 14,2015 at 9:30 am to September 18, 2015 at 9:30 am or ar¡ soon thereaffer as counsel may be heard. The faxed or e-mailed signatures of oounsel shall be valid for all purposes with tespect to this Stípulation. Dated: Brooklyn, New York July 10,2015 Kohler & Isaacs LLP New York Cþ Transit Auth. Attorneys for SSSA 130 l-rivingston St - Rm. l213 61 Broadway-25thFl Brooklyn, NY 10021 NowYork,NY 10006 (7t8) 6e4-s720 (e17) s 133 I By; By: Esq. Nolan, Esq. Attomey for Mr. Hemlall foTNYCTA