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  • Alice Susan Johnson v. Red Maple Tree Services Corp Torts - Other Negligence (General Negligence) document preview
  • Alice Susan Johnson v. Red Maple Tree Services Corp Torts - Other Negligence (General Negligence) document preview
  • Alice Susan Johnson v. Red Maple Tree Services Corp Torts - Other Negligence (General Negligence) document preview
  • Alice Susan Johnson v. Red Maple Tree Services Corp Torts - Other Negligence (General Negligence) document preview
  • Alice Susan Johnson v. Red Maple Tree Services Corp Torts - Other Negligence (General Negligence) document preview
  • Alice Susan Johnson v. Red Maple Tree Services Corp Torts - Other Negligence (General Negligence) document preview
  • Alice Susan Johnson v. Red Maple Tree Services Corp Torts - Other Negligence (General Negligence) document preview
  • Alice Susan Johnson v. Red Maple Tree Services Corp Torts - Other Negligence (General Negligence) document preview


FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 07/02/2024 09:00 AM INDEX NO. 602819/2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 30 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/03/2024 Nassau County Maureen OConnell County Glerk I ilil lil til ]il lfl ilil ril til ilil til uil lilll llll| tffi rffi ilil til ril Mineola, NY 11501 61 2024 00316406 Ref lD#: EC 21 602819 Instrument Number: 2024- 00316406 As JE1 . ELECT JUDG SUPREME COURT MONEY Recorded On: parties: JulY 02,2024 AL|CE SUSAN JOHNSON TO RED MAPLE TREE SERVICES CORP Num OfPages: 7 Recorded Byr EDELMAN KRASIN &JAYE Comment: ** Examined and Charged as Follows: t* JE1 - ELECT JUDG SUPREME CC 0.00 Recording Charge: 0.00 *. THIS PAGE IS PART OF THE INSTRUMENT *' I hereby certify that the within and foregoing was recorded in the Clerk's Otfice For: Nassau County, NY File lnformation: Record and Return To: Document Number: 2024- 00316406 Receipt Number: 3217496 Recorded Dateffime: July 02, 202410:45:04A Book-Vol/Pg: Bk-K Vl-1035 Pg-297 Cashier/Station: 0 KMS / NCCL-DW967X2 *u4*o 0'C..**L{* Clountyz Glerk tarrreen tO'tBonnell 1 of 7 FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 07/02/2024 09:00 AM INDEX NO. 602819/2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 30 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/03/2024 SUPREME COTIRT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NASSAU ALICE SUSAN JOHNSON, Index No.: 60281912021 Plaintitf, JUDGMENT AFTER TNQIIEST -against - Honorable Justice Sarika Kapoor RED MAPLE TREE SERVICES CORP., Defendant. ,--------x The issues in the above-entitled action having duly come on for inquest before the Honorable Justice Sarika Kapoor, at Civil Term Part 33 of the Supreme Court held in and for the County of Nassau, at the Supreme Court Courthouse, 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, New york on the 31't day of March,2)23;and the plaintiff having appeared by her attorney Joseph P' Donnelly of Edelman, Krasin & Jaye,PLLC., 7001 Brush Hollow Road, Suite 100, Westbury, New York; a1d the defendant, RED MAPLE TREE SERVICES, [NC.of 30lndependence Avenue, Freeport, New York; and the defendant having failed to answer the Complaint of the Plaintift'; and Plaintiff having been awarded Default Judgment on October 4,2021; and Plaintiff filing Notice of Entry on October 6,2021on NYSCEF; and Plaintiffhaving served Order with Notice of Entry together with Note of Issue upon the defendant, RED MAPLE TREE SERVICES INC. at 30 Independence Avenue, Freeport, New York I1520; and defendant having failed to appear and the issues having duly tried, and the Judge having rendered a verdict on the 2lst day of June, 2023 infavor of Plaintiff, ALICE SUSAN JOHNSON, and against defendant, RED MApLE TREE SERVICES INC., awarding Plaintiffjudgment in the amount of $147,068.30; and costs and disbursements of the plaintiff having been duly taxed by the clerk of this court in the sum of 3 Dollars; and the Judge having granted 2 of 7 FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 07/02/2024 09:00 AM INDEX NO. 602819/2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 30 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/03/2024 Plaintiff s motion to extend her time to serve defendant with Notice of Entry of the June 21, 2023 Decision and Order after Inquest, nunc pro tunc, on June 4,2024; and Plaintiffhaving served said Order with Notice of Entry upon the defendant, RED MAPLE TREE SERVICES INC. at 30 Independence Avenue, Freeport, New York 11520. NOW, on motion of JosEPH P. DONNELLY, ESQ, attorney for plaintitf it is: ADJUDGED, thar Plaintiff, ALICE SUSAN JOHNSON, residing at3670 Bunker Avenue, Wantach. New York ll7g3, does recover of the defendant, RED MAPLE TREE SERVICES, ^'Sb f*pet denrce 1)'rt erFt'cz(' r \ N't I I 5 20 rNc.ftne sum of oNE HUNDneo ronry sEvEN THoUSAND slxrY EIGHT DoLLARS and 30/100 ($147,068.30) Dollars, together with costs and disbursements as taxed in the sum of /. Dollars, making in all the ,*rrot frnt 6ne se/ 4 ($ Dollars, and that the Plaintiff, ALICE SUSAN JOHNSON, have execution therefore. r--) I Judgment signed this &4^^v,r 5-l/ - ,2oz+ €REERED, ADruDGED anC-DE€PEElthat Plaintiff shall have execution therefore. CLERK OF THE SUPREME COURT -2,, t day or Judement entered this ly -Ju ,2024 PlaintifPs Address ALICE SUSAN JOHNSON 3 of 7 FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 07/02/2024 09:00 AM INDEX NO. 602819/2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 30 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/03/2024 3670 Bunker Avenue Wantagh, NY 11793 Defendant's Address RED MAPLE TREE SERVICES, CORP 30 Independence Avenue Freeport, New York 11520 4 of 7 FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 07/02/2024 09:00 AM INDEX NO. 602819/2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 30 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/03/2024 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NASSAU ---------x ALICE SUSAN JOHNSON, Index No: 602819/2021 Plaintiffs, -against- COSTS OF PLAINTIFF RED MAPLE TREE SERVICES CORP., Defendant. cosrs DISBURSEMENTS Costs bcforc Note of lssue Fee for lndex Nuntlrer CPLR 8018(a) ..$2 t 0.00 CPLR 8201(l) .......,.,.....$200.00 Rcfercc's ft'rrs CPLR E30 I (a)( I ), 800-l (a) Costs aftcr Notc of Lsue Cournrissioncr's Conrpcnsation 8301(aX2) CPLR 8201(2) ...............$200.00 Clcrks Fee, filing Notice of pend. or att. 8021(aXl0) ......... Trial oflssue Entcriug and Dockcting Judgnrent 8301(aX7), 8016(a)(2)... CPLR 8201(3) ...............$300.00 Paid for Searchcs CPLR 8301(a)(10) ............,. Allowurcc by Statutc Allidavits&AcknowlcdgementsCPLRE009................. _ Z1 o^, -u CPLR 8302(a), (b) .......'.. Scrving copy of strmmons & complaint 8Ol l(hXl), E30l(d).$tg"ff J)' Additional allowurcc Rcquest for Judicial lnlcrvcntion .s95.00 CPLR 8302(d) Note of Isruc CPLR 8t)20(a) 30, cLt ..$:r3'()- Motion Costs Paid Refcrcc's Report 8301(a)(12) ...... CPLR E2O2 Transcripts and filing CPLR 8021 ..sre++ /5. DO Appeal to Appcllate Tcrtn Ccrtified Copics of Papers CPLR 8-t0l (a)(a) CPLR 8203(b) 561is,f61rti1rn Piece CPLR 5020(a), 802 I ... ... ..... Appeal to Appelltrtc Division Ccrtified Copy ofJudgmcnt CPLR E02l CPLR 8203(a) Postagc CPLR 830 I (a)( I 2) ... ... ... ... ... .$il.31 Appeal to Corrrt of Appeals JuryfceCPLRE020(c) ........... .. CPLR 8204 Stenographer's fces CPLR 8002, E30l Cosls upon frivolous clairns Sheriffs fecs on exccution CPLR 801 I' E0l2 And counterclaims Sheriffs ferrs, attachntent, ancst, etc. CPLR 801I .......,....... CPLR 8303-a Paid printing coses CPLR 8301(aX6) Clerk's fecs Court of Appeals CPLR 8301(a)(12) Paid copies of papers CPLR 80 I 6(a)(a) Motion expenst's CPLR 8301(b) .... o0 Fccs for Publication CPLR 8301(aX3) .... Serving subpocna CPLR 801 l(h), 8301(d) ..X*ffi Paid lor sc,rrch CPLR 8301(a)(10) .., Refcrcr:'s Repott... . .. ... . Attendance of Witnc.:cs CPLR 800 (a)(bXc ), 8301 (a)( l )...... 1 COSTS $ 700.00 3 DISBURSEMENTS rfi TOTAL 0c*tl trossaU Co' Cl:rk, 5 of 7 FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 07/02/2024 09:00 AM INDEX NO. 602819/2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 30 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/03/2024 ATTORNEY' S AFFIRMATION JOSEPH P. DONNELLY, ESQ, an attomey admitted to practice in the courts of this state, affirms: That I arn an associate of EDELMAN, KRASIN & JAYE, PLLC., attorneys of record for Plaintiff in the above entitled action; that the foregoing disbursements have been or will be necessarily made or incurred in this action and are reasonable in amount and that each of the persons named as witnesses (lF ANY NAMED HEREIN) attended as such witness on the trial, hearing or examination before trial herein the number of days set opposite their names; that each said persons resided the number of miles set opposite their names from the place of said trial; hearing or examination; and each said persons such witnesses as aforesaid necessarily traveled the number of miles to set opposite their names in traveling to the same distance in returning frorn the same place of trial, hearing or examination and that copies of documents or papers as charged herein were actually and necessarily obtained for use. The undersigned affimrs the foregoing statements are true, to the best of his knowledge, and under the penalties of perjury, Dated: June20,2024 Westbury, NY EDELMAN KRASIN & JAYE, PLLC. .Donnelly, Esq. for PlaintitT(s) 7001 Brush Hollow Road Westbury, New York 11590 (s16)742-9200 6 of 7 FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 07/02/2024 09:00 AM INDEX NO. 602819/2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 30 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/03/2024 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COLTNTY OF NASSAU x ALICE SUSAN JOHNSON, Index No.: 60281912021 Plaintiff, NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT -against - RED MAPLE TREE SERVICES CORP., Defendant. --------------x PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that a proposed settlement of which is a true copy will be presented for settlement to the Judgments Clerk, one of the clerks of the Supreme Court ofNassau County located at240 Old Country Road, Mineola, New York 11501 at 9:30 a.m., on the 2"d day of Ju|y,2024. Very Truly Yours, EDELMAN, KRASIN & JAYE, PLLC P. Domelly, Esq for PlaintitT 7001 Brush Hollow Road, Suite 100 Westbury, New York I1590 (st6) 742-9200 TO: RED MAPLE TREE SERVICES CORP 30 Independence Avenue Freeport, NY I1520 7 of 7